30 December, 2007

Penguin Gets Promotion

Nils Olav received a promotion on Wednesday to Colonel in Chief of the Royal Norwegian Guard. Yes, this high rank in the Norwegian military has in fact been bestowed on a penguin.

In 1962 young lieutenant in the Royal Norwegian Guard Niels Egelien visited Edinburgh Zoo and was quite taken with the penguins. On a return visit in 1972, he arranged for his regiment to sponsor a king penguin which they adopted and awarded the rank of Lance Corporal. The name was chosen on behalf of the lieutenant who first got excited about the penguins and the then king of Norway, King Olav. Since then, every time the soldiers have come to visit, Nils Olav has received a promotion.

According to Scotland Today:

Major Nils Egelien from the Norwegian Royal Guard Association said: “Colonel in chief because all the reports speak about his very, very good behaviour, and the service in this garden.” … Nils Olav is now back in with the rest of the troops. It is not known when this elite fighting force will be deployed again, but when they are, it is fair to say that the best possible penguin is in charge.

26 December, 2007


- Los repelentes de mosquitos no repelen. Te ocultan. El spray bloquea los sensores del mosquito, por lo tanto ellos no saben que estas ahí.

- Los dentistas recomiendan que el cepillo de dientes debe estar al menos 1.80 m. alejado del
inodoro para evitar las partículas en el aire resultante de tirar la cadena.

- El líquido dentro de los cocos aún verdes puede ser usado como sustituto del plasma de la sangre.

- Ningún pedazo de papel puede ser plegado a la mitad más de 7 veces. Inténtalo.

- Los burros matan más gente anualmente que los accidentes aéreos. Averigua.

- Quemas más calorías durmiendo que mirando la televisión.

- El roble no produce bellotas hasta que tiene 50 años o más.

- El rey (K) de corazones es el único rey sin bigotes.

- La distancia de alas del Boeing 747 Jumbo es más larga que el vuelo del primer avión de los
hermanos Wright.

- American Airlines ahorró $40,000 en 1987 eliminando 1 aceituna de las ensaladas servidas en
primera clase.

- Venus es el único planeta que gira en sentido horario.

- Las manzanas, no la cafeína, son más eficientes para despertarte en la mañana.

- La mayoría de las partículas de polvo en tu casa provienen de la piel muerta.

- El primer dueño de Marlboro murió de cáncer al pulmón.

- Michael Jordan gana más pasta con Nike que todos los obreros de Nike en Malasia juntos.

- Marilyn Monroe tenía 6 dedos en los pies.

- Todos los presidentes de EEUU usaron gafas. A algunos no les gustaba ser vistos en público con ellas.

- Walt Disney tenía miedo a los ratones

- Las perlas se disuelven en vinagre.

- Los 3 nombres de marcas más valiosas en la Tierra son: Marlboro, Coca-Cola y Budweiser,
en ese orden.

- Es posible hacer subir una vaca por las escaleras, pero no bajarla.

- El graznido (cuac) de un pato no produce eco, nadie sabe por qué.

- Richard Millhouse Nixon fue el 1er presidente de EEUU cuyo nombre contiene todas las letras
de la palabra "criminal". El segundo fue William Jefferson Clinton.

- Las tortugas pueden respirar a través de sus colas.

- Las mariposas sienten el gusto con los pies.

- En 10 minutos, un huracán lanza más energía que todas las armas nucleares juntas.

- En promedio, 100 personas mueren ahogados al año con bolígrafos.

- La gente le teme a las arañas más de lo que ellas matan.

- 90% de los taxistas de New York City son inmigrantes recién llegados.

- Los elefantes son los únicos animales que no pueden saltar.

- Sólo 1 persona en 2 mil millones vivirá más de 116 años.

- Las mujeres parpadean casi 2 veces más que los hombres.

- Es físicamente imposible lamerse el propio codo.

- La Librería Principal de la Universidad de Indiana se hunde más de 2 cm por año porque los
ingenieros olvidaron incluir el peso de los libros en sus calculos.

- Un caracol puede dormir por 3 años.

- Ninguna palabra rima con indio.

- Nuestros ojos tienen siempre el mismo tamaño desde el nacimiento, pero la nariz y las orejas
nunca paran de crecer.

- La silla eléctrica fue inventada por un dentista.

- Todos los osos polares son zurdos.

- En el Antiguo Egipto, los sacerdotes se arrancaban cada pelo de su cuerpo, incluso cejas y pestañas.

- El ojo del avestruz es más grande que su cerebro.

- "Ve," es la oración completa más corta que puede escribirse.

- Si Barbie fuera tamaño real, sus medidas serían 99-60-84. Mediría 2.15m. Su nombre completo es Barbara Millicent Roberts.

- El cocodrilo no puede sacar la lengua fuera.

- El encendedor se inventó antes que los fósforos.

- Los estadounidenses comen un promedio de 7.5 hectáreas de pizza por día.

- Casi todos los que leyeron este mail trataron de lamerse el codo.

Time for my prayers

Our Father, who 0wnz heaven, j00 r0ck!
May all 0ur base someday be belong to you!
May j00 0wn earth just like j00 0wn heaven.
Give us this day our warez, mp3z, and pr0n through a phat pipe.
And cut us some slack when we act like n00b lamerz, just as we teach n00bz when they act lame on us.
Please don't give us root access on some poor d00d'z box when we're too pissed off to think about what's right and wrong, and if you could keep the FBI off our backs, we'd appreciate it.
For j00 0wn r00t on all our b0x3s 4ever and ever, 4m3n.

24 December, 2007

Revealed: The seven great "medical myths"

LONDON (Reuters) - Reading in dim light won't damage your eyes, you don't need eight glasses of water a day to stay healthy and shaving your legs won't make the hair grow back faster.

These well-worn theories are among seven "medical myths" exposed in a paper published Friday in the British Medical Journal, which traditionally carries light-hearted features in its Christmas edition. Two U.S. researchers took seven common beliefs and searched the archives for evidence to support them.

Despite frequent mentions in the popular press of the need to drink eight glasses of water, they found no scientific basis for the claim.

The complete lack of evidence has been recorded in a study published the American Journal of Psychology, they said.

The other six "myths" are:

* Reading in dim light ruins your eyesight

The majority of eye experts believe it is unlikely to do any permanent damage, but it may make you squint, blink more and have trouble focusing, the researchers said.

* Shaving makes hair grow back faster or coarser

It has no effect on the thickness or rate of hair regrowth, studies say. But stubble lacks the finer taper of unshaven hair, giving the impression of coarseness.

* Eating turkey makes you drowsy

It does contain an amino acid called tryptophan that is involved in sleep and mood control. But turkey has no more of the acid than chicken or minced beef. Eating lots of food and drink at Christmas are probably the real cause of sleepiness.

* We use only 10 percent of our brains

This myth arose as early as 1907 but imaging shows no area of the brain is silent or completely inactive.

* Hair and fingernails continue to grow after death

This idea may stem from ghoulish novels. The researchers said the skin dries out and retracts after death, giving the appearance of longer hair or nails.

* Mobile phones are dangerous in hospitals

Despite widespread concerns, studies have found minimal interference with medical equipment.

The research was conducted by Aaron Carroll, an assistant professor of pediatrics at the Regenstrief Institute, Indianapolis, and Rachel Vreeman, fellow in children's health services research at Indiana University School of Medicine.

Yoroshiku onegaishimasu

Yoroshiku onegaishimasu is the king of all Japanese words. Having many meanings from Nice to meet you, please do this favour for me or please don’t kill me. It has incredible power. Especially when talking with Japanese colleagues.

For example, “Please could you fill out this form for me [deep breath] yoroshiku onegaishimasu.” A little switch goes on in their head. Their pupils contract and they have one purpose in life from that moment on. To fulfill your request as soon as they can before they die.

I’ve only tried it out with small requests - Could you find me some rubber bands? Please help me with the freak student in the fifth grade. It had instant results. But it needs testing with some more powerful requests:

I don’t have to come into work today do I yoroshiku onegaishimasu?

Give me ALL your money [deep breath] yoroshiku onegaishimasu!

Kill him NOW yoroshiku onegaishimasu!

Try it yourself. Find a Japanese and ask them a request. You don’t even have to know them. And take over the (Japanese) world.

21 December, 2007

Moar Black Jokes

I like my coffee the way I like my niggers.
In the Field?
In jail?
Killing each other?
Covered in blood?
5$ a piece?

Black jokes

i like my women the way i like my coffee
Ground up and in the freezer?
full of your cream?
What, tied up in a sack and thrown over the back of a burro?
quiet ?
: Colombian?
From McDonalds?
in a cup?
Spilt all over your lap?
strong and black?/
i hate you all

10 December, 2007

Eye of newt? Not for the Olympics

BEIJING, Dec. 8 (Xinhua) -- Traditional Chinese herbal medicine will not be used to treat athletes during the Olympics in order to avoid doping problems, an official with the Beijing Organizing Committee of Olympic Games (BOCOG) said Saturday.

"It doesn't necessarily mean herbal medicine contains provocative substances. As other Olympic host countries haven't used it before, we choose not to use it too," said Dai Jianping, deputy director of the BOCOG's service department, at an international medical forum.

As a big international event, the Beijing Olympics will follow international medical service standards, Dai said.

However, non-drug traditional Chinese treatments, such as acupuncture, cupping and massage, will be used in the Games, he added.

He also said at the forum that a poly-clinic will be constructed inside the athlete's village, providing medical services for some 16,000 athletes from all over the world in 2008.

The 3,000-square-meter poly-clinic, which will finish construction by the end of April 2008, will ease the medical service pressure of hospitals which will still provide normal service to local people during the big event.

08 December, 2007

Boy Survives Moose Attack Thanks To World Of Warcraft

Hans Jørgen Olsen, a 12-year-old Norwegian boy, recently survived a moose attack by feigning death, "just like you learn at level 30 in World of Warcraft."

In WoW, "feign death" is a skill acquired by hunters at level 30 that allows them to take a page from the possum playbook, collapse to the ground, and convince their enemies -- who lose all ingrained animosity in the process -- that they've died.

According to Norwegian site Nettavisen , Hans and his sister apparently enraged one of the local moose (mooses? meese?) during a walk in the forest near their home. After shouting at the gigantic creature to ward it away from his sister, Olsen dropped to the ground, and presumably his lifebar plummeted to zero.

Moose have never been known as the wisest creature in the forest, and the boy's show of necrosis seems to have worked, as both he and his sister survived intact.

It's easy to decry video games as a menace to society but in a world where MMOs save adorable, tow-headed Norwegian children from a deadly moose, can they really be that bad?

03 December, 2007


1.) VALE : Esta es la palabra que las mujeres utilizan para finalizar una
discusión cuando han decidido que ellas tienen la razón y ahora debes

2.) CINCO MINUTOS : Si se esta arreglando, significa MEDIA HORA. CINCO
MINUTOS son solo cinco minutos si te han concedido cinco minutos adicionales
para terminar de ver el partido antes de salir para ayudar con la compra.

3.) NADA : Es la calma antes de la tormenta. Significa ALGO. Y deberías
estar totalmente alerta. Discusiones que empiezan con NADA, normalmente
acaban con VALE (Ver punto 1).

y para nada darte permiso. Ni se te ocurra hacerlo!

5.) GRAN SUSPIRO: En realidad, es una palabra pero habitualmente los
hombres no la entienden. Un suspiro alto y claro significa que ella piensa
que eres idiota y se pregunta por qué esta perdiendo el tiempo discutiendo
sobre NADA (Ver punto 3 para entender el significado de NADA).

6.) MUY BIEN: Esta es una de las frases mas peligrosas que una mujer puede
decir a un hombre. MUY BIEN significa que ella meditara cuidadosamente antes
de decidir cómo y cuándo pagarás por tu equivocación.

7.) GRACIAS : Una mujer te agradece algo. No preguntes. No dudes. Solo di DE

8.) ES IGUAL (también TU MISMO): Es la forma femenina de mandarte a la

9.) TRANQUILO, LO HE ENTENDIDO (también LO HE PILLADO): Otra frase peligrosa
donde las haya, que significa que aunque la mujer ha dicho al hombre en
repetidas ocasiones que haga algo, finalmente lo esta haciendo ella misma.
Esto más tarde empujará al hombre a preguntar 'QUE PASA?'
Para saber la respuesta de la mujer, ver punto 3.

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