22 December, 2008

Advice from old people

  • People in power only hold that power because you allow them to. If they abuse that power, you can take it away from them. This applies to relationships, employers, landlords, councils and the Government.
  • When you think “I’ll just have one more drink” - don’t have it.
  • If there is something in your life you love doing - try to find a job where they will pay you to do it.
  • “It’s easier to get a girlfriend when you already have a girlfriend”
  • “Don’t be surprised when people are not pleased for your success and are happy when you fail”
  • “Remember to fuck around a lot, when I was growing up we weren’t allowed to” (Granny – aged 89). She’s also advised me never to do cocaine, and also that marijuana brownies are great.
  • My great uncle also once told me to never try shitting in a wicker waste paper bin.
  • “Never look at your mom when she’s eating a banana.”
  • “Son, now you are married, you must learn this important lesson on dealing with a Wife.. if you are going out for a night on the ale, tell her you are coming home an hour or two later than you actually intend to.. that way, when you arrive home ‘early’ she’ll be delighted that you’ve cut short your night out to be with her”
  • “Never chase after a bus or a girl - another one’ll come along soon enough!”
  • No one wins in a fight. If you hit him 20 times and he hits you once it still fucking hurts.
  • Always kick a man when he is down because you probably won’t have the balls to hit him if he gets back up.
  • Genuine good advice from my Grand dad - ‘Don’t listen to your mother, she never has known what she’s talking about’
  • Never trust a man whose tie is lighter than his shirt.
  • My nan tells me spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down… I’m a fucking diabetic.
  • “Life is like riding a bike. If you look down or look back, you’ll fall off. The only way to get where you want to go is to look forward.”
  • The best advice I ever received was written on the side of a box of matches, it said “Keep dry and away from children”
  • Never trust a man with a beard, he’s hiding something.
  • “If you take longer strides when you’re walking, your shoes will last longer”.
  • Never sleep with a woman who’s problems are worse than your own.
  • “Never skimp on spending money on a good pair of shoes and a decent bed. If you’re not in one, you’re in the other”.
  • “Never get separated from your lunch”
  • “life is like a shit sandwich, the more bread you got the better it tastes”
  • “always leave a party while you’re still having fun, you’re a young lad now but later you’ll understand, never forget”
  • Women are like cowpats, the older they are, the easier they are to pick up…
  • “He who is scared and runs away, lives to run another day!”
  • “Never trust a dog with a curly tail”
  • Always take a dump when you’re at work, you’re getting paid for it
  • Don’t eat gravy and ice-cream at the same time.

18 December, 2008

Real-life Dilbert manager quotes

A magazine recently ran a 'Dilbert Quotes' contest. They were looking for people to submit quotes from their real-life Dilbert-type managers. These were voted the top ten quotes in corporate America :

clip_image001'As of tomorrow, employees will only be able to access the building using individual security cards. Pictures will be taken next Wednesday, and employees will receive their cards in two weeks.'
(This was the winning quote from Fred Dales, Microsoft Corp. in Redmond WA )

'What I need is an exact list of specific unknown problems we might encounter.'
(Lykes Lines Shipping)

'E-mail is not to be used to pass on information or data. It should be used only for company business.'
(Accounting manager, Electric Boat Company)

'This project is so important we can't let things that are more important interfere with it.'
(Advertising/ Marketing manager, United Parcel Service)

clip_image005'Doing it right is no excuse for not meeting the schedule.' (Plant Manager, Delco Corporation)

clip_image006'No one will believe you solved this problem in one day! We've been working on it for months. Now go act busy for a few weeks and I'll let you know when it's time to tell them.' (R&D supervisor, Minnesota Mining and Manufactur ing/ 3M Corp.)

clip_image007Quote from the Boss: 'Teamwork is a lot of people doing what I say.'
(Marketing executive, Citrix Corporation)

My sister passed away and her funeral was scheduled for Monday. When I told my Boss, he said she died on purpose so that I would have to miss work on the busiest day of the year. He then asked if we could change her burial to Friday. He said, 'That would be better for me.'
(Shipping executive, FTD Florists)

'We know that communication is a problem, but the company is not going to discuss it with the employees.'(Switching supervisor, AT&T Long Lines Division) clip_image010

01 December, 2008

Life is...

At age 4, success is...not peeing in your pants.
At age 12, success is...having friends.
At age 16, success is...having a driver's license.
At age 20, success is...having sex.
At age 35, success is...having money.
At age 50, success is...having money.
At age 60, success is...having sex.
At age 70, success is...having a driver's license.
At age 75, success is...having friends.
At age 90, success is...not peeing in your pants.

24 November, 2008

Mouse Cruising

Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder

Life Expectations

When I was 5 years old, my mom always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down “happy.” They told me I didn’t understand the assignment and I told them they didn’t understand life.

14 November, 2008

Himno del Colegio Calasanz

Dedicado al colegio de mi infancia:

Las campanas repican vibrantes,
Calasanz, volteando en tu honor,
y los cirios te ofrecen semblantes
en tu altar su poema de amor;
así quieren tus hijos queridos
sobre el son de las torres cantar
y con besos de amantes latidos
ser los cirios que alumbren tu altar.
Gloria y honor, gloria y amor a Calasanz.

Insigne pedagogo
mentor de juventudes,
espejo de virtudes,
del alma estudiantil;
alumbra nuestras mentes,
inflama nuestros pechos,
de amores y ansias hechos y vida juvenil.

Las campanas repican vibrantes.
Calasanz, volteando en tu honor,
y los cirios te ofrecen semblantes
en tu altar su poema de amor;
así quieren tus hijos queridos
sobre el son de las torres cantar
y con besos de amantes latidos
ser los cirios que alumbren tu altar.
Gloria y honor, gloria y amor a Calasanz.

29 October, 2008

20 Costumes That Will Earn You a Halloween Beating

Spongebob Adult Man's Costume

Aside from the "Would you like to buy some Bibles?" look on the model's face, it's the white leotards that seal the wearer's fate. Or possibly the little red dick-tie.


If you want to look like a Muslim Darth Vader, this costume is for you. Despite the claims in the picture, don't be surprised if women dressed like money do not approach you to withdraw cash from your wiener.


The early model Terminators were easily identifiable, since Skynet's files on what penises really look like were badly damaged in the initial attack.

Cain The Vampire Tyrant

Oh shit! It's Cain! Cain the Vampire Tyrant! And he's been playing the Nintendo with his power Glove!

Lock and Key

This dude finally gets a modeling gig that has nothing to do with his biceps or his dreadlocks, so he improvises. The woman is sad because she knows the inevitable attempt to "unlock" here will cause her entrails to go flying out of her lower back, a gruesome and undignified death via impalement on a wacky costume.

Fork and Spoon

This lacks the sexual connotations of the lock and key outfit above, but we can't figure out if that makes the costume more sad or less. At least aliens won't be able to read their thoughts.


Oh, we get it. "Hung" as in hung like a horse. Like, you have a big penis. And you convey this by... attaching a stuffed horse's head to your groin? With a hangman's noose? This costume's designer has many a dead hooker in his basement.

Napoleon Dynamite

We can think of two people off the top of our heads who haven't seen this movie: the guy who designed this costume and the guy wearing it.

I've Got a Heart On

We know. We can see it. And the children can see it. Warning: This costume is illegal in 48 states.


Just because he is wearing a hat and carrying frankincense does not mean this is not a Geisha Girl costume.

Super Jew

Whether the kid is Jewish or not, we're pretty sure this costume qualifies as some kind of hate crime.

Baby and Mommy

If you think it looks bad now, every time he walks, it looks like an 8 year old in diapers humping a babushka wearing basketball shoes.

The Munchkin

Okay, that's fucking terrifying. Is that a wig or not? Forget it, we don't want to look at it any more. We're going to wake up some night and see this bastard staring down at us, orange cheeks and all.

God's Gift to Women

"From: God, To: Women?" Well, they are going to be disappointed when they open it up and see that it's just the rest of this guy.

Bacon and Eggs

The good news for him is that next year when they get divorced, he can just buy a sombrero and he's got a Mexican stereotype costume. She's stuck going as an amoeba.


If you take off the Taz mask, you've got a pretty terrifying childbirth costume here. Complete with dentata!

One Night Stand

Yes, he's dressed as a one-night stand. GET IT? These "abstract idea costumes" actually wind up being some of the most disturbing. Such as...

The Shit Hit the Fan

If you don't have this jackass to explain the joke, this looks more like maggots crawling out of a drain. Which actually makes one of the most awesome and disturbing Halloween costumes we've ever seen. Congratulations on the accidental horror, guys.

Goth Milk

There is no place on earth where this costume won't get you a vicious beating. You wouldn't even make it out of Quaker country in this thing. Goths, puns, suggested genital piercings on a child... it's like they distilled everything a good man finds offensive and expressed it in shitty costume form.

Slave Leia

My goodness what a lame costume. Take it off.

23 October, 2008

Bendito deporte (versión woman)

Hola a todo el mundo.
En un comentario me han lanzado un reto: hacer la versión femenina de mi primer post.
Yo de femenino tengo lo mismo que Nicky, el travelo que salió en GH, o sea que la empresa es difícil, pero lo vamos a intentar.
En esta ocasión me llamaré Eduvigis y mi novio se llamará Froilan.

-Froy (le llamo así porque es más chachi) ¿que te parece si hacemos algo de deporte?
-¡Pues para estar guapos este verano!
-Yo ya hago deporte, mi dedo mueve unas 100 veces al día el mando a distancia.
-No cari, me refiero a deporte de verdad.
-¿a que llamas deporte de verdad?
-Pues ir al gym, hacer spinning, pilates, jazz...
-¿sabes de lo que te hablo o no?
-Pos no. Yo le llamo hacer deporte al futbol o al basket.
-No cari, no. A mi me haría ilusión ir contigo cada atardecer al gym y compartir una afición.
-¿que es eso del gym?
-¡El gimnasio, leches! ¡you are the milk!
-¿yo queeeeee?
-Nada, dejalo. Mira tengo aquí unos folletos de un gym muy mono que hay en la calle serrano.
-¿la calle serrano? No me suena ¿es del barrio?
-Ejemmm, weno, si, es del barrio.....de Salamanca.
¿del barrio de salamanca???????? ¡¡¡pero si vivimos en alcobendas, churri!!!
-Lo se. lo se, pero ¿y que? ¿Es que no podemos ir a la calle serrano?
-Si claro, de poder podemos, pero de querer, no quiero.
-Ah, muy bonito. Pues...tu mismo.
-¿yo mismo, queeeeeeeeeee?
-Pues....que si no hay gimnasia en la calle serrano.....
-No habrá gimnasia en la segunda a la derecha.
-¿pero que dices??????
Si chato, si. Coge el pasillo de casa y tuerce la segunda a la derecha ¿que hay? ¡Nuestro dormitorio!
-Eduvigis, ¡no me jodas!
-No, el que precisamente no me va a joder vas a ser tu.
-Joder, joder, joderrrrrrrrr.
-Sin joder, sin joder y sin joder.
-A ver, Eduvigis, ¿pero que te ha dado a ti por el gym ese de las narices?
-¡pero si lo hago por ti, cari! ¿No has visto que para verte el pito cuando haces pis tienes que apoyar la mano contra la pared porque te tiras tan adelante que empotrarías la tocha contra la taza?
-Si, tengo barriga ¿y?
-Pues que ya estoy harta de cabalgar como la infanta para evitar que me aplastes cuando hay tema.
-Pues hasta ahora no te habias quejado.
-Ya, pero es que el otro día me asusté cuando los vecinos llamarón a los arponeros al grito de "por ahí asomaaaaaaa".
-¿te parezco gordo?
-No, los gordos tienen personalidad, tu solo tienes grasa.
-¡No será tanto!
-No, ¡que va! ¡el dia que te mueras ya me ha dicho el carnicero que quiere hacer chicharrones contigo!
-¿algo más?
-Si, tendrías que dejar la bebida. El carnicero también tiene la idea de convertir tu higado en una porción gigante de paté al whisky. Solo tiene que sacarlo y ponerlo en el mostrador.
-¿Algo más?
-Pues mira, ya puesto tendrías que ponerte aparatos en los dientes.
-Si, hacerte la ortondoncia.
-¿la queeeee?
-¡que te arregles los piños, coño!
-¿Pero porque?
-Porque con esos piños salidos, cada vez que me das el pico me duele tanto como cuando me depilo con cera el bigote.
-¿pero ahora que te ha dado con mis piños?
-nada, pero parece que te hayas tragado un piano y te hayan quedado las teclas colgando en la boca
-Muy bien, ¿algo más?
-¡que te afeites cada dia!
-¿y eso por?
-Pues porque parece que me haya salido un herpes en la cara cada vez que me besas.
-Vale ¿más?
-Si, el peinado. Te lo vas a cambiar
-¿que le pasa al peinado?
-Pues aparte de parecer un cruce de paco clavel con jose maría aznar, nada. ¿pero tu te has visto??? Si te hiciste la raya el dia de tu primera comunión y aun la llevas puesta!!!
-Sigue sigue.
-Pues seguiré. ¡Prohibido terminantemente los peos!
-Noooooo, los peos, no!
-Si te tiras un peo más mientras esté yo delante, me tiro yo otro.
-¡Pobre de ti! Una mujer queda muy mal tirandose peos.
-¿que pobre de mi??? A la proxima me tiro un peo que esa barriga se va a mover como si fuera un tsunami.
-Oh dios, que marrana eres cuando quieres. No puedo imaginarte tirandote un peo.
-Pues a mi me costó verte a ti la primera vez que te refregaste los huevos y luego te oliste la mano ¡cerdo!.
-es que....
-¡es que nada! ¿y cuando te sacas los calcetines y te manoseas los dedos de los pies? ¿y cuando te pillo comiendote un moco? ¿y cuando te sacas la cera de las orejas y la pegas en los bajos del sofá?
-Joderrrrrrrrrrr. Bueno ¿que gimnasio has dicho que querías ir?

Bendito deporte

Aclaremos conceptos: una cosa es estar enamorado y otra cosa es ir a jugar al pádel con tu novia. ¿Sabéis por qué hay tan pocas competiciones mixtas? No es por las diferencias físicas. ¡No señor! ¡Es porque las mujeres tienen sus propias reglas!.

Tú llegas a la pista de padel, te colocas, ella saca una vez, falla, vuelve a sacar y vuelve a fallar. Y entonces dice:
- No vale, no vale, saco otra vez. Ésta no valía porque la raqueta no ha tocado la pelota.
Mi chica siempre tiene alguna excusa: "¡No estaba preparada!" o
"Es que esta raqueta me va grande". Y la que más me alucina:
"Es que si me miras, me desconcentras".
¿Que si la miro la desconcentro?. ¡Pues que juegue con el Dioni.!
El caso es que cuando por fin consigo hacerme con la pelota (por supuesto yendo a buscarla yo porque es imposible que la pelota pase a mi campo) saco, se la tiro con dulzura, como un globito. Y entonces ella va y me grita:
- ¡¡ Joder, tíramela normal!!.
Entonces hago un saque normal y:
- ¡¡Joder.! ¡Qué bestia! ¡Tiras a dar.! ¡Parece que te fastidie jugar conmigo!!.
Y luego hay una cosa que no falla: en el momento en que la pelota se ha ido a tomar por culo, y tiene que ir ella, es el momento en que dice:
- Ya no quiero jugar más.
-¿Pero ya te quieres ir?. Si he pagado dos horas de pista.
- Vale, pueeees... tú pelotea, que yo te miro. ¡Y se sienta en una esquina a hablar por el móvil! :Pues nada, aquí. jugando al padel con éste.

Pero con el deporte que realmente hago ejercicio es con el ping-pong. Porque jugar al ping-pong con tu pareja es algo así:
tú sacas: ¡pin!... ¡tac, tac, tac, tac!
¡pin!... ¡tac, tac, tac, tac.!... Y ¡pin!
Y ella: - ¡Joo, es que la mesa es muy pequeña! ¿por qué no jugamos al squash, que la pelota no se escapa?.

Ahora, lo que peor llevo es lo del futbolín. Vamos a ver: ¿por qué a las
chicas les gusta tanto darle vueltas al mango?. Tú ahí, con tus toques de muñeca, cubriendo el hueco, y llega ella y se pone a hacer el molinillo. ¡Y claro, la jodida mete gol!. Y encima empieza a gritar como una histérica por todo el bar: - ¡Soy Camacho! ¡Soy Camacho! Y tu: - ¡Pero si no vale.!.
- ¡¡Soy Camacho!! ¡¡Soy Camacho!!.
Y tu... ¡Pero si no vale!. ¡Cualquier tío sabe que eso no vale.!.

Ahora, lo que de verdad me hace temblar es cuando después de una
barbacoa con los amigos, los chicos decimos que vamos a echar un partido de baloncesto y ellas dicen: -
¡Nos apuntamos, nos apuntamos!. - ¡Esperad un momento que Mari Mar
está haciendo pis!.
Y es que cuando juegas al baloncesto con ellas, se pueden oír frases tan inauditas como:
Y después de todas estas cosas, uno se plantea: ¿por qué insistimos los tíos en hacer deporte con ellas?. Pues para impresionarlas.
Como cuando le dices:
Mira, mira. Voy a aguantar la respiración debajo del agua, ¡Cronométrame!.
Y cuando sales morado como una lombarda:
- ¡Aaaaaaaaahhhh! ¿Cuánto he hecho?.
Y ella levanta la cabeza del libro y dice: -¿Eh?.
- ¡Pero bueno!. ¡Creo que había batido mi récord!
- ¡Ay.! Pues. hala, cielo, métete otra vez a ver si aguantas hasta que acabe el capítulo.

Pero tú no te rindes. Tú estas enamorado y sólo quieres demostrarle que aunque no lo parezca, llevas dentro un campeón. Vais los dos en el patín De agua y, de repente, te lanzas al mar:
- ¿A que te gano, yo nadando y tú en la barca? Casi me muero de lo deprisa que le daba ella.¡Chaca, chaca, chaca.!
Nunca vi tanta crueldad en una persona. Ella me veía ahogarme y pedaleaba más... Yo la veía alejarse cada vez más pequeñita, gritando: - ¡Soy Camacho! ¡Soy Camacho!...

Ahora, es peor cuando es ella la que elige el deporte. Un día viene y me dice:
- Cariño, ya sé cuál es el mejor ejercicio que podemos hacer en pareja. Mueves todos los músculos, sudas y además, disfrutas. ¡Los bailes de
Así que nos apuntamos a un curso de bailes de salón. Que, por cierto, las tías, ¿para qué van? ¡Si ya saben!. Porque tú ves que tu novia llega, y el primer día se pone a bailar de puta madre y de una forma sexy que tú nunca habías visto. Claro, que tú también bailas de una forma que ella tampoco había visto nunca. Parece que te hayan llenado los calzoncillos de cemento Pórtland.
Y de repente ella me agarra por detrás: - Venga, mueve la cintura. ¡Jó hijo!, eres más soso que Zapatero. Me suelta y se pone a bailar cada vez más lejos, y más lejos. Y yo detrás...
- Cariño, bailar de lejos no es bailar.
Y yo, disimulando, intentando arrimarme a alguna pareja para que no se
supiera quién es el que sobra de los tres. Pero todos huían. Y pasito a pasito consigo esconderme detrás de una columna. Y de pronto...
Noto que alguien viene por detrás y me agarra de la cintura. Me doy la vuelta y me encuentro a Oswaldo, el profesor. Un cubano de dos metros que me dice:
- ¡Mueve tu cu-cú.!
- ¿Mi qué?
- ¡Mueve tu cu-cú!.
Y claro, tenía al tío tan pegado que pensé: "Pues claro que muevo el cu-cú, que si no, este tío me hace diana".

Agarré a mi novia y le dije: - Mira, vámonos a jugar al ping-pong, que si tengo que mover el cu-cú... prefiero moverlo recogiendo las pelotas.

06 October, 2008

PadreNuestro Biologico

Creo en el ADN todo poderoso, creador de todos los seres vivos. Creo
en el ARN su único hijo, que fué concebido por obra y gracia de la
ARNpolimerasa. Nació como transcrito primario Padeció bajo el poder
de nucleasas, metilasas y poliadenilasas. Fué procesado, modificado
y transportado. Descendió del citoplasma a los pocos segundos fue
traducido a proteína. Ascendió por el reticulo endoplásmico y el
complejo de Golgi y está anclado sobre la membrana plasmática a la
derecha de una proteína G. Desde ahí ha de controlar la traducción
de señales en células normales y apoptóticas. Creo en la Biología
Molecular, la terapia Génica y la Biotecnología, en la Secuenciación
del Genoma Humano, la Corrección de las Mutaciones, la clonación de Dolly y la Vida Eterna. AMÉN.

24 September, 2008

School Answering Machine

This is hilarious – no wonder some of the people were offended.

This is the message that the Pacific Palisades High School California staff voted unanimously to record on their school telephone answering machine.

This is the actual answering machine message for the school.

This came about because they implemented a policy requiring students and parents to be responsible for their children’s absences and missing homework.

The school and teachers are being sued by parents who want their children’s failing grades changed to passing grades – even though those children were absent 15-30 times during the semester and did not complete enough school work to pass their classes.

The outgoing message:

Hello! You have reached the automated answering service of your school. In order to assist you in connecting to the right staff member, please listen to all the options before making a selection.

To lie about why your child is absent – Press 1

To make excuses for why your child did not do their work – Press 2

To complain about what we do – Press 3

To swear at staff members – Press 4

To ask why you didn’t get information that was already enclosed in your newsletter and several flyers mailed to you – Press 5

If you want us to raise your child – Press 6

If you want to reach out and touch, slap or hit someone – Press 7

To complain about bus transportation – Press 8

To complain about school lunches – Press 9

Press 0 if you realize this is the real world and your child must be accountable and responsible for their own behavior, class work, homework and that it’s not the teachers’ fault for your child’s lack of effort: Hang up and have a nice day!

If you want this in Spanish, move to a country that speaks it!

10 September, 2008


Las rosas muertas
Me esperan frente al espejo
Regalan belleza con un color añejo
Querer terminar con lo que soy y poder olvidar
Bajo tierra o en la ceniza se que me abrazara
Abrir mis cadenas de fría arena
Ver el aire y rasgar mis venas.

Así sientes
Así lloras
Así tienes tu dolor
Así eres
Así piensas
Así olvidas tu dolor

Vida porque
No puedo sentir no
No tengo perdón por existir
Vida solo tu sabes bien lo que te quiero decir
Abrir mis cadenas de fría arena
Ver el aire y rasgar mis venas.

Así sientes
Así lloras
Así tienes tu dolor
Así eres
Así piensas
Así olvidas tu dolor

Así sientes
Así lloras
Así tienes tu dolor
Así eres
Así piensas
Así olvidas tu dolor

Así sientes
Así lloras
Así tienes tu dolor
Así eres
Así piensas
Así olvidas tu dolor

08 September, 2008

Figlio Perduto

Figlio Perduto, one of the most impressive, beautiful songs ever composed. It was written by Ludwig van Beethoven, lyrics by Chiara Ferrau, sung by Sarah Brighman.

El Hijo Perdido

Muros de viento
La Noche ha caido...
El Padre y el hijo van juntos...

En un caballo
Ellos van
A través de la intensa oscuridad...

Pero de pronto
El niño comienza a temblar
Con miedo
Tiene frio...

Padre, Oh Padre...
Tu no has visto
El Rey de los Elfos
Aquí está...

Hijo perdido
¿Quieres jugar?
Yo te traigo el gozo
Ven conmigo...

Padre, Oh Padre...
¿Has escuchado lo que el dijo?
¿Y lo que el hará?

Hijo perdido
Si tu no vienes conmigo
Yo usaré el poder que poseo...

Padre, oh Padre...
El Rey de los Elfos
Está tocándome
El me lastima...

Y el niño...
Con los ojos cerrados
No se mueve...
El está totalmente perdido...

Hijo perdido
Si tu no vienes conmigo
Yo usaré mi poder...

Padre, oh Padre...
El Rey de los Elfos
Está tocándome
El me lastima...

Y el niño...
Con los ojos cerrados
No se mueve...
El está totalmente perdido...

... Está totalmente perdido


Figlio Perduto

Muri die vento
Notte scesa
Padre e figlio sono insiem

Con un cavallo
Vanno avanti
In questa grande oscurita

Ma ad un tratto
Il bimbo trema
Dalla paura
Freddo si fa

Padre oh padre
Tu non hai visto

Re degli elfi
Eccolo la

Figlio perduto,
Vuoi far un gioco?
Gioia ti porto
Vieni con me

Padre oh padre
Hai gi sentito
Cosa mi dice
E che vuol' far'?

Figlio perduto
Se tu non vieni
Io user la forza che ho

Padre oh padre
Re degli elfi
Mi sta toccando
Male mi fa

E il bambino,
Con occhi chiusi
Lui non si muove
Perso gi

Figlio perduto
Se tu non vieni
Io user la mia forza

Padre oh padre
Re degli elfi
Mi sta toccando
Male mi fa

E il bambino,
Con occhi chiusi
Lui non si muove
Perso gi

... perso gi


Lost son

Walls of wind
Night has fallen
Father and son are together

With a horse
They proceed
Through this intense darkness

But suddenly
The boy trembles
With fear
It gets cold

Father oh father
Haven't you seen
The king of the elfs
There he is

Lost son
Do you want to play?

I bring you joy
Come with me

Father oh father
Did you hear
What he said
And what he will do?

Lost son
If you don't come with me
I will use the power
that I have

Father oh father
The king of the elfs
Is touching me
He hurts me

And the boy
Eyes closed
He doesn't move

He's already lost

Lost son
If you don't come with me
I will use my power

Father oh father
The king of the elfs
Is touching me
He hurts me

And the boy
Eyes closed

He doesn't move
He's already lost

... he's already lost

01 September, 2008

Dear Good-looking guys

Thanks for ruining things for us average-looking guys. You, like all men, will tag pretty much anything female. So you go out to bars and other social venues and you go for the low-hanging fruit. You go for the average-looking girl. Why? Because they are easy and don't give you half the shit that hot women give.

So what's the big deal? The big deal is that average girls don't know their place anymore. They suddenly think that they are hot just because they have been banged by a hot guy. They are wrong, and they do not know it. We average guys, however, do know it. We know that the average girl -- in the long term -- is out of your league. We know that she is in our league, the league of the average. But she does not know that.

So the average girl goes on thinking she is hot and holding out for a hot guy to spend the rest of her life with. Yes, it's great for the ego of the average girl. She bangs a hot guy every now and then, and she really thinks she is the shit. No one told her, though, that any guy (hot or not) will bang any average girl. Sadly, the average women develop this "I'll never settle" mentality. Average guys are suddenly not an option for them, leaving us average guys out in the cold. The genuine hot girls, of course, are not an option for us, so that leaves us with the fat chicks. Thanks. Thanks a lot, hot guy. Meanwhile, the really hot chicks are sitting around dissing us and waiting for you to come talk to them. (And we can only imagine the torture that the fat guys are going through as we average guys are forced to mack on their women.)

So do the social scene a favor -- stick with your own kind. Leave the average girls to us, and stop creating delusions of grandeur in their minds. The average chick is our niche. We work hard enough as it is for the average girl. Now you go work hard to bag the hot chick. Don't be afraid of a little work.

Movie Tickets

Movie Theater | Philadelphia, PA, USA

Customer: “I’d like two tickets for [movie], please.”

Coworker: “That movie is rated R. Can I see your ID?”

Customer: *shows an ID that states she is 18*

Coworker: “You need to be 21 in order to purchase an R-rated ticket for someone else.”

Customer: “But it’s for my son!”

Coworker: “How old is your son?”

Customer: “16…”

Coworker: “So you’re 18… and you have a 16 year old son?”

Customer: “That’s right!”

Coworker: “Let me get my manager…”

Manager: “Ma’am, you need to be 21 to purchase a ticket for a minor.”

Customer: “But he’s my son!”

Manager: “You’re telling me you gave birth when you were two years old?”

Customer: “YES! It happens, I promise you!”

31 August, 2008

101 Things to do When You Have No Internet

  1. Learn a Card Trick
  2. Play Solitaire
  3. Learn How to Touch Type
  4. Go Swimming
  5. Tidy Up Your Room
  6. Rename Your Collection of 10,000 Photos
  7. Defragment Your Hard Drive
  8. Go to the Gym
  9. Go Jogging
  10. Bake Fudge Brownies
  11. Have a Picnic
  12. Watch a Movie
  13. Have a Nap
  14. Mess Around With Photoshop
  15. Update Your Address Book
  16. Organize Your Documents
  17. Lie in the Grass and Watch the Clouds
  18. Write in a Journal
  19. Drink 8 Cups of Water
  20. Learn How to Cook
  21. Learn How to Dance
  22. Read a Book
  23. Visit a Graveyard
  24. Get in Touch With Old Friends
  25. Look Through Your Old Yearbooks
  26. Give Out Free Hugs
  27. Figure Out the Meaning of Life
  28. Watch TV
  29. Organize Your Bookmarks
  30. Arrange Your Library Using the Dewey Decimal System
  31. Clean All the Monitors Around Your House
  32. Play Some Sports
  33. Count From 1 to a Million
  34. Just Lay Back and Chill
  35. Go to the Beach
  36. Meditate
  37. Walk Around Town
  38. Get in Your Car and Keep Driving Till You Run Out of Gas
  39. Clean Up Your Garage
  40. Wash Your Car
  41. Study For an Upcoming Exam
  42. Learn How to Make an HTML Webpage
  43. Make an HTML Webpage
  44. Uninstall Useless Programs Taking Up Valuable Space
  45. Play Racing Games and Lose the Race on Purpose, Every Time
  46. Go to a Zoo
  47. Go Outside and Take Pictures of Random People
  48. Mow the Lawn
  49. Open a Dictionary and Learn 100 New Words
  50. Make a Prank Call
  51. Type “bush hid the facts” in Notepad and Try Not to Act Amazed When it Disappears
  52. Try Renaming a Folder Into “con”
  53. Keep Trying…
  54. Call a Friend and Ask Him What to Do
  55. Find Out What All the Buttons on Your Keyboard Do
  56. Open the Registry and Delete All the Entries Starting With the Letter “a”
  57. Re-Install Windows Vista After You’ve Messed it Up
  58. Slap Yourself For Using Vista in the First Place
  59. Blame Politics and Global Warming
  60. Open “about:robots” With Firefox and Press the “Try Again” Button
  61. Press the “Please Do not press this button again.” Button
  62. Ask Yourself Why It Disappears and Nothing Happens
  63. Take a Shower
  64. Eat Something
  65. Treat Yourself to a Fancy Dinner
  66. Play the Pre-Installed Games on Your Mobile
  67. Count the Number of Cars That Pass by Your Window Each Minute
  68. Arrange Your TV Channels
  69. Comb Your Hair
  70. Take Something Apart
  71. Put it Back Together
  72. Read Your Computer’s User Guide, For the First Time
  73. Call Your Internet Provider
  74. Ask them What’s Wrong With Your Connection
  75. Understand All the Network Jargon They’re Saying
  76. Dismiss Everything They’re Saying as Gibberish
  77. Play a Board Game
  78. Invite Friends Over
  79. Read a Newspaper
  80. Watch the News
  81. Look in the Mirror and Try to Act Cool
  82. Write an eBook
  83. Do Your Homework
  84. Buy a Metro Pass and Keep Going Back and Forth All Day Long
  85. Smile at a Random Person on the Street
  86. Watch Titanic For the 15th Time
  87. Hide Behind Bushes and Scare People
  88. Go to a Mall and Sit on a Bench While Staring at a Fixed Point for the Whole Day
  89. Teach Your Old Dog New Tricks
  90. Roast Marshmallows
  91. Create Your Own Black Book
  92. List All Your Friends and Family Members in it
  93. Accidentally “Lose” the Book at School/Work
  94. Ask Yourself Why You Didn’t Just Go to an Internet Cafe
  95. Rearrange Your Desktop Icons
  96. Synchronize All the Watches You Have
  97. Think up a Clever List of Comebacks For Your Teacher/Boss
  98. Open a Blank Page in Your Browser and Repeatedly Press F5
  99. Cry Desperately
  100. Open Videos and Images Using Notepad
  101. Write a List of 101 Things to Do When You Have No Internet

I’m sure that by the you’re finished doing those things your connection will be back!

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