31 December, 2006

Monologo de Nochevieja

Para cerrar el año nada mejor que un monologo que me han mandado por email y que merece la pena. No hay mejor forma de expresar una nochevieja típica española...: Dentro de nada... Nochevieja, ¿eh? ¡Qué estrés! Yo en Nochevieja me siento... me siento... no sé, me siento como un toro, ¿no? Cuando llega la fiesta miro alrededor y me da la sensación de que todo el mundo se lo está pasando bien, menos yo. El estrés comienza con la cena. Aquello parece una prueba del Gran Prix: tienes que llevar calzoncillos rojos, tener algo de oro para meterlo en la copa, preparar las doce uvas... Y contarlas varias veces, porque,como son todas iguales, te equivocas: Una, dos, tres, cuatro... >una, dos, tres,cuatro, cinco, seis... Esta pocha ya la he contado... Una, dos... siete,ocho... ¡Joder, las doce menos veinte! ¡Chavalín, trae el Rotring, que las voy a numerar, como en el Bingo! Y tu madre:¿Queréis venir, que se enfrían las gambas? Que esa es otra: te tienes que comer todo lo que está en la mesa...¡antes de las doce!; que, con las prisas, más que pelar gambas, parece que estás desactivando una bomba. ¡Coño, las doce menos diez! ¡Mamá, no me da tiempo: hazme un sándwich con el cochinillo, que ya está terminando Cruz y Raya! Y no eres el único que está agobiado, ¿eh? No hay más que ver la tele. Allí están Ana Obregón y Ramón García, explicando a toda España cómo funciona un reloj. Acojonados por si se equivocan: Cuando la aguja pequeña esté en las doce y la grande también.... serán las doce. ¡Coño, como todas las noches! Y entonces bajará la bola y... luego vienen los cuartos, ¡no vayan a empezar a comerse las uvas, ¿eh? Vamos a ver: ¿por qué nos explican mil veces que nos comamos las uvas en los cuartos y nadie nos explica por qué coño tiene que bajar una bola? ¿Qué clase de reloj es ése? Cuando por fin llegan las doce, en toda España se oye lo mismo: Cla, cla, cla, cla... Eso es la bola: cla, cla, cla... Din-don... ¡Ah no, que son los cuartos! Din-don... ¡Escupid que son los cuartos! Din-don... Pfbbbbbbbb... ¿qué son qué? Din-don... Los cuartos... Ton... ¡Ahora, ahora! Ton... Una! Que no, que vamos por la segunda! Ton... Pues me meto dos... Ton... Seis... Cómo que seis? Ton... A mí ya no me caben más, ¿eh? Ton... Eh!, ¡deja mis uvas, cabrón! Ton... Es que se me ha caído una al suelo! Ton... Bgrfds... Ton... Bggggdffffff... Ton... A mí ya no me quedan... Ton... Bgggggdffffff.... Pues a mí me sobran cuatro! Ton... Bfgggggggg, grounfffffff... Y cuando acaban, toda la familia con la boca llena de babas, a darse besos: Feliz año, eeeeeeeeeh, felicidades, grfdddfd... Y suena el teléfono: ¡riiiiiiiiiing! Pero coño! ¿Ya están llamando? ¿No se pueden esperar? Pues a mí todavía me sobran dos... Champán, que alguien venga el Champán! Pero, bueno, ¿a vosotros os parece lógico empezar el año así? Qué estrés,de verdad! Pero como es Nochevieja... tienes la obligación de divertirte. Así que después te vas a un fiestorro a un sitio en el que, si caben mil personas, el dueño ha decidido meter a cinco mil doscientas. Muy bien! Cuatro mil doscientas más de las que caben! Quédate en la calle si te apetece, con la que está cayendo! Así que entras. Lo bueno que tiene ir a un sitio así es que te puede pasar cualquier cosa. A mí el año pasado me ocurrió de todo. Yo estaba tan tranquilo, tomándome mi cubatita de garrafón, cuando de repente un tío me cogió por detrás y me dijo: ¡¡¡¡COOOOOOOOONGAAAAA!!!!! Y, claro, que vas a hacer, pues te pones a bailar... ¡Eso te lo hace un tío en el autobús y le partes la cara! ¡Pero como es Nochevieja... ¡Pues hala!Y de repente te das la vuelta y llevas cien personas enganchadas a tu culo. A ver como escapas de ésta! Porque una conga es como una secta:entrar es muy fácil pero salir es muy jodido. Porque en el garito hay como doce congas girando a toda pastilla... Bueno, pues iba yo conduciendo mi conga... por mi derecha, cuando, de pronto, me veo venir en dirección contraria una conga suicida acojonante conducida por un gordo con casco de vikingo. Yo le iba a hacer ráfagas,pero como las congas no llevan ni luces ni nada...pues, para evitar la colisión, di un giro brusco a la derecha... Y me tragué entera una columna de espejitos! ¡Siniestro total! Doce abierta tirado en el suelo pensaba: Joder, como me hagan soplar ahora, la hemos cagao. Y en ésas, me desmayé. Al despertar estaba en la sala de urgencias, rodeado por todos los de mi conga. Algunos todavía no se habían desenganchado; habían venido corriendo detrás de la ambulancia. Bueno, las urgencias en Nochevieja, hay que vivirlas. Si en la sala caben cincuenta personas, el dueño ha metido a ciento cincuenta... Como el de la discoteca. Y como allí también es Nochevieja, el camillero lleva un gorrito de moro, la enfermera un collar de hawaiana y el que te cose la ceja unos dientes de Drácula, ¡que te da una confianza... ! El tío te dice: Qué ha sido? ¿Con una moto? No, con una conga. Ay!, si es que van como locos con las congas... Cuando salí de allí me quería ir a mi casa, pero como era Nochevieja,acabé a las ocho de la mañana con la ceja grapada en un bareto... Oiga, póngame un chocolate con churros. Pues sólo nos queda Nesquick y algunos dónuses... Es que los últimos churros se los han tomado los de una conga, ¡traían un cachondeo....!Había un gordo que llevaba un casco de vikingo...¡No le digo más! Y es lo que yo le digo a los clientes: si no disfrutas enNochevieja, cuándo vas a disfrutar? Bueno, pues solo me queda deciros:
Espero que todo os vaya mejor, y espero que cumplais esos propositos que siempre nos ponemos antes de empezar el año nuevo y que luego nunca llegamos a realizar.

And We Wonder Why They Say Spain Is Different

16 December, 2006

Vagina definition

The vagina is a buggy, often catastrophically so, feature of the Female Edition of the Human Being version 1.0. After approximately 13 to 16 years of proper operation, the vagina becomes problematic and starts failing periodically (no pun intended) around once a month. This in turn leads to the corruption (often permanent) of the mental faculties of the host. Whenever this happens, the individual in question is commonly referred to as "a bitch."

It is widely expected by pundits and pollsters alike that the vagina will be either entirely removed or fixed by the next release of Homo Sapiens Sapiens. When asked about any current patches to resolve this issue in existing organisms, Evolution clearly stated that it has "no resources available at the moment." In addition, it was widely made known by Nature that the vagina was a design decision "not fully thought-out." As a result, humanity has suffered the devastating consequences, on a roughly monthly basis.

15 December, 2006

Tipos de mierdas


LA MIERDA FANTASMA: Tipo de mierda que sientes salir, pero cuando te asomas
al inodoro. No hay nada.

LA MIERDA LIMPIA: El tipo de mierda que sale y se ve en el inodoro. Pero
cuando té limpias no aparece en el papel higiénico.

LA MIERDA MOJADA: Té limpias el culo 50 veces y todavía lo sientes sucio. Y
terminas poniéndote papel sanitario entre tu culo y tu ropa interior por
temor a dejarle esas vergonzosas manchas amarillas.

LA SEGUNDA OLA DE MIERDA: Cuando te subes los pantalones y al estarte
abrochando te das cuenta que tienes que echar otra cagada.

LA MIERDA DE HEMORRAGIA CEREBRAL: Es la mierda que té hincha las venas en el
cuello y la frente. Y haces tanto esfuerzo que te pones de color púrpura y
casi te da un derrame cerebral mientras cagas.

LA MIERDA DE PERRO SAN BERNARDO: Es esa mierda tan enorme que te da miedo
apretar el botón sin antes quebrarla en pedacitos con algún objeto.

LA MIERDA RENEGADA: Es la mierda que te sientas a cagar y por más que te
esfuerzas y te acalambras no sale. Y sólo te la pasas tirándote pedos en el

LA MIERDA DE LAS MEJILLAS MOJADAS: También llamada la "Power Dump Shit." Es
el tipo de mierda que te sale tan rápido del culo que te deja las algas
mojadas con el agua del inodoro.

LA MIERDA LÍQUIDA: Es el tipo de mierda cafi-amarillenta que sale en chorros
líquidos por el culo y se embarra por todos los lados del inodoro y al
tiempo que crónicamente te deja un dolor y un ardor en el hueco del culo.

LA MIERDA DE LA COMIDA MEJICANA: Aislada en una clasificación muy especial.

LA MIERDA "ADORACIÓN DE LAS MULTITUDES": Es una mierda tan intrigante en
tamaño, color y forma que sientes el deseo de mostrársela a todo el mundo
antes de apretar el botón.

MIERDA "LEVANTA ÁNIMOS": Esta llega después de un largo periodo de
estreñimiento y después de cagarla das gracias a Dios por permitir que todo
vuelva a la normalidad una vez más.

LA MIERDA RITUÁLISTA: Esta mierda ocurre siempre a la misma hora del día y
es infaliblemente acompañada con la lectura de un periódico.

LA MIERDA DEL GUINESS BOOK OF RECORDS: Una mierda tan notable que debe ser
archivada en los anales de la historia para admiración de futuras

LA MIERDA DE REACCIÓN PERMANENTE: Esta mierda tiene un olor tan poderoso que
por 7 días cualquiera que se aproxime a la vecindad donde fue echada será

LA MIERDA DEL QUEJIDO: Es una mierda tan grande que no puede salir sin algún
tipo de asistencia vocal.

LA MIERDA FLOTANTE: Caracterizada por su flotabilidad. Esta mierda es
conocida por resurgir en el inodoro después de muchas descargas.

MIERDA FANTASMAL: Esta aparece en el inodoro misteriosamente y nadie admite
haberla puesto allí.

LA MIERDA DEL RELOJ CU-CU: Ahora la miras. Ahora no. Esta mierda le gusta
burlarse de ti. Requiere paciencia y control muscular.

LA MIERDA BOMBA: La mierda que llega como una completa sorpresa. En el
momento más inapropiado. Cuando estas haciendo el amor. Cuando té esta
curando el dentista una carie o cuando no hay baño en las cercanías.

LA MIERDA VÍBORA: Una mierda que sale y se las arregla para quedar enroscada
en una posición amenazante. Pero normalmente es totalmente inofensiva.

LA MIERDA OLÍMPICA: Llega en el momento más inesperado. En medio de un
evento deportivo. Del cual sales corriendo sin dar explicaciones a nadie.

LA MIERDA PREMEDITADA: Esta es inducida con laxantes. No cuenta.

LA MIERDA DE ALTO PODER: El tipo de mierda que llega tan rápido que apenas
té quitas los pantalones y ya acabaste.

LA MIERDA DRANO (LIMPIA TUBERIAS): El tipo de mierda que tapa el inodoro
hace que se desborde por el suelo. Debiste haberla tratado igual que a la
mierda "Perro San Bernardo."

LA MIERDA DE DOLOR ESPINAL: El tipo de mierda que duele tanto al salir que
jurarías que venía atravesada.

LA MIERDA "PARECE QUE ESTOY PARIENDO": Similar a la del Dolor Espinal y a la
del Perro San Bernardo en forma y tamaño. Es un mojón parecido a un bote de
cerveza. Al salir deja una sensación de sequedad en el recto.

LA MIERDA PUDIN: Es una mierda parecida a la pasta dentífrica que no parece
nunca terminar de salir. Y tienes dos alternativas; bajarla, o correr el
riesgo de que se amontone y llegue hasta tu culo mientras permaneces sentado
e indefenso.

LA MIERDA DE CONEJITO: Cuando cagas en bolitas muy curiosas, que parecen
canicas y hacen un ruido muy divertido cuando pegan en el agua del inodoro.

LA MIERDA "¿QUÉ DIABLOS HA MUERTO AQUÍ?": También se la llama la mierda
"Material Tóxico." La que dejas sin prevenir a nadie de sus letales olores.
Luego permaneces inocentemente callado y disfrutando cuando alguien entra al
baño y sale disparado ahogándose y vomitando.

05 December, 2006

EsTe eS eL CoRReO DeL cHuPiTo

Los chupitos Explosivos

1 Galleguito Orujo
2 Mariachi tabasco y tequila
3 Jalisco salsa jalisco y tequila
4 Vaquero guisqui y ron
5 Conde tequila ron, guisqui y cointreu
6 Bufalo tequila y ron
7 Classic tequila sal y limon
8 Gorra brandi, tequila y ron
9 Remamaguevos tequila, tabasco y tia maria
10 Golem cointreu y gotas de limon
11 Lingotazo ron, guisqui y licor 43
12 Tiki cointreu y licor 43
13 Tragateli ron, tequila y tia maria
14 Cabrero tequila, vodka, ron, licor de manzana y licor 43

3. Los chupitos Exóticos

1 Semaforo licor 43, granadina y menta
2 Orgasmo granadina, baileys y licor de manzana
3 Cortado licor de cafe y baileys
4 King-kong licor de platano y malibu
5 Manada licor de avellana, vodka y nata
6 Kanu guisqui y zumo de piña
7 Piel roja licor 43, cointreu y granadina
8 Cerebrito del norte licor de melocoton, vodka y baileys
9 Carpediem tequila y tia maria (flambe)
10 Cucaracha guiski y licor de cafe
11 Pis de pitufo bluetropic y licor de fresa
12 Lago azul licor de manzana y bluetropic
13 Pirata Mexicano ron, tequila y tia maria
14 Afrodisiaco licor de mora, menta y canela
15 Suspiro vodka, grosella y mangaroca,

4. Los chupitos Suaves

1 Chupeton Platano, maracuya y lima
2 Esportin Granadina mangaroca y bluetropic
3 Draculin tabasco y tequila
4 Suavecito Leche rizada y limon
5 Mentol Menta y baileys
6 Pis de pitufo Bluetropic y licor de fresa
7 Lago azul Licor de manzana y bluetropic
8 Afrodisiaco Licor de mora, menta y canela
9 Dulcinea Licor 43, granadina y kiwi
10 Semaforo Licor 43, granadina y menta
11 licor del polo Leche rizada, licor de mora y menta
12 Deba Licor de melocotón, martini y naranja
13 Gozila Licor de plátano, martini y lima
14 Pum Licor de café, baileys y lima
15 Higado de rana Lima, vodka, kiwi
16 Rana Lima, licor de melocotón, y licor de manzana
17 Termita mangaroca, lima, granadina y vodka
18 Cubalibre Ponche y lima
19 Natillas Crema catalana, leche rizada y canela

5. Juegos con Chupitos


*Hacen falta 2 dados y un cubilete o algo parecido. Ah! y tambien un vaso chupito para cada uno y mucho alcohol, jeje.
*Todos los jugadores se colocan en coro (sin manoseos) y comienza a tirar uno en orden de las agujas del reloj.
*El que le toque tirar lanza un dado para que quede a la vista de todos y el otro dentro del cubilete. Entonces el jugador que este a su izquierda tras observar el dado que ha quedado a la vista decide si junto con el oculto habrá sumado 7 o no. Si acierta el que ha tirado los dados se bebe un chupito, si falla se lo bebe él.
*Normas Especiales: Una tirada de 1-1 hace que beba un chupito todo el mundo
*Normas Especiales: Una tirada de 6-6 hace que el lanzador elija a alguien para que beba 3 chupitos

LOS 5 DUROS (Por Kali)

*Hacen falta 1 moneda d e 25 pes

Jame Maaate que estás en los cielos...
Enshupitado sea tu nombre...
Venga a nosotros tu paparl...
Hagasé tu voluntá, asin en la tierra como en er bar....
Danos hoy nuestro shupito de cada dia...
Perdona si los bebemos..
Pero también nosotros perdonamos a los que nos lo sirven...
No nos dehes caer en la tentación..
Y líbranos del ciego que vamo a coger.... Jame Maaaaaaaaaate..

7. El Tequila sensual (Por Chily)

Supongo que todos, unos más, otros menos, otros a diario, habeis probado un chupito de tequila, ya sabeis, con la sal en la mano que la chupas luego te bebes el chupito de tequila y luego muerdes el limón (y a alguien cerca si no es suficiente), bueno pues aquí teneis otra manera de disfrutar de ese rico (no se lo cree ni su padre) chupito mexicano. Estos son los pasos:

1. Para beberte un chupito necesitas a alguien del otro sexo... mm... si eres homosexual uno de tu sexo, ya me entiendes.
2. Le dices que no vale moverse, le tuerces el cuello hacia un lado, bastante.
3. Le das un pequeño lametón en el cuello por la parte que ha quedado al descubierto
4. Le echas la sal ahi donde le diste el lametón
5. Coges la rodajita de limón y se lo pones en la boca, más adentro o más a fuera, como tu quieras, jijiji.



Tequila, tónica, sal y limón

Tabasco y Tequila

Whiskey y Ron

Tequila y Cazalla

Whiskey y Cazalla

Tequila, Vodka, Ron y Ginebra

Tequila, Brandy y Ron

Tequila, Vodka y Vermout Rojo

Tequila, Ron y Licor de Café


3er Grado (**) Tequila, Whisky y Ron
7 Mares Martini y 7up
Angel (**) Whisky y Orujo
Aspirina Anis y Menta
Bombero (**) Tequila y Whisky
Coca-Colo Ponche y Lima
Cua Cua 43 y Cointreau
Duende L. Manzana, Vodka y Lima
Esqueleto L. Avellana, L. Turron y Canela
Hariguai Blanco, Zumo de Fruta
Joedi Tequila, Licor (menos de avellana o similar) o Rives
Machacao Vodka y Kas Limón (Gracias Ruben Sorribas)
Mamada Tia María o Licor de Café, Mangaroca y Nata Montada
(Recomendado por Ruben Sorribas)
Maritrini Martini y Licor (menos de avellana o similar)
Moscovita Vodka y L. Café
Pander Martini Bianco y L. Fresa (Gracias Mari Luz)
Pepino Ron, Ginebra, Kiwi y Lima
Poseido (**) Vodka, Tequilla, Ron y Ginebra
Racing Vodka, Menta y Lima
Rayao Ron y Granadina
Refresquito Tequilla y Blue Rives
Sangre (**) Martini Rojo, Tequilla y Vodka
Satán Martini, Gressy y Lima
TGV (**) Tequilla, Ginebra y Vodka (Gracias Ruben Sorribas)
Zatton Licor de café y nata montada en un barquillo de chocolate
(**) Presentan un alto contenido en alcohol.

Pizo Ron, Malibu, Agua Mineral y Zumo de Piña. (Gracias Javier Cadena)
Cucaracha Tequilla y Tia María (Gracias Daniel Carbonel)
Engonga Tequilla o Vodka, Coco y Fresa. (Gracias Daniel Carbonel)
Bin Ladem Stroh y Tabasco. (Gracias Monica)
B52 Tia Maria, Baileys y Cointreau, se prende fuego y al buche.
(Gracias Mauro)
La Novia (**) Tequila, Cerveza, Vodka y Refresco de Toronja.
(Gracias Alansito Cruz)
Bob Marley Licor 43, Grosella y Menta. (Gracias Ainhoa)
Morrón Cointreau y Baileys. (Gracias Martin Horvath)
Maori Cointreau y L. Melón. (Gracias Martin Horvath)
Vacacachonda Vodka, Tequila, Ginebra y Blue Tropic. (Gracias Boli y Elena)
Pitufo Martini, Blue Tropic y Nata. (Gracias Daniel Sanchez)
Chupa-Chus Amaretto y Granadina. (Gracias Carlos Recuerda)
Corrida del cielo o Pitufo Mangaroca, BlueTropic y Vodka. (Gracias Fransina)
Chupito del Amor Grosella, Mangaroca, BlueTropic y Vodka. (Gracias Fransina) ?
El Sapo Menta, Mangaroca, BlueTropic y Vodka. (Gracias Fransina) ?
Higo Licor de Higo y Vodka. (Gracias Fransina)
Cerebrito Baileys y Granadina. (Gracias Javier Amatller)
Corrida de Pitufo Malibu, Vodka y Blue Tropic. (Gracias Andres)
Mogollón Granadina, Menta y Orujo Blanco. (Gracias Javier Flores)
Bichito (en coctelera) Bacardi, Martini y Gin Larios (en partes iguales), Kiwi Rives,
Fanta de Limón , Hielo y un sobre de Azúcar. (Gracias Alex)
Gasolina o Tripi (**) Brandy, Absenta o Anis y Whisky. (Gracias Pub Planetarium)
Piruleta 1/2 Licor de Almendra Amarga, Chorrito de Lima,
Granadina . (Gracias Alba)

Deivid Ron Miel y Nata. (Gracias Deivid)
Piruleta Amaretto, Lima y Granadina. (Gracias Deivid)
Chupa chup Ponche Caballero, Lima y Coca-Cola. (Gracias Deivid)

La siguiente lista de chupitos me la proporcionó David, camarero del bar "GALLEGO" en Pamplona, o sea, que ya sabéis donde podéis probar todos los chupitos que aparecen el ella.

Comentario: El "osasuna", el "k duro es ser vasco" y el "pedo magico" son nuestros txupitos estrella.
El "osasuna" es porke al hacer la mezcla se separan los colores rojo y azul (primero etxar el blue tropic y luego una gota de granadina para k el resultado sea espektacular)ke son los colores de nuestro ekipo de futbol.


F(fuerte, para valientes)
R(para repetir)

02 December, 2006


-Por qué el sol aclara el pelo, y sin embargo oscurece la piel?

-¿Por qué las mujeres no se pueden pintar las pestañas con la boca cerrada

-¿Por qué nunca se ha visto en los titulares de un periódico:
"Adivino gana la lotería"?

-¿Por qué el zumo de limón está hecho con sabor artificial y el lavavajillas está hecho con limones naturales?

-¿Por qué no hay comida para gatos con sabor a ratón?

-Cuando sale al mercado una nueva marca de comida para perro y con mejor sabor, ¿quién la prueba?

-¿Por qué se esterilizan las agujas para las inyecciones letales?

-¿Por qué los aviones no están hechos del mismo material que la caja negra?

-¿Por qué las ovejas no encogen cuando llueve y los jerseys de lana sí?

-¿Por qué los apartamentos se llaman así si están todos juntos?

-Si volar es tan seguro... ¿por qué se le llama al aeropuerto "Terminal"?

-¿Hasta dónde se lava la cara un calvo?

-Un parto en la calle, ¿es alumbrado público?

-¿Por qué apretamos más fuerte los botones del mando a distancia cuando tiene pocas pilas?

-¿Por qué se lavan las toallas? ¿No se supone que estamos limpios cuando las usamos.

-¿Por qué las mujeres con las curvas más aerodinámicas son las que más resistencia ofrecen?

-El mundo es redondo y lo llamamos planeta, ¿si fuera plano lo llamaríamos redondeta?

-¿Por qué cuando en el coche no vemos algo Apagamos la radio?

-Si un abogado enloquece, ¿pierde el juicio?

-¿Disfrutan tanto los infantes de la infancia como los adultos del adulterio?

-¿Qué tiempo verbal es "no debería haber pasado"? Preservativo imperfecto

-Cuando una mujer está encinta... ¿está también en compact?

-¿Qué cuentan las ovejas para poder dormir?

-¿Por qué las ciruelas negras son rojas cuando están verdes?

-¿Dónde está la otra mitad de Oriente Medio?

-¿Por qué cuando llueve levantamos los hombros? Acaso nos mojamos menos?

-¿Por qué las magdalenas se ponen duras y las galletas blandas?

Y por último...

-¿Por qué para apagar Windows hay que ir al botón de Inicio?

24 November, 2006

Weird american laws

In Ohio the following laws exist:

# if you ignore an orator on Decoration Day to such an extent as to publicly play croquet or pitch horseshoes within one mile of the speakers stand, you can be fined $25.

# it is illegal to get a fish drunk.

# it is illegal to hunt for whales on Sunday. (Surely it's illegal to hunt whales full stop?)

In Alaska, the following laws apply to moose:

# a moose may not be viewed from an aeroplane.

# it is illegal to give alcoholic beverages to a moose.

# it is an offence to push a live moose out of a moving aeroplane.

In Texas the following laws apply:

# it is illegal to take more than three sips of beer whilst standing.

# the entire Encyclopaedia Britannica is also banned, as it contains a formula for making beer at home.

# a new anti crime law has been introduced, requiring criminals to give their intended victims 24 hour notice, either orally or in writing to explain the nature of the crime.

In Pennsylvania the following laws apply:

# Because of the farmers Anti-automobile society, these are some of the rules of the road:

# Automobiles travelling on country roads at night must send up an rocket every mile, then wait ten minutes for the road to clear.

# If a driver sees a team of horses, they are to pull to the side of the road, and cover their machine with a blanket or dust cover that has been painted to blend into the scenery.

# In the event that a horse refuses to pass a car on the road, the owner of the car must take their car apart and conceal the parts in nearby foliage.

In Alabama it is illegal to wear a fake moustache that causes laughter in church.

In Jasper, Alabama, it is illegal for a husband to beat his wife with a stick larger in diameter than his thumb.

In Arizone it is illegal for donkeys to sleep in bathtubs.

Also from Arizona, if a person is caught stealing soap, they must wash themselves until it is all used up.

In California, it is illegal to ride a bicycle in a swimming pool.

In L.A., it is an offence to lick a toad. Apparently, this is because people were getting high off them! (How!??)

In New England, fire engines are not allowed to exceed 25mph - strangely, this includes the journey to the fire!

In Devon (yes there is a place called Devon in the US), it is illegal to walk backwards after sunset.

In Hartford, it is considered an offense to cross the road on your hands.

In Cleveland it is illegal to drive whilst sitting on another persons lap.

In New Jersey you can be arrested for slurping soup in public.

Zoin city, Illinois, has a law that states that you cannot make faces at anyone.

A Kentucky law states that burglary can only be committed at night.

Fishing from the back of any animal is illegal in Idaho.

In Sheridan, Wyoming, a policeman can bite a barking dog, in order to quiet him.

Citizens in New York may not greet each other by putting ones thumb to the nose and wriggling the fingers.

When you pass a cow in Pine Island, Minnesota it is illegal not to tip your hat.

Georgia has a law prohibiting people from saying ‘oh boy’ in public.

In Atlanta its illegal to tie a giraffe to a telephone pole or lamppost.

In Hawaii it is illegal to insert pennies into your ear.

It is illegal in Idaho for a man to give his sweetheart a box of chocolates that weighs less than 50 pounds.

Women in Joliet, Illinois, can be arrested for trying on more than six dresses in one store.

In Chicago it is illegal to eat in an establishment that is on fire.

In Winnetka, Illinois, theatre managers can kick out any patron who has ‘odorous feet’.

In Lawrence, Kansas, it is forbidden for anyone to carry bees in their hat, whilst on the city streets.

In McLough, Kansas, it is against the law to wash your false teeth in a public drinking fountain.

In Natoma, Kansas, it is illegal to practise knife throwing at men wearing striped suits.

In Lexington, Kentucky, it is against the law to carry an ice cream cone in your pocket.

In Owensboro, Kentucky, it is illegal for a woman to buy a new hat without her husband trying it on first.

In Canton, Mississippi, it is illegal to kill a squirrel with a gun whilst in a courtroom.

Any city in Missouri can levy a tax to support a band, as long as the mayor plays piccolo and each band member can eat peas with a knife.

In Greene, New York, it is illegal to eat peanuts and walk backwards down a street, whilst a concert is on.

In North Carolina it is illegal to use elephants to plough cotton fields.

It’s illegal in Oklahoma to get a fish drunk.

In Seattle, goldfish can ride the city buses in bowls, but only if they keep still.

It is illegal in Maine to step out of a plane, whilst it is in flight.

In Florida, you can be fined to fall asleep under a hair dryer, and so can the salon owner.

Also in Florida, if an elephant is left tied to an parking meter, the parking fee has to be paid, just as it would be for a vehicle.

Again in Florida, it is illegal to have sexual relations with a porcupine.

In New York, you need a license to use a clothesline outdoors.

In Minnesota, you may not cross state lines with a duck on top of your head.

In Carmel, New York, it is illegal for a man to go outside if his jacket and trousers do not match.

In Baltimore, it is illegal to throw bales of hay out of a second storey window, within the city limits.

Also in Baltimore, it is illegal to take a lion to the movies.

The state of Washington has passed a law stating that it is illegal to paint polka dots on the American flag.

In Conneticut, for a pickle to be officially be considered a pickle, it must bounce.

In Bexley, Ohio, it is prohibited to install or use slot machines in outhouses.

In Harthahorne city, Oklahoma, it is unlawful to put any hypnotised person I an display window.

In Clawson, Michigan, there is a law that makes it LEGAL for a farmer to sleep with his animals.

In Gary, Indiana, persons are prohibited from attending a movie theatre or riding an street car within four hours of eating garlic.

In California, animals are banned from mating publicly within 1,500ft of a pub, school or place of worship.

In Kentucky, no female is allowed to appear in a bathing suit on a highway unless she is escorted by at least two police officers, or armed with a club.

In Russel, Kansas, it is against the law to have an musical car horn.

It is illegal to hum in public on Sundays in Cicero, Illinois.

In Clinton county, Ohio, there is a fine for anyone caught leaning against an public building.

In Kenosha , Wisconsin it is illegal to have an erection in public. Even if you have clothes on.

In Kansas it is illegal to swim with a polka dotted bathing suit before 12:00 noon.

23 November, 2006

Piss off

One night a man decides to visit his local bar. He takes a seat and orders a beer. After polishing off his beer, he beckons the bartender over and says, "Betcha $20 I can bite my eye."

The bartender scoffs and accepts. The man then calmly removes his false eye and bites it. The bartender grudgingly forks over a twenty.

Later that night, after a few more beers, the man wanders back to the bar and says rather drunkenly, "Hey barkeep, betcha another $20 I can bite my other eye."

Wanting to win back his money and seriously doubtful that the man has two false eyes, the bartender accepts. The man calmly removes his false teeth and bites his other eye. Scowling, the bartender hands over another twenty. The man leaves and wanders around the bar as he drinks a few more beers.

He strolls back over to the bar, leaning on it, again and calls the bartender, "Hey, barkeep," he burbles, "I'll give you a chance to win yer money back plus. Betcha $100 if you put a shot glass on that end of the bar, and I stood on this end, I could piss into it and not spill a drop."

The bartender eagerly accepts, knowing the feat to be impossible. The man wobbily climbs atop the bar, zips down his fly and promptly pisses all over the bar. He zips up, sits down, slaps the $100 on the bar and laughs uproarously.

"What's so funny?" says the barkeep. "You just lost everything you won and more!"

Well," giggles the man, "I just bet those guys over there $200 that I could piss all over your bar and you wouldn't get angry."

20 November, 2006

Medical Record Blunders


The skin was moist and dry.

Rectal exam revealed a normal size thyroid. (Long fingers?)

The patient had waffles for breakfast and anorexia for lunch.

She stated that she had been constipated for most of her life until 1989 when she got a divorce.

Between you and me, we ought to be able to get this lady pregnant.

The patient was in his usual state of good health until his airplane ran out of gas and crashed.

The lab test indicated abnormal lover function.

The baby was delivered, the cord clamped and cut, and handed to the pediatrician, who breathed and cried immediately.

Exam of genitalia reveals that he is circus sized.

I saw your patient today, who is still under our car for physical therapy.

The patient lives at home with his mother, father, and pet turtle, who is presently enrolled in day care three times a week.

Bleeding started in the rectal area and continued all the way to Los Angeles.

Both breasts are equal and reactive to light and accommodation. (Excuse me, what are you doing with that pen light?)

She is numb from her toes down.

Exam of genitalia was completely negative except for the right foot. (Anatomy review time!)

While in the emergency room, she was examined, X-rated and sent home.

The patient was to have a bowel resection. However, he took a job as a stockbroker instead. (An empowered patient.)

The patient suffers from occasional, constant, infrequent headaches.

Coming from Detroit, this man has no children.

Examination reveals a well-developed male lying in bed with his family in no distress.

Patient was alert and unresponsive.

When she fainted, her eyes rolled around the room.

We will follow her eyes and nose with a foley catheter.

By the time he was admitted, his rapid heart had stopped, and he was feeling better.

Patient has chest pain if she lies on her left side for over a year.

On the second day the knee was better and on the third day it had completely disappeared.

The patient has been depressed ever since she began seeing me in 1983.

The patient is tearful and crying constantly. She also appears to be depressed.

Discharge status: Alive but without permission.

Healthy-appearing decrepit sixty-nine-year-old male, mentally alert but forgetful.

The patient refused an autopsy.

The patient expired on the floor uneventfully.

Patient has left his white blood cells at another hospital.

The patient's past medical history has been remarkably insignificant, with only a forty-pound weight gain in the past three days.

She slipped on the ice and apparently her legs went in separate directions in early December.

The patient had a rash over his truck.

Dictation blunder: lasar radar response (as opposed to vagovagal response).

19 November, 2006

Halloween Jokes

>Take One<
Do undertakers enjoy their job? — Of corpse!
How does a werewolf sign his letters? — Best vicious!
What did one ghost say to the other ghost? — “Do you believe in people?”
Do zombies eat popcorn with their fingers? — No, they eat the fingers separately.
Why do mummies have trouble keeping friends? — They’re too wrapped up in themselves.
Did you hear why the cannibal was expelled from school? — He was caught buttering up his teacher.
>Take Two<
When Pepsi Cola translated their ad campaign for Taiwan, the slogan was supposed to read “Come Alive with the Pepsi Generation.” However, translated into Chinese it read, “Pepsi Will Bring Your Ancestors Back From the Dead.”
>Take Three<
Two men walking home decided to take a shortcut through the cemetery. They were startled by a tap-tap-tapping noise and found an old man with a hammer and chisel, chipping away at one of the headstones.
“Yikes, Mister!” one of them shouted after catching his breath, “You scared us half to death — we thought you were a ghost! What are you doing working here so late at night?”
“Those fools!” the old man grumbled. “They misspelled my name!”
>Take Four<
Willie fell down the elevator.
Wasn’t found till six days later.
Then the neighbors sniffed, “Gee whiz!
What a spoiled child Willie is.”
>Take Five<
Alfred Hitchcock admitted, “I’m frightened of eggs, worse than frightened, they revolt me. That white round thing without any holes — have you ever seen anything more revolting than an egg yolk breaking and spilling its yellow liquid? Blood is jolly red. But egg yolk is yellow, revolting. I’ve never tasted it.”
He is also reported to have explained, “These are bagpipes. I understand the inventor of the bagpipes was inspired when he saw a man carrying an indignant, asthmatic pig under his arm. Unfortunately, the man-made sound never equaled the purity of the sound achieved by the pig.”
>Take Six<
If receiving this newsletter is as welcome as inviting Dustin Dubrie into your home, click here to cancel.
On the other hand, if you spied this newsletter on Laura Norder, (or any long-running television series), and you wish to subscribe, click here.
(Dustin Dubrie, Laura Norder, pronounce them aloud.)
>Take Seven<
“If Dracula can’t see his reflection in the mirror, how come his hair is always so neatly combed?”

14 November, 2006

All I want for xmas are my two front teeth~

As in, veneers. Badly needed. But I couldn't ask that from you. I'm asking my insurance company for that, instead.

What I want for Christmas (and I'm only writing this here so I remember and buy it for myself later), are the following:

  1. A scanner.
  2. A webcam.
  3. A Nintendo DS with tetris. Because even I can't resist playing games.
  4. Still need nose studs and ear studs.
  5. Lots of chocolates, preferably Ferrero Rocher.
  6. Black skinny jeans, because it's easier to wear boots when the pants aren't hemmed so wide.
  7. These were my old pairs, and I'm gonna get the same kind again. Yes, it was for boys, because the ladies version didn't come in High-Cut. Size 7.5 My feet are pretty big for my height.
Again, I will probably most likely buy these for myself over the next few months, as I slowly save money and spend money. Till then, I will dream of more chocolates and skinny jeans.

09 November, 2006

Cosas de Coches

Resulta k llego el otro día a una terraza de un bar en mi pueblo(Griñón) con el A6, mi mujer y yo. Aparco justo enfrente de las mesas y sillas y al lado de un pedazo de mercedes 600 SEL V12 con matricula m....nm o sea que si no me equivoco es del 1992 mas o menos. Bueno a lo que vamos, nos sentamos junto enfrente de los dos coches y creo que el dueño era un cincuentón que estaba tomando algo con su mujer a nuestro lado. En esto llega un 206 "ultrastreetrayotunnig" en un color inexplicable y todo reluciente y lo típico con las ventanillas bajadas y la música a tope y pegando acelerones para que se oyeran sus maxmegatubarros". Va el tío y aparca en doble fila detrás (en gran parte) del mercedacos y del mío. Se bajan dos pimpines con los pelos despeinados hacia arriba y engominaos hasta el culo, se quedan mirando el Mercedes y mi A6 y se sientan en la mesa de al lado con otros tres colegas que ya estaban en la terraza. A la que venían a sentarse el hombre del Mercedes le dice educadamente al chico que le quite el coche que va a salir. El neng le dice que si que ahora mismo y entre risas con sus amigos comenta por lo bajini que una mierda, que mucho coche pero que le va ha tocar esperar un ratito. Mientras el se regocija con sus amiguitos los cuales también se partían el culo, el cincuentón del Mercedes con el coche ya un rato encendido le toca el claxon y le dice que haga el favor de quitárselo y el niñato le dice "que te esperes hombreeee, tanta prisa y tanta polla", palabras textuales. Y el crío sigue bebiéndose su caña con los amigos de fondo partiéndose el culo. Ahora viene lo bueno. El tío del mercedes mete marcha atrás y acelera a tope con sus 408 CV que tiene el bicho (si no me equivoco) y le mete al del 206 un estacazo del copón y le empotra toda la puerta del copiloto para dentro medio metro por lo menos. Yo y todos los de allí nos quedamos así, empotrados, menos el crío del 206 que se quedo blanco. Se abalanzan sobre el viejo todos los chavales y tres o cuatro tíos que estábamos allí les paramos los pies, el dueño del 206 le empieza a gritar al del mercedes que si esta loco que si tal.... El cincuentón se baja tranquilamente (la mujer ni se menea, se queda sentadita) y le suelta al chaval que creía que ya se lo había quitado y que no había visto el coche y le dice para mi la frase del siglo. Al loro: "MIRA HIJO PARA SER CHULO EN ESTA VIDA HAY QUE TENER COJONES Y DINERO y ahora saca los papeles que hacemos el parte y no te preocupes que la culpa la he tenido yo pero tu coche se va ha quedar un mesecito en el taller, un poco mas de lo que tu me has hecho esperar a mi". Im-presionante, la gente hasta aplaudía, el niñato no sabia donde meterse y creo que no va ha olvidar esa frase en su vida, je, je fue para verlo, casi le pido un autógrafo al del mercedes, mi héroe y hasta a la mujer, que ni siquiera hizo gesto de preocupación. A todo esto decir que el mercedes ni siquiera se abolló, unos rasguños de la inexplicable pintura del otro y ya está, vamos ni comparación con lo que le hizo al 206.

06 November, 2006

Men, food, and winter gloves

I was starting to write notes for my first manga blog review of Paradise Kiss (which is a shoujo, and oddly enough, my favourite thus far) when a member of the opposite sex approached me and claimed I was "fun on a bun." (Don't ask me the context of this conversation- it wasn't dirty, it just was). This got me riled up. Men and food... it is something I will never understand! Never! It pisses me off so much! My boyfriend, the great lover of food that he is, stayed up the whole fucking night with me once, and the whole time we could've been having steamy phone sex, we spent it talking about food, different kinds of food, how to serve this kind of food, where to get it, how hard it is to find the ingredients... shit, I could do go on forever! We talked for 4 fucking hours about food!!! After that, he had to leave to get something to eat... something about talking about food makes him hungry. *sighs*

What is it about food that make the male species abandon their libido? Everytime he starts to talk about food, I want to shove something long, hard and coarse up his ass. To be fair though, food on your partner while they're naked is hot. Yummy. However, just straight talk about food and so on, is worse than taking World Religions with my History teacher (I barely passed it). I think if he had to REALLY choose, it'd be the stupid ("It's not stupid! It's HAM! Black forest ham!") sandwich over me. *mumbles*

And now how does winter gloves tie into this? Well, it doesn't. I just hate gloves. You can't do ANYTHING when you have them on. You can't button/zip up your coat, you can't get out your keys, you can't FEEL anything, so you don't realize if you've dropped your keys out of your pocket or anything like that. I'm especially paranoid of losing things, since I have in the past and don't intend on losing things so easily anymore. I especially hate how POINTLESS they are. They DON'T keep me warm at all. You see, one day on my way to work, it was raining and VERY windy. I had sworn to myself I would buy gloves so my fingers would have to never experience that again while holding an umbrella on a windy, rainy day. They were black, very cute, with a faux-fur trim on the edges and real leather and they cost me $20.52 (so much for a store discount!). I wore it on a cold night and when I went home, my fingers were barely alive. I hate gloves more than ever now.

04 November, 2006

Introduction to sexyness:

*bows* Heya! The name's Afroza and I've decided to make my first post an intro to me. Originally from and born in Bangladesh, I came to Canada when I was only seven years old! According to Edu-kun, I was a very cute little seven year old. I came here for an operation on my cleft palette that they couldn't perform in my native country. Before I came to Canada, I used to live on my grandparent's (from my mother's side) farm with my mom and younger brother. I had a baby chick as a pet. :P

When I came to Canada, I was so hated! I still remember how rude my classmates were from day 1. :P Emotional scars take a very long time to heal. However, by the end of Grade 6 we were all good, or at least my classmates thought so. I'm still plotting a revenger scheme for all of the harassment I endured, bwahahahaha!

Anyways, NOW I'm 18 years old and currently attend both High School and take a half-credit course at a local university (YorkU ftw!). Um my aspirations are to teach graphic design at high school level. I don't have any obsessions, nothing that I am absolutely fanatic about. But if it had to be one thing, I cannot live without music. I don't study music religiously and I don't play instruments, but I do enjoy it very much and it is a very important part of my life. I'm always listening to music, and if I don't, I'll go insane. Um what else? I enjoy reading manga very much and try to collect hard-cover volumes as much as often, but this is an expensive hobby. Prior to end of October, I had manga that cost me $1,000 to collect. I sold some to my librarian at my school, though.

Um, I think that's a good enough introduction! Were you expecting something sexier?

25 October, 2006

Man shoots himself in the head

Actually the title should be man shoots himself in the head while teaching gun safety to kid.

I first heard about this 1 month ago while in a Doctor's meeting (in a Western Australia hospital) where we view various radiological imaging. One of these shown was a computer reconstruction of a CT scan in 3D, showing a skull with a hole in it.

Basically the story goes that he demonstrating how to use a firearm to his child (with apparently a stolen fire arm which his son stole).

Now I don't know much about guns, but he apparently loaded the bullet in one of the chambers of the guns, in what he thought was the fourth chamber. He put the gun to his head and pressed the trigger. Nothing happened. He told his son that the bullet will discharged after he has pressed 3 more times, "but fortunately I know how to count".

On the second time, the bullet fired blowing a hole through his skull. Presumably the chambers spun the other way, so it was really the second chamber he had loaded up. He was rushed to hospital but eventually died in the Intensive Care Unit. On another note, the 3 D images of the skull was amazing.

Note : as far as I am aware this wasn't reported in the media. However this occurred at the hospital I work in, in Western Australia, Australia. To protect the patient's confidentiality I won't mention the name or any other details which could potentially identify him. As far as I know, I am providing you no more details that what is provided in medical journal case studies, so it should be ok. However if you want to know, I can tell you the name of the hospital I work in where this man was treated.

19 October, 2006

Vota sociata

Yo vengo con lancha / de Sierra Leona
España seguro / que no me abandona.
Yo quedo en tu casa / ministra Narbona
tengo hambre, apetece / bistec con patatas.
Tú dame papeles
Yo voto sociata

Yo vengo en un bote / desde Senegal
soy negro, soy joven / soy mu buen chaval.
En tu solución / habitacional
ministra Trujillo / yo no doy la lata.
Tú dame papeles
Yo voto sociata

Yo vengo de Gambia / oculto en bodega
en barco de mafia / que a España navega.
Yo voy a la casa / con la De la Vega
que vino bailando / Acunamatata.
Tú dame papeles
Yo voto sociata

Yo vengo por mar / de Burkina Faso
el África negra es chunga / yo paso
Y con Rubalcaba / no dormiré al raso
comida mu rica / vivienda mu grata.
Tú dame papeles
Yo voto sociata

Yo vengo en chalupa / desde Camerún
soy negro mu negro / igual que el betún.
Moratinos lucha / para bien común
me acoge en su casa / que de eso se trata.
Tú dame papeles
Yo voto sociata

Yo vengo en cayuco / soy negro de Congo
Soy hincha de Barça / soy guapo y bailongo.
Zapatero, amigo / di donde me pongo
tu casa me gusta / qué rico bocata
Tú dame papeles
Yo voto sociata.”

“Yo vengo de Togo / montado en patera
España me gusta / España es la pera.
Yo quedo en tu casa / ministro Caldera
qué grande, qué buena / bonita y barata.
Tú dame papeles
Yo voto sociata.

16 September, 2006

You Are a Pirate, from (shudder) Lazytown...

Do what you want 'cause a pirate is free, you are a pirate!

Yar - har - fiddle-dee-dee, being a pirate is all right with me!
Do what you want 'cause a pirate is free, you are a pirate!

You are a pirate! (Yay!)

We got us a map (a map!) to lead us to a hidden box,
Thats all locked up with locks (with locks!) and buried deep away.
We'll dig up the box (the box!), we know it's full of precious booty
Bust open the locks, and then we'll say "HOORAY!"

Yar - har - fiddle-dee-dee,
If you love to sail the sea, you are a pirate!


Yah - har - fiddle-dee-dee, being a pirate is all right with me!
Do what you want 'cause a pirate is free, you are a pirate!
Arr - yarr - ahoy and avast dinky-dink-dink - a - dinkadefast! *
Hang the black flag at the end of the mast! You are a pirate!

HA HA HA (Yay!)

We're sailing away (set sail!), adventure awaits on every shore!
We set sail and explore (ya-har!) and run and jump all day (Yay!)
We float on our boat (our boat!) until its time to drop the anchor,
Then hang up our coats (aye-aye!) until we sail again!

Yar - har - fiddle-dee-dee,
If you love to sail the sea you are a pirate!


Yar - har - fiddle-dee-dee, being a pirate is alright with me!
Do what you want 'cause a pirate is free, you are a pirate!
Yar har wind at your back lads, wherever you go!
Blue sky above the blue ocean below, you are a pirate!

You are a pirate!

* I'm sure this is something about drinking, though probably pretty tame given the source. Sounds kinda like "drink if you think and then drink if you fast" to me.

20 August, 2006

If men wrote advice columns

Q: My husband wants to have a threesome with me and my best friend.
A: Obviously your husband cannot get enough of you! Knowing that there is only one of you he can only settle for the next best thing your best friend. Far from being an issue, this can bring you closer together. Why not get some of your old college roommates involved too? If you are still apprehensive, maybe you should let him be with your friends without you. If you're still not sure then just perform oral sex on him and cook him a nice meal while you think about it.
Q: My husband continually asks me to perform oral sex on him.
A: Do it. Semen can help you lose weight and gives a great glow to your skin. Interestingly, men know this. His offer to allow you to perform oral sex on him is totally selfless. This shows he loves you. The best thing to do is to thank him by performing it twice a day; then cook him a nice meal.
Q: My husband has too many nights out with the boys
A: This is perfectly natural behavior and it should be encouraged. The Man is a hunter and he needs to prove his prowess with other men. A night out chasing young single girls is a great stress relief and can foster a more peaceful and relaxing home. Remember, nothing can rekindle your relationship better than the man being away for a day or two (it's a great time to clean the house, too)! Just look at how emotional and happy he is when he returns to his stable home. The best thing to do when he gets home is for you and your best friend to perform oral sex on him. Then cook him a nice meal.
Q: My husband doesn't know where my clitoris is.
A: Your clitoris is of no concern to your husband. If you must mess with it, do it in your own time or ask your best friend to help. You may wish to videotape yourself while doing this, and present it to your husband as a birthday gift. To ease your selfish guilt, perform oral sex on him and cook him a delicious meal.
Q: My husband is uninterested in foreplay.
A: You are a bad person for bringing it up and should seek sensitivity training. Foreplay to a man is very stressful and time consuming. Sex should be available to your husband on demand with no pesky requests for foreplay. What this means is that you do not love your man as much as you should; He should never have to work to get you in the mood. Stop being so selfish! Perhaps you can make it up to him by performing oral sex and cooking him a nice meal.
Q: My husband always has an orgasm then rolls over and goes to sleep without giving me one.
A: I'm not sure I understand the problem. Perhaps you've forgotten to cook him a nice meal.

14 August, 2006

Grandes Frases de la humanidad, en este caso de Antonio Gassett

“Llega el momento de la publicidad, disfrutad del cine si podéis. Si no, también tenéis la música, la literatura o incluso la historia, a no ser que queráis ser presidente del Gobierno.”

“Servidor se confiesa seguidor de Philip K. Dick, quizás por ello me he convertido en un trastornado.”

“Jeunet es el director de ese engendro, película para algunos (estaban equivocados), ladrillo para otro (estábamos en lo cierto) que fue Amelie.”

“Ahora vamos con "El señor de los anillos", película basada en un famosísimo libro... que yo no me he leído. Sin embargo, les diré como anécdota, que algunos de mis amigos tienen, en una estantería totalmente vacía, junto con su foto de sus vacaciones en Calasparra, un ejemplar de “El señor de los anillos”.”

“...Lo mejor del festival de Venecia, mi acompañante, aunque por desgracia este enamorada de otro.”

“...Soy consciente que a la hora de emisión de mi programa solo puede ser visto por un puñado de poli toxicómanos insomnes.”

“Tan guapa actriz como mala la película que ha venido a promocionar.”

“Ben Affleck es a la buena interpretación lo que un pepinillo cocido a la alta cocina.”

“Se estrena estos días la película El último samurai, protagonizada por el ex-marido de Nicole Kidman, único dato destacable de este actor llamado Tom Cruise.”

“Para ir al cine con esta cartelera hay que tener coeficiente intelectual negativo.”

“Veamos el reportaje de Mar adentro que ha realizado mi compañero y amigo Alberto Bermejo, el único de todo el equipo al que le ha gustado la película.”

“Nunca se fíen de algo que sangra durante cuatro días y no se muere.”

“Y ahora, si nos perdonan, vamos a hablar de cine español.”

“Es incuestionable que Kill Bill es una virtuosa obra de dirección. Lo que es cuestionable es si es algo más.”

“Sé que aguantaran a estas altas horas de la noche el momento de publicidad ya que al regreso tenemos un especial del salón del cine erótico de Barcelona….”

“¿Qué seria de nosotros sin un país inteligente como es Francia?”

&lquot;Buenas noches a todos, pero antes de despedirnos, un consejo: no os droguéis, porque la ingesta de estas sustancias puede producir efectos indeseados. Un amigo mío se tomó el otro día cierta pastilla y creyó ver a George Bush leyendo un libro"

“Y llegamos a la pausa en este programa del que tan orgullosos nos sentimos. No así de algunas compañeras de la 7ª planta de Torrespaña que fuman saltándose la norma que tanto nos beneficia a todos.”

“Les deseo que pasen una buena semana, sea lo que sea lo que hayan decidido hacer, incluso si es de Nazareno auto flagelante.”

“Aprovechen la pausa para revisar su agenda de amigos, encontrarán que han malgastado su preciado tiempo y paciencia en conocer a un montón de ineptos, no se corten, cojan un boli y táchenlos.”

“Durante la pausa publicitaria, rezaré con la esperanza de que ninguno de sus hijos se haya presentado al casting de Operación Triunfo.”

“Nos vamos con la esperanza de que ninguno se deje llevar por los fanatismos religiosos, políticos o sexuales: los primeros por no llevar a nada, los segundos porque el objeto de deseo suele ser un idiota de renombre y los últimos por las continuas frustraciones.”

“Antes de despedirme, felicitar a todos los barcelonistas por el reciente titulo de liga conseguido por mi equipo. En esta vida hay pocas cosas tan grandes como el Barcelona.”

“Llego la pausa, evitar cambiar de canal en estos minutos no vaya a ser que os encontréis con esa mujer con ansias de fama, exhibiéndose en publico, justificando un frío asesinato.” (se refería a la mujer que ayudo a morir a Ramón Sampedro, reconociendo su responsabilidad en un programa de la tele)

“Llego la hora de la pausa... espero que puedan contener durante unos minutos los impulsos sexuales de vuestras parejas... si no puede ser, no puede ser... en cualquier caso volveremos después de la publicidad con el sector mas casto de la audiencia.”

“Vamos a una pausa publicitaria, que será tan corta como el sueldo del presentador.”

“Hasta el próximo programa. No sabemos ni qué día ni a qué hora nos pondrán, de modo que estén atentos.”

“Sed buenos, y si por lo que fuera no podéis, seguid siendo malos, la diferencia es mínima.”

“Quiero aprovechar, como amante de la Fórmula 1, para felicitar al corredor alemán Michael Schumacher por su triunfo en el Gran Premio de San Marino. Da gusto ver en lo más alto del podium a personas ni fatuas, ni engreídas, ni desagradecidas. Espero que continúe la racha.”

“Hola, buenas noches. Hoy les hablo desde Torrespaña en Madrid, más conocido como el pirulí, que con su forma fálica es un símbolo de la modernidad de esta ciudad. Como modernas también son las vidrieras de la Catedral de la Almudena y las pinturas del altar de un tal Kiko no sé qué. Por cierto, igual de horribles que algunas películas.”

“Cuando vuelvan de la publicidad me habré desnudado y me tiraré al mar (En Cannes)”. Evidentemente a la vuelta de la publicidad dio su explicación: "Era un patético intento por mantener la audiencia.....”

“La verdad es que hay días que no sé dónde refugiarme políticamente.”

“Ahora pueden ustedes hacer un montón de cosas aprovechando los interminables minutos de publicidad.”

Importate Encuesta

18 May, 2006

Schitt Joke

You don't know jack shit
That's not true, I know him well
I'm serious
Jack is the son of Awe Schitt and O. Schitt. Awe Schitt, the fertilizer magnate, married O. Schitt, the owner of Needeep N. Schitt Inc. They had one son, Jack. In turn Jack Schitt married Noe Schitt, the deeply religious couple produced 6 children
Holie Schitt, Fulla Schitt, Giva Schitt, Bull Schitt, and the twins: Deap Schitt and Dip Schitt. Against her parents' objections, Deap Schitt married Dumb Schitt, a high school drop out.
However, after being married 15 years, Jack and Noe Schitt divorced. Noe Schitt later remarried Ted Sherlock and, because her kids were living with them, she wanted to keep her previous name.
She was then known as Noe Schitt-Sherlock. Meanwhile, Dip Schitt married Loda Schitt and they produced a son of nervous disposition, Chicken Schitt.
Two other of the 6 children, Fulla Schitt and Giva Schitt, were inseparable throughout childhood and subsequently married the Happens brothers in a dual ceremony.
The wedding announcement in the newspaper announced the Schitt-Happens wedding. The Schitt-Happens children were Dawg, Byrd, and Hoarse.
Bull Schitt, the prodigal son, left home to tour the world. He recently returned from Italy with his new Italian bride, Pisa Schitt.
So there.
I have actually chortled coke through my nose

12 May, 2006

La maquina del tiempo...

Me he decidido a coger mi máquina del tiempo y a contaros cómo van las cosas por el futuro:
Afortunadamente no se han cumplido las previsiones de tantos agoreros burbujistas y la vivienda en España ha seguido subiendo un 17% anual durante los últimos 50 años, de este modo nos hemos convertido en el país mas rico del mundo, porque por ejemplo un ático en la Castellana cuesta más que el estado de California y el palacio imperial de Tokio juntos; claro que ya nadie vive en la Castellana ni en ningún otro sitio de Madrid, por que esas casas son para invertir y no para vivir.
Yo por ejemplo aunque trabajo en Madrid me he comprado un piso de 40 metros la mar de apañao en un pueblo del Norte de Burgos, que con la autovía queda a un paso; para pagar la hipoteca nos hemos juntado con otras tres familias: un notario casado con una catedrática de universidad, un subinspector de hacienda casado con una abogada del estado y un magistrado del supremo (subcontratado a través de una ett) casado con una arquitecta. De este modo destinamos cinco sueldos a la hipoteca y uno para vivir; estamos contentísimos con la compra porque aunque al principio nos está costando un poco luego seguro que ni se nota, además desde que lo compramos hace un año ya ha subido un 17% y por si fuera poco la mujer del notario esta de buena que lo flipas.
Aunque profesionalmente no me va mal (soy director general adjunto de una multinacional, aunque también subcontratado a través de una ett) la verdad es que la inflación que sufrimos al ser el país mas rico del mundo hace que nos tengamos que apretar un poco el cinturón; de todos modos es cuestión de acostumbrarse, cuando tuvimos que empezar a comer chopped de lagartijas todos nos quejamos y ahora se le da vuelta y vuelta en la plancha y tan rico que queda. De cualquier forma, aprovechando que han bajado la edad laboral a los 10 años a ver si saco al churumbel del colegio y lo meto en la ett, que un sueldo más seguro que ayuda para la hipoteca.
Mi sueldo es de 2.000 tochos netos, el tocho es la moneda que sustituyó al euro cuando nos echaron de la UE a patadas (qué fea y qué mala es la
envidia) y se cotiza a un céntimo de euro. En la caja fuerte del Banco de España ya no se guardan lingotes sino ladrillos, que en este país han demostrado ser un valor mucho más seguro y rentable que el oro.
Tras las guerras atómicas provocadas por los propietarios de VPO de Andalucía, la población ha quedado reducida a 5 millones de españoles y 50 millones de ecuatorianos trabajando de paletas. Se han seguido construyendo 800.000 viviendas anuales (la construcción supone ya el 98% del PIB) y ahora tocamos a unas 20 viviendas por habitante (casi todas vacías porque como dije son viviendas para invertir, no para vivir).
El 90% del suelo está ya urbanizado y se plantea empezar a construir ciudades en el fondo del mar (no se puede vivir en el fondo del mar por humedades, así que serían ciudades solamente para invertir) . Esto es lo que en el mundo se conoce y admira como "el milagro español" y es objeto de numerosos estudios y tesis doctorales en el campo de la psiquiatría.
Cada año nos visitan miles de estudiosos de la mente humana de todo el mundo. No me extrañaría que muchos de esos científicos se quedasen a vivir aquí porque la verdad es que como en España no se vive en ningún sitio.
Y eso es todo lo que os puedo contar de lo que os espera; voy a ver si cazo unas lagartijas para cenar.

11 May, 2006


Everybody lies, but it doesn't matter since nobody listens.
I wished the buck stopped here, as I could use a few.
I started out with nothing, and I still have most of it.
When you go into court you are putting yourself in the hands of 12 people that weren't smart enough to get out of jury duty.
Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.
When sign makers go on strike, is anything written on their picket signs?
When you open a new bag of cotton balls, is the top one meant to be thrown away?
When your pet bird sees you reading the newspaper, does he wonder Why you're just sitting there, staring at carpeting?
Where do forest rangers go to "get away from it all"?
Why Isn't there mouse-flavored cat food?

Subjects for a date

A boy is about to go on his first date, and is nervous about what to talk about. He asks his father for advice.
The father replies: "My son, there are three subjects that always work. These are food, family, and philosophy."
The boy picks up his date and they go to a soda fountain. Ice cream sodas in front of them, they stare at each other for a long time, as the boy's nervousness builds.
He remembers his father's advice, and chooses the first topic.
He asks the girl: "Do you like spinach?" She says "No," and the silence returns.
After a few more uncomfortable minutes, the boy thinks of his father's suggestion and turns to the second item on the list. He asks, "Do you have a brother?" Again, the girl says "No" and there is silence once again.
The boy then plays his last card. He thinks of his father's advice and asks the girl the following question: "If you had a brother, would he like spinach?"

27 March, 2006

Sexo del ordenador

¿De que sexo es un ordenador?

Esta pregunta se realizó a un grupo de mujeres y a otro de
hombres deberían encontrar cuatro razones para justificar el sexo
del ordenador.

El resultado fue el siguiente: El grupo de mujeres llegó a
la conclusión de que el ordenador era masculino por:

1- Para captar su atención hay que encenderle.

2- Tiene mucha información pero ninguna imaginación.

3- Se supone que tiene que ayudar pero la mitad del tiempo
es un problema.

4- En cuanto te decides por uno, te das cuenta de que, si
hubieras esperado un poco más, habrías tenido un modelo mejor.

El grupo de hombres llegó a la conclusión de que el
ordenador era femenino por:

1- Nadie, salvo su creador, entiende su lógica interna.

2- El lenguaje que utiliza para dialogar con otro ordenador
es completamente incomprensible.

3- Guarda el más mínimo error en memoria para sacarlo en el
momento más inoportuno.

4- En cuanto te decides por uno, te das cuenta de que
tienes que gastar la mitad de tu sueldo en accesorios.

... que cada uno saque sus propias conclusiones... jejeje

13 March, 2006



a) Luis se descarga una canción de Internet.

b) Luis decide que prefiere el disco original y va a El Corte
Inglés a hurtarlo. Una vez allí, y para no dar dos viajes, opta por
llevarse toda una discografía. La suma de lo hurtado no supera los
400 euros.

RESPUESTA: La descarga de la canción sería un delito con pena de 6
meses a dos años. El hurto de la discografía en El Corte Inglés ni
siquiera sería un delito, sino una simple falta (Art. 623.1 del
Código Penal).


a) Luis se descarga una canción de Internet.

b) Luis va a hurtar a El Corte Inglés y, como se la va la mano, se
lleva cincuenta compactos, por valor global de 1.000 euros.

RESPUESTA: Seguiría siendo más grave la descarga de Internet. El
hurto sería un delito, porque supera los 400 euros, pero sería de
menor pena que la descarga (Artículo 234 del Código Penal).


a) Sergio, en el pleno uso de sus facultades mentales, se
descarga una canción de Malena Gracia.

b) Sergio, en un descuido de Malena Gracia, se lleva su coche y lo
devuelve 40 horas después.

RESPUESTA: Sería más grave la descarga. El hurto de uso de vehículo
tiene menos pena, a tenor del artículo 244.1 del Código Penal.


a) Ocho personas se intercambian copias de su música

b) Ocho personas participan en una riña tumultuosa
utilizando medios o instrumentos que pueden poner en peligro sus
vidas o su integridad física.

RESPUESTA: Es menos grave participar en una pelea que participar en
el intercambio de compactos. Participar en una riña tumultuosa
tiene una pena de tres meses a un año (Art. 154 del Código Penal) y
el intercambio tendría una pena de 6 meses a 2 años (Art. 270 del
Código Penal).

Si algún día te ves obligado a elegir entre participar en un
intercambio de copias de CD´s o participar en una pelea masiva,
escoge siempre la segunda opción, que es obviamente menos


a) Juan copia la ultima película de su director favorito
de un DVD que le presta su secretaria Susana.

b) Juan, aprovechando su superioridad jerárquica en el
trabajo, acosa sexualmente a Susana.

RESPUESTA: El acoso sexual tendría menos pena según el artículo
184.2 del Código Penal.


a) Pedro y Susana van a un colegio y distribuyen entre los
alumnos de preescolar copias de películas educativas de dibujos
animados protegidas por copyright y sin autorización de los

b) Pedro y Susana van a un colegio y distribuyen entre los
alumnos de preescolar películas pornográficas protagonizadas y
creadas por la pareja.

RESPUESTA: La acción menos grave es la de distribuir material
pornográfico a menores según el artículo 186 del Código Penal. La
distribución de copias de material con copyright sería un delito al
existir un lucro consistente en el ahorro conseguido por eludir el
pago de los originales cuyas copias han sido objeto de


a) Ramón, que es un bromista, le copia a su amigo el
último disco de Andy y Lucas, diciéndole que es el "Kill'em All" de

b) Ramón, que es un bromista, deja una jeringuilla
infectada de SIDA en un parque público.

RESPUESTA: La segunda broma sería menos grave, a tenor del artículo
630 del Código Penal.


a) Juan fotocopia una página de un libro.
b) Juan le da un par de puñetazos a su amigo por
recomendarle ir a ver la película "Los Ángeles de Charlie".

RESPUESTA: La acción más grave desde un punto de vista penal sería
la "a", puesto que la reproducción, incluso parcial, seria un
delito con pena de 6 meses a dos años de prisión y multa de 12 a 24
meses. Los puñetazos, si no precisaron una asistencia médica o
quirúrgica, serían tan solo una falta en virtud de lo dispuesto en
el artículo 617 en relación con el 147 del Código Penal.

Hala chavalotes, ya sabéis: pegad, violad, acosad, robad
pero no uséis el emule!!!

28 January, 2006


“No te preocupes, ¡seguro que a la próxima apruebas!”

Sabemos que no es verdad, sabéis que no es verdad… ¿POR QUÉ COÑO LA DECÍS?. Es un insulto a nuestro estado emocional tratar de animarnos con semejante frase falsa. La única respuesta digan sería “¡Que te den por el culo, cabrón de mierda!”, pero como somos educados y estamos hundidos en la mierda respondemos con un tímido “Si, claro, a la próxima seguro”. Es mejor el silencio, no os preocupéis, sabemos que no nos comprendéis, así que no hace falta que os esforcéis porque será peor.

¿Qué tal el examen?

MAL, el examen MAL, asqueroso revuelveheridas. Obviamente el mes que me he tirado estudiando cual guarra no ha evitado que me follen el culito cruelmente… ¿Para qué preguntas?. ¿Para disfrutar de mi miseria?. ¿Para decir “No te preocupes, ¡seguro que a la próxima apruebas!No se pregunta, lo único que puede ayudarnos a salir del boquete es dinero y chocolate. Si no estáis dispuestos a ofrecernos nada de eso, manteneros alejados y no os regodeéis en nuestro infortunio.

Pero no has acabado la carrera todavía?

Vamos a ver, grandísimo hijo de puta, cuando terminemos la carrera os enteraréis, el mundo se enterará. Nos pondremos nicks en el Messenger con tantos emoticonos felices que dolerán los ojos, lo publicaremos en el periódico, en el BOE, haremos una gran fiesta, definitivamente NO LO ESCONDEREMOS. Así que no nos preguntéis si hemos acabado la carrera cuando la respuesta es obviamente no. Eso no hace más que darnos aún más ganas de suicidarnos o de meternos a jardineros o algo por el estilo.

Pero, ¿tan difícil es?

No, que va. Está tirado. Yo es que disfruto hipotecándome medio pulmón para pagar la matrícula cada año y dejando que me metan palos por el culo en forma de exámenes y apuntes todo el año. PUES CLARO QUE ES DIFÍCIL. Es tan difícil que vuestra mente pagana es incapaz de comprender los niveles de dificultad y abstracción absurda a los que puede llegar un cerebro humano. No respondo de mí como otro estudiante ponga en duda la dificultad de una carrera, sea cual sea, hasta Magisterio o Filosofía tendrán su dificultad, porque para estar todo el día en la cafetería o ir fumados, debe ser porque de continuo, o en un estado normal, las clases no son soportables.

¡El hijo de Fulanita se hizo la carrera en 5 años justos!

BIEN POR EL HIJO DE FULANITA. Tirémosle cacahuetes y bailemos a su alrededor. También hay gente que no la acaba nunca, y no vemos a nuestros padres diciéndonos cada día “Qué orgulloso estoy de ti, hijo, que aún no te has dado cuenta que no vales para esto”. Nada de comparaciones, porque entonces podemos mencionar a ese compañero nuestro que se sacó como pasatiempo no sé qué mierda que estudiáis mientras cursaba la carrera… A ver qué humilla más a quien.

Silencio incómodo producido tras la pregunta:¿Por qué curso vas?

Di algo, capullo, Tú has preguntado. ¿Tú objetivo era reírte de nosotros y jactarte de que estás sacando no sé qué mierda y estás hinchándote de follar y a año por curso?. Porque no falla, el silencio incómodo siempre se rompe con “¿Pero cuántos años llevas en la carrera?”. LOS QUE SEAN IMBÉCIL. Los suficientes para saber que tu padre y tu madre eran hermanos con sólo mirarte a la cara. Y que sepas que cada año es como un horrible infierno en el que te clavan cristales en el corazón y te arrancan las uñas con unas tenazas… ¡Y AGUANTO AHÍ CON DOS COJONES!. Así que no te atrevas a juzgarme.

Lo que estudio también es muy difícil. Sólo tienes que estudiar más

Oh, sí, tu examen de Meterse Un Dedo En El Culo y Olerlo supera con creces el temario de asignaturas como: “Métodos Numéricos para la Fluidodinámica de Alta Densidad de Energía” (Ingeniería Química), “Citología” (Medicina), “Derecho Romano” (Derecho), “Historia del Arte Antiguo” (Historia del Arte) o “Tipos Abstractos de Datos” (Ingeniería Informática). Es que es muy duro que te hagan exámenes parciales que te quitan temario y te hagan media con el final… Buf… Qué complicado lo tuyo, ¿eh?. Apenas deja tiempo para rascarse las pelotas y meterle mano a la guarra de al lado. Será eso, que no estudio; los exámenes de cinco horas, los temarios imposibles de los que ni los profesores tienen puta idea o las preguntas trampa para pillarte si no eres el hijo de Fulanita son meras distracciones de la verdadera realidad: ESTUDIANDO SE APRUEBA, ¡Y UNA MIERDA!.

Bueno, esto ha sido todo. Como es una guía básica no hemos querido incluir frases también muy célebres como “El profesor no será tan cabrón como crees”, porque entonces no acabamos hasta mañana… Que quede claro:


26 January, 2006

La Guardia Sivi Española es la Mejo

Dos tíos por el desierto....
- Oye ¡que roca mas rara!. ¡Si parece una pirámide!

Se ponen a excavar (sin herramientas) y desentierran una
pirámide enorme.

- ¡Es una pirámide de la leche! - ¡Vaya que sí!. - Y
ahora,¿qué? ¿Sabes lo que te digo? Que vamos a avisar al equipo
arqueológico de va esto.


-Viene el equipo arqueológico americano con sus "jeeps",camiones,caravanas y helicópteros llenos a rebosar de aparatos científicos. Se meten en la pirámide y, al cabo, de dos años salen.

- Vaya, si que han estado tiempo. ¿Qué han averiguado
>- Pues -responde el portavoz del equipo americano- después de laboriosas investigaciones, hemos comprobado que esta pirámide fue construida entre el 1500 y el 2500 antes de Cristo.

- ¡Sólo eso! ¡Después de dos años sólo han averiguado eso!

- Pues sí.....

-¡Anda, largo de aquí, yanquis de mierda!

Los dos tipos mosqueados deciden llamar a los alemanes -Esos sí que sí, ¡los alemanes son muy metódicos!

Vienen los alemanes, se meten en la pirámide, pasan dos años y salen.

- ¿Qué...?

- Hemos averiguado que la pirámide fue construida en torno
al 2000 antes de Cristo.

- ¿Y...?

- Bueno, no hemos podido averiguar más, los jeroglíficos Son muy complicados.

- ¡Pues vaya mierda de científicos, hala, a vuestra casa!

Los dos tipos bufan con resignación.

- No nos queda mas remedio que avisar a LA GUARDIA CIVIL ESPAÑOLA.

Llega la pareja de guardias civiles, se meten dentro y en dos horas salen.

- ¡Qué pronto! ¿Qué han averiguado?
- Sabemos que la pirámide fue construida entre el 12 de febrero de 1858 y el 22 de julio de 1857 antes de Cristo, conforme a las órdenes del faraón Anekhetop IV, y su arquitecto Tutmosis el Joven.

El día de la inauguración estaba nuboso y una rama de sacerdotes se oponía a
ello, por haberse producido un eclipse parcial de luna en Sagitario...
Participaron 2.118 esclavos no cualificados que intentaron una revuelta por las insanas condiciones de trabajo,que fue sofocada el 5 de septiembre por los soldados del faraón, con resultado de 42 muertos. la obra se cifra exactamente en 658 libras de oro puro y 3 libras de diamantes.

La esposa del Faraón lucía un modelito del modisto Perfilotis el Julandrón,de fina pedrería y la influencia en la lengua se comprueba en el acento de las tierras altas que presentaban los nobles de bla, bla, bla,..y así una hora de charla

-¡Coño!, ¿cómo lo han conseguido?

- Hombre, nos ha costao, la verdad nos ha costao, pero al final, la momia ha cantao
¡¡¡Con dos cojones...!!!

24 January, 2006

Top Ten Chuck Norris Facts

Top Ten Chuck Norris Facts

1. Chuck Norris' tears cure cancer. Too bad he has never cried. Ever.

2. Chuck Norris does not sleep. He waits.

3. Chuck Norris is currently suing NBC, claiming Law and Order are trademarked names for his left and right legs.

4. The chief export of Chuck Norris is pain.

5. If you can see Chuck Norris, he can see you. If you can't see Chuck Norris, you may be only seconds away from death.

6. Chuck Norris has counted to infinity. Twice.

7. Chuck Norris does not hunt because the word hunting implies
the probability of failure. Chuck Norris goes killing.

8. Chuck Norris' blood type is AK+. Ass-Kicking Positive. It is compatible only with heavy construction equipment, tanks, and fighter jets.

9. Chuck Norris is 1/8th Cherokee. This has nothing to do with ancestry, the man ate a fucking Indian.

10. In fine print on the last page of the Guinness Book of World Records it notes that all world records are held by Chuck Norris, and those listed in the book are simply the closest anyone else has ever gotten.

11. There is no chin behind Chuck Norris' beard. There is only another fist.

23 January, 2006


¿El infierno es exotérmico o endotérmico? (Caso real de examen de
termodinámica en Físicas - Valladolid).

Un profesor -un poco cachondo- de Termodinámica había preparado un examen
para sus alumnos, con una sola pregunta: "¿Es el Infierno exotérmico (emite
calor) o endotérmico (absorbe calor)? Justifica tu respuesta."
La mayor parte de los estudiantes escribieron su respuesta basándose en
la Ley de Boyle-Mariotte (el gas se enfría cuando se expande y se calienta
cuando se comprime) o alguna variante.
Un estudiante, sin embargo, respondió lo siguiente:
Primero, necesitamos saber cómo varía en el tiempo la masa del Infierno.
Así, necesitamos saber la frecuencia con la que las almas entran en él y la
frecuencia con la que salen. Opino que podemos asumir sin ninguna duda que,
una vez que un alma ha entrado en el Infierno, ya no sale nunca más.
Así pues, no hay frecuencia de
Para calcular cuántas almas entran en el Infierno, tengamos en cuenta las
distintas religiones que existen hoy en día en el mundo. La mayoría de estas
religiones afirman que, si no eres miembro de ella, irás al Infierno.
Debido a que hay más de una de estas religiones y teniendo en cuenta que una
persona no pertenece a más de una religión al mismo tiempo, podemos afirmar
que toda la gente y todas sus almas van al Infierno. Con las tasas de
natalidad y mortalidad llegamos a la conclusión de que el número de almas
que ingresan en el Infierno crece exponencialmente.
Ahora miramos la variación del volumen del Infierno ya que la ley de
Boyle establece que, para que la temperatura y la presión en el Infierno
permanezcan invariables, el volumen de éste se tiene que expandir según se
van añadiendo almas. Esto nos da dos posibilidades:
1.- Si el Infierno se expande a una velocidad más baja que la frecuencia
a la que entran las almas, entonces
la temperatura y la presión en el
Infierno se incrementarán hasta que éste reviente.
2.- Por supuesto, si el Infierno se expande a una velocidad mayor que la
frecuencia de entrada de almas, entonces la temperatura y la presión caerán
hasta que éste se congele.
Así pues, ¿cuál es la conclusión?
Si aceptamos el postulado que enunció mi compañera Rocío López en el
primer año de carrera, y que decía: "El Infierno se congelará antes de que
yo me acueste contigo", y dado el hecho de que todavía no lo he conseguido,
entonces el enunciado número 2 no puede ser cierto, así que la respuesta es:

P.D.: el alumno obtuvo Matrícula.

21 January, 2006

Diario de un Desgraciado

Cuando nací, el doctor fue a la sala de espera y le dijo a mi padre:
"hicimos lo que pudimos ..... pero salió"

Mi padre me cogió en brazos y acto seguido me tiró al techo y dijo: "Si se
queda pegado, es la placenta".

Mi madre nunca me dio el pecho porque decía que sólo me quería como amigo.

Mi padre llevaba en la cartera la foto del niño que ya venía en la

Pronto me di cuenta de que mis padres me odiaban: mis juguetes para la
bañera eran una tostadora y una radio.

Cuando era chiquito me regalaron un caballito de madera... y se murió.

Una vez me perdí. Le pregunté al policía si creía que íbamos a encontrar a
mis padres. Me contestó: "no lo sé, chaval......hay muchos sitios donde
pueden esconderse".

Trabajé en una tienda de animales. La gente no paraba de preguntarme
cuánto iba a crecer.

Cuando me secuestraron, los secuestradores mandaron a mi padre un trozo de
mi dedo. Mi padre dijo que quería mas pruebas.

Una vez me encontré a las autoridades sanitarias. Me ofrecieron un

El último deseo de mi padre moribundo fue que me sentara en su regazo.
Estaba en la silla eléctrica.

Un día me llamó una chica a casa diciéndome: "ven a casa, no hay nadie".
Cuando llegué a su casa no había nadie.

A mi mujer le gusta hablar conmigo después del sexo. El otro día me llamó
a casa desde un hotel.

Una vez ingerí un frasco entero de tranquilizantes. El doctor me dijo:
"tómese una copa y acuéstese un poco".

Mi psiquiatra me dijo que me estaba volviendo loco. Yo le dije que quería
una segunda opinión. "De acuerdo, también es usted feo".

Una vez me iba a suicidar tirándome desde un décimo piso. Mandaron un cura
para ayudarme. Sus palabras de ánimo fueron: "preparados, listos....".

Cosas de Miedo

Qué malo es el miedo, ¿eh? Los seres humanos no estamos preparados para el miedo, no nos sabemos comportar con dignidad. No hay más que ver la cantidad de gilipolleces que hacemos cuando tenemos miedo. A continuación analizamos algunas situaciones típicas que nos provocan miedo y nuestra estúpida reacción ante estas.


Estás por la noche en la cama y oyes un ruido extraño, ¿qué haces? ¡Te tapas con la sábana! ¡Muy bien! ¿Qué pasa, que la sábana es antibalas? ¿Que si viene un malo con un cuchillo no va a poder atravesarla, se le va a doblar la hoja? ¡Hombre, por favor!

¿Y cuando nos da por mirar debajo de la cama? ¡Hombre, que ya tenemos una edad! Además, suponiendo que haya un asesino debajo de la cama, ¿qué ganas mirando? ¡Que te mate antes! Muy bien, fantástico. ¿Se imaginan que un día nos encontramos a alguien debajo de la cama? ¿Qué le diríamos?:
-Buenas nocheeees... ¿Qué? Asesinando, ¿no?

Otra reacción estúpida ante el miedo es mirar dentro del armario, que ya es el colmo. Porque, vamos a ver ¿a alguien le cabe un señor dentro del armario? Pero si el día que planchas no sabes dónde meter toda la ropa, ¿cómo se va a meter un tío ahí dentro?


Otra situación. Oyes un ruido raro en casa y te levantas, 'acojonao', en calzoncillos, y preguntas: -¿Hay alguien? ¿Pero qué crees, que si hay alguien te va a contestar? Lo mejor es cuando llegas a la conclusión de que si hay alguien seguro que se esconde detrás de la puerta del cuarto de baño, y ¿qué haces? Asomas la cabeza poco a poco, más que nada para que si hay alguien, te dé a gusto. ¡Ay!


Vas en un coche y, de repente, el conductor empieza a correr como si fuese Carlos Sainz, pero sin Carlos y sin Sainz, y tú acojonado. ¿Qué haces? Lo normal, protegerte: te agarras a la asita de plástico que hay encima de la puerta! Ya se puede estampar si quiere, que tu vas cogido a la asita...

Cuando nos van a poner una inyección, ¿qué hacemos? Poner el culo tan duro que la aguja rebota!! Es que hay que ser ¿eh? Sabemos que duele más, pero no podemos evitarlo.

Más reacciones estúpidas que tiene el cuerpo por su cuenta: gritar. Claro que sí, muy lógico. Si estás friendo un huevo y se te prende la sartén ¿qué se te ocurre? Gritar. Te pones a gritar como un loco: -¡¡Que se me queman los huevos!! Y si viene otra persona, se une a ti con sus gritos: -¡Que se te queman los huevos! Pero ¿qué pretendemos? ¿Apagar el fuego a gritos?

¡Hombre, por favor!


Él preguntó:
-¿Por qué Uds. las mujeres siempre tratan de impresionarnos con la apariencia, y no con la inteligencia?
Ella respondió:
-Porque hay más posibilidades de que un hombre sea estúpido que ciego.



Un anciano judío muere y al encontrar a Dios en el paraíso, le cuenta su vida.
-Lo peor que me ha pasado es que mi hijo se convirtiera al catolicismo.
-A mí también me pasó lo mismo -contesta Dios.
-¿Y qué hiciste?, pregunta el Judío.
-Un nuevo testamento.



Una dama entra a una farmacia y le pide al farmacéutico:
-Por favor, quisiera comprar arsénico.
Dado que el arsénico es muy tóxico y letal el farmacéutico quiso saber más datos antes de proporcionarle la sustancia.
-¿Y para qué querría la señora comprar arsénico?
-Para matar a mi marido.
-¡Ah, caramba! Lamentablemente para ese fin no puedo vendérselo.
La mujer sin decir palabra abre la cartera y saca una fotografía del marido haciendo el amor con la mujer del farmacéutico.
-¡Mil disculpas!, dice el farmacéutico -no sabía que usted tenía receta.



Un cura aficionado a la ornitología tenía doce pájaros.
Todos los días los soltaba para que volaran y éstos siempre regresaban a sus jaulas. Pero un día sólo regresaron once, así que el sacerdote, decidido, en la misa de 12 del domingo preguntó:
-¿Quién tiene un pájaro?
Todos los hombres se levantaron.
-No, no me expliqué bien .. ¿Quién ha visto un pájaro?
Todas las mujeres se levantaron.
-¡No, no! ... Lo que quiero decir es: ¿Quién ha visto mi pájaro?
Todas las monjas se levantaron.



Paco era un gallego que tenía un gran amigo argentino, llamado Juan. En un viaje que hiciera Paco a su tierra natal, sufrió un infarto y murió. Juan se entera y decide tomarse un avión e ir al funeral de su amigo en Galicia. Al llegar al lugar donde estaban velando al muerto Juan nota que junto al cajón se encuentra un tarro enorme lleno de crema facial y lo mas curioso es que los dolientes, luego de darle el pésame a la madre de Paco, introducían la mano dentro del pote y luego procedían a embarrar al difunto. Juan, por respeto, decide hacer lo mismo, pero fue tanta su curiosidad que se acerca cuidadosamente a la Madre del difunto y en voz baja le pregunta:
-¿Por qué los deudos le están untando crema a Paco? ¿ Fue por alguna petición especial o es una tradición acá en Galicia?
La anciana le da una mirada de consternación y le contesta:
-¡Joder, pero bueno! ¿Ud. no sabía que Paco pidió que lo cremasen?



Un conocido lord inglés reunía a sus amistades a tomar el té a la hora señalada todos los martes de cada semana en su palacio de Bloodshire.
Cierto martes, el puntualísimo caballero no apareció y los invitados estaban intrigados. En cierto momento aparece el mayordomo y les dice a los presentes, con típico "british"
-Señores, Milord les pide disculpas por la demora y les anuncia que después de mucho tiempo, se ha reencontrado con su vieja y querida amiga Lulú, de París.
Dice que si puede, dentro de dos horas estará con ustedes, y si no puede, dentro de diez minutos. Muchas gracias.



Un ventrílocuo en su show está contando un chiste de gallegos, cuando un gallego presente se levanta muy ofendido y dice: "Nosotros los gallegos no somos tan tontos. Exijo una disculpa!"
El ventrílocuo le dice que no se moleste, que sólo es un chiste, a lo que el gallego contesta:
"Usted no se meta, que yo estoy hablando con el niño"


14 January, 2006

The Evil Overlord Devises a Plot

Excerpted from my lecture on Stupid Plotting Tricks
By Teresa Nielsen Hayden

Section A: The Bad Guy

If I Ever Become the Evil Overlord...

1. My Legions of Terror will have helmets with clear plexiglass visors, not face-concealing ones.

2. My ventilation ducts will be too small to crawl through.

3. My noble half-brother whose throne I usurped will be killed, not kept anonymously imprisoned in a forgotten cell of my dungeon.

4. Shooting is not too good for my enemies.

5. The artifact which is the source of my power will not be kept on the Mountain of Despair beyond the River of Fire guarded by the Dragons of Eternity. It will be in my safe-deposit box. The same applies to the object which is my one weakness.

6. I will not gloat over my enemies' predicament before killing them.

7. When I've captured my adversary and he says, "Look, before you kill me, will you at least tell me what this is about?" I'll say, "No." and shoot him. No, on second thought I'll shoot him then say "No."

8. After I kidnap the beautiful princess, we will be married immediately in a quiet civil ceremony, not a lavish spectacle in three weeks' time during which the final phase of my plan will be carried out.

9. I will not include a self-destruct mechanism unless absolutely necessary. If it is necessary, it will not be a large red button labeled "Danger: Do Not Push". The big red button marked "Do Not Push" will instead trigger a spray of bullets on anyone stupid enough to disregard it. Similarly, the ON/OFF switch will not clearly be labeled as such.

10. I will not interrogate my enemies in the inner sanctum -- a small hotel well outside my borders will work just as well.

11. I will be secure in my superiority. Therefore, I will feel no need to prove it by leaving clues in the form of riddles or leaving my weaker enemies alive to show they pose no threat.

12. One of my advisors will be an average five-year-old child. Any flaws in my plan that he is able to spot will be corrected before implementation.

13. All slain enemies will be cremated, or at least have several rounds of ammunition emptied into them, not left for dead at the bottom of the cliff. The announcement of their deaths, as well as any accompanying celebration, will be deferred until after the aforementioned disposal.

14. The hero is not entitled to a last kiss, a last cigarette, or any other form of last request.

15. I will never employ any device with a digital countdown. If I find that such a device is absolutely unavoidable, I will set it to activate when the counter reaches 117 and the hero is just putting his plan into operation.

16. I will never utter the sentence "But before I kill you, there's just one thing I want to know."

17. When I employ people as advisors, I will occasionally listen to their advice.

18. I will not have a son. Although his ludicrously ill-planned attempt to usurp power would fail, it would provide a fatal distraction at a crucial point in time.

19. I will not have a daughter. She would be as beautiful as she was evil, but one look at the hero's rugged countenance and she'd betray her own father.

20. Despite its proven stress-relieving effect, I will not indulge in maniacal laughter. When so occupied, it's too easy to miss unexpected developments that a more attentive individual could adjust to accordingly.

21. I will hire a talented fashion designer to create original uniforms for my Legions of Terror, as opposed to some cheap knock-offs that make them look like Nazi stormtroopers, Roman footsoldiers, or savage Mongol hordes. All were eventually defeated and I want my troops to have a more positive mind-set.

22. No matter how tempted I am with the prospect of unlimited power, I will not consume any energy field bigger than my head.

23. I will keep a special cache of low-tech weapons and train my troops in their use. That way -- even if the heroes manage to neutralize my power generator and/or render the standard-issue energy weapons useless -- my troops will not be overrun by a handful of savages armed with spears and rocks.

24. I will maintain a realistic assessment of my strengths and weaknesses. Even though this takes some of the fun out of the job, at least I will never utter the line "No, this cannot be! I AM INVINCIBLE!!!" (After that, death is usually instantaneous.)

25. No matter how well it would perform, I will never construct any sort of machinery which is completely indestructible except for one small and virtually inaccessible vulnerable spot.

26. No matter how attractive certain members of the rebellion are, there are others just as attractive who are not desperate to kill me. Therefore, I will think twice before ordering a prisoner sent to my bedchamber.

27. I will never build only one of anything important. All important systems will have redundant control panels and power supplies. For the same reason I will always carry at least two fully loaded weapons at all times.

28. My pet monster will be kept in a secure cage from which it cannot escape and into which I could not accidentally stumble.

29. I will dress in bright and cheery colors, and so throw my enemies into confusion.

30. All bumbling conjurers, clumsy squires, no-talent bards, and cowardly thieves in the land will be preemptively put to death. My foes will surely give up and abandon their quest if they have no source of comic relief.

31. All naive, busty tavern wenches in my realm will be replaced with surly, world-weary waitresses who will provide no unexpected reinforcement and/or romantic subplot for the hero or his sidekick.

32. I will not fly into a rage and kill a messenger who brings me bad news just to illustrate how evil I really am. Good messengers are hard to come by.

33. I won't require high-ranking female members of my organization to wear stainless-steel bustiers. It's hard on their morale. Similarly, outfits made entirely from black leather will be reserved for formal occasions.

34. I will not turn into a snake. It never helps.

35. I will not grow a goatee. In the old days they made you look diabolic. Now they just make you look like a disaffected member of Generation X.

36. I will not imprison members of the same party in the same cell block, let alone the same cell. If they are important prisoners, I will keep the only key to the cell door on my person instead of handing out copies to every bottom-rung guard in the prison.

37. Once my power is secure, I will destroy all those pesky time-travel devices.

38. If an enemy I have just killed has any offspring or younger siblings, I will find them and have them killed immediately, instead of letting them to grow up harboring feelings of vengeance towards me in my old age.

39. If I absolutely must ride into battle, I will certainly not ride at the forefront of my Legions of Terror, nor will I seek out my opposite number among his army.

40. I will be neither chivalrous nor sporting. If I have an unstoppable superweapon, I will use it as early and as often as possible instead of keeping it in reserve.

41. If my trusted lieutenant tells me my Legions of Terror are losing a battle, I will believe him. After all, he's my trusted lieutenant.

42. When I capture the hero, I will make sure I also get his dog, monkey, ferret, or whatever sickeningly cute little animal capable of untying ropes and filching keys happens to follow him around.

43. I will maintain a healthy amount of skepticism when I capture the beautiful rebel and she claims she is attracted to my power and good looks and will gladly betray her companions if I just let her in on my plans.

44. I will only employ bounty hunters who work for money. Those who work for the pleasure of the hunt tend to do dumb things like even the odds to give the other guy a sporting chance.

45. I will make sure I have a clear understanding of who is responsible for what in my organization. For example, if my general screws up I will not draw my weapon, point it at him, say "And here is the price for failure," then suddenly turn and kill some random underling.

46. If an advisor says to me "My liege, he is but one man. What can one man possibly do?", I will reply "This." and kill the advisor.

47. If I learn that a callow youth has begun a quest to destroy me, I will slay him while he is still a callow youth instead of waiting for him to mature.

48. I will treat any beast which I control through magic or technology with respect and kindness. Thus if the control is ever broken, it will not immediately come after me for revenge.

49. If I learn the whereabouts of the one artifact which can destroy me, I will not send all my troops out to seize it. Instead I will send them out to seize something else and quietly put a Want-Ad in the local paper.

50. My main computers will have their own special operating system that will be completely incompatible with standard IBM and Macintosh powerbooks.

51. If the beautiful princess that I capture says "I'll never marry you! Never, do you hear me, NEVER!!!", I will say "Oh well" and kill her.

52. I will have a team of board-certified architects and surveyors examine my castle and inform me of any secret passages and abandoned tunnels I don't know about.

53. If one of my dungeon guards begins expressing concern over the conditions in the beautiful princess' cell, I will immediately transfer him to a less people-oriented position.

54. I will not strike a bargain with a demonic being then attempt to double-cross it simply because I feel like being contrary.

55. Deformed mutants and oddball psychotics have their place in my Legions of Terror. However before I send them out on important covert missions that require tact and subtlety, I will see if there is anyone else equally qualified who would attract less attention.

56. My Legions of Terror will be trained in basic marksmanship. Any who cannot learn to hit a man-sized target at 10 meters will be used for target practice.

57. Before employing any captured artifacts or machinery, I will carefully read the owner's manual.

58. If it becomes necessary to escape, I will never stop to pose dramatically and toss off a one-liner.

59. I will never build a sentient computer smarter than I am.

60. My five-year-old advisor (see above) will also be asked to decipher any code I am thinking of using. If he breaks the code in under 30 seconds, it will not be used. Note: this also applies to passwords.

61. If my advisors ask "Why are you risking everything on such a mad scheme?", I will not proceed until I have a response that satisfies them.

62. I will design fortress hallways with no alcoves or protruding structural supports which intruders could use for cover in a firefight.

63. Bulk trash will be disposed of in incinerators, not compactors. And they will be kept hot, with none of that nonsense about flames going through accessible tunnels at predictable intervals.

64. I will see a competent psychiatrist and get cured of all extremely unusual phobias and bizarre compulsive habits which could prove to be a disadvantage.

65. If I must have computer systems with publicly available terminals, the maps of my complex they display will have a room clearly marked as the Main Control Room. That room will be the Execution Chamber. The actual main control room will be marked as Sewage Overflow Containment.

66. My security keypad will actually be a fingerprint scanner. Anyone who watches someone press a sequence of buttons or dusts the pad for fingerprints then subsequently tries to enter by repeating that sequence will trigger the alarm system.

67. No matter how many shorts we have in the system, my guards will be instructed to treat every surveillance camera malfunction as a full-scale emergency.

68. I will spare someone who saved my life in the past. This is only reasonable, as it encourages others to do so. However, it's a one-time offer. If they want me to spare them again, they'd better save my life again.

69. Independent midwives will be banned from the realm. All babies will be delivered at state-approved hospitals. Orphans will be placed in foster-homes, not abandoned in the woods to be raised by creatures of the wild.

70. When my guards split up to search for intruders, they will always travel in groups of at least two. They will be trained so that if one of them disappears mysteriously while on patrol, the other will immediately initiate an alert and call for backup, instead of quizzically peering around a corner.

71. If I decide to test a lieutenant's loyalty to see if he/she should be made a trusted lieutenant, I will have a squad of marksmen standing by in case the answer is no.

72. If all the heroes are standing together around a strange device and begin to taunt me, I will pull out a conventional weapon instead of using my unstoppable superweapon on them.

73. I will not agree to let the heroes go free if they win a rigged contest, even though my advisors assure me it is impossible for them to win.

74. When I create a multimedia presentation of my plan designed so that my five-year-old advisor can easily understand the details, I will not label the disk "Project Overlord" and leave it lying on top of my desk.

75. I will instruct my Legions of Terror to attack the hero en masse, instead of standing around waiting while members break off and attack one or two at a time.

76. If the hero runs up to my roof, I will not run up after him and struggle with him in an attempt to push him over the edge. I will also not engage him at the edge of a cliff. (In the middle of a rope-bridge over a river of molten lava is not even worth considering.)

77. If I have a fit of temporary insanity and decide to give the hero the chance to reject a job as my trusted lieutenant, I will retain enough sanity to wait until my current trusted lieutenant is out of earshot before making the offer.

78. I will not tell my Legions of Terror "And he must be taken alive!" The command will be "And try to take him alive if it is reasonably practical."

79. If my doomsday device comes with a reverse switch, as soon as it has been employed it will be melted down and made into limited-edition commemorative coins.

80. If my weakest troops fail to eliminate a hero, I will send out my best troops instead of wasting time with progressively stronger ones as he gets closer and closer to my fortress.

81. If I am fighting with the hero atop a moving platform, have disarmed him, and am about to finish him off, and he glances behind me and drops flat, I too will drop flat, instead of quizzically turning around to find out what he saw.

82. I will not shoot at any of my enemies if they are standing in front of the crucial support beam to a heavy, dangerous, unbalanced structure.

83. If I'm eating dinner with the hero, put poison in his goblet, then have to leave the table for any reason, I will order new drinks for both of us instead of trying to decide whether or not to switch with him.

84. I will not have captives of one sex guarded by members of the opposite sex.

85. I will not use any plan in which the final step is horribly complicated, e.g. "Align the 12 Stones of Power on the sacred altar then activate the medallion at the moment of total eclipse." Instead it will be more along the lines of "Push the button."

86. I will make sure that my doomsday device is up to code and properly grounded.

87. My vats of hazardous chemicals will be covered when not in use. Also, I will not construct walkways above them.

88. If a group of henchmen fail miserably at a task, I will not berate them for incompetence, then send the same group out to try the task again.

89. After I captures the hero's superweapon, I will not immediately disband my legions and relax my guard because I believe whoever holds the weapon is unstoppable. After all, the hero held the weapon and I took it from him.

90. I will not design my Main Control Room so that every workstation is facing away from the door.

91. I will not ignore the messenger that stumbles in exhausted and obviously agitated until my personal grooming or current entertainment is finished. It might actually be important.

92. If I ever talk to the hero on the phone, I will not taunt him. Instead I will say this his dogged perseverance has given me new insight on the futility of my evil ways, and that if he leaves me alone for a few months of quiet contemplation I will likely return to the path of righteousness. (Heroes are incredibly gullible in this regard.)

93. If I decide to hold a double execution of the hero and an underling who failed or betrayed me, I will see to it that the hero is scheduled to go first.

94. When arresting prisoners, my guards will not allow them to stop and grab a useless trinket of purely sentimental value.

95. My dungeon will have its own qualified medical staff complete with bodyguards. That way if a prisoner becomes sick and his cellmate tells the guard it's an emergency, the guard will fetch a trauma team instead of opening up the cell for a look.

96. My door mechanisms will be designed so that blasting the control panel on the outside seals the door and blasting the control panel on the inside opens the door, not vice versa.

97. My dungeon cells will not be furnished with objects that contain reflective surfaces or anything that can be unravelled.

98. If an attractive young couple enters my realm, I will carefully monitor their activities. If I find they are happy and affectionate, I will ignore them. However if circumstances have forced them together against their will and they spend all their time bickering and criticizing each other except during the intermittent occasions when they are saving each others' lives at which point there are hints of sexual tension, I will immediately order their execution.

99. Any data file of crucial importance will be padded to 1.45Mb in size.

100. Finally, to keep my subjects permanently locked in a mindless trance, I will provide each of them with free unlimited Internet access.

101. I will not order my trusted lieutenant to kill the infant who is destined to overthrow me; I'll do it myself.

102. I will not waste time making my enemy's death look like an accident; I'm not accountable to anyone, and my other enemies wouldn't believe it anyway.

103. I will make it clear that I do know the meaning of the word "mercy"; I simply choose not show them any.

104. My undercover agents will not have tattoos identifying them as members of my organization, nor will they be required to wear military boots or adhere to any other dress codes.

105. I will not employ devious schemes that involve the hero's party getting into my inner sanctum before the trap is sprung.

106. If my supreme command center comes under attack, I will immediately flee to my prepared escape pod and direct the defenses from there. I will not wait until the troops break into my inner sanctum to attempt this.

107. Even though I don't really care because I plan on living forever, I will hire engineers who are able to build me a fortress sturdy enough that, if I am slain, it won't tumble to the ground for no good structural reason.

108. Any magic and/or technology that can miraculously resurrect a secondary character who has sacrificed his/her life will be outlawed and destroyed.

109. I will see to it that plucky young lads/lasses in strange clothes and outlander accents shall regularly climb some monument in the main square of my capital and denounce me, claim to know the secret of my power, rally the masses to rebellion, etc. That way, the citizens will be jaded in case the real thing ever comes along.

110. I will design all doomsday machines myself. If I must hire a mad scientist to assist me, I will make sure that he is sufficiently twisted that he'll never regret his evil ways and seek to undo the damage he's caused.

111. I will offer oracles the choice of working exclusively for me or being executed.

112. I will not rely on "totally reliable" spells that can be neutralized by relatively inconspicuous talismans.

113. I will make the main entrance to my fortress standard-sized. While elaborate 60-foot-high double doors definitely impress the masses, they are hard to close quickly in an emergency.

114. I will never accept a challenge from the hero.

115. I will not engage an enemy single-handedly unless all my soldiers are dead.

116. If I capture the hero's starship, I will keep it in the landing bay with the ramp down, only a few token guards on duty and a ton of explosives set to go off as soon as it clears the blast-range.

117. No matter how much I want revenge, I will never order an underling "Leave him. He's mine!"

118. If I have equipment which has some important function, it will not be activated by a lever that someone could trigger by accidentally falling on when fatally wounded.

119. I will not attempt to kill the hero by placing a venomous creature in his room. It will just wind up accidentally killing one of my clumsy henchmen instead.

120. Since nothing is more irritating than a hero defeating you with basic math skills, all of my personal weapons will be modified to fire one more shot than the standard issue.

121. If I come into possession of an artifact which can only be used by the pure of heart, I will not attempt to use it regardless.

122. The gun turrets on my fortress will not rotate enough so that they may direct fire inward or at each other.

123. If I decide to hold a contest of skill open to the general public, contestants will be required to remove their hooded cloaks and shave their beards before entering.

124. Prior to kidnapping an older male scientist and forcing him to work for me, I will investigate his offspring and make sure that he has neither a beautiful but naive daughter who is willing to risk anything to get him back, nor an estranged son who works in the same field but had a falling-out with his father many years ago.

125. Should I actually decide to kill the hero in an elaborate escape-proof deathtrap room (water filling up, sand pouring down, walls converging, etc.) I will not leave him alone five-to-ten minutes prior to "imminent" death, but will instead (finding a vantage point or monitoring camera) stick around and enjoy watching my adversary's demise.

126. Rather than having only one secret escape pod, which the hero can easily spot and follow, I'll simultaneously launch a few dozen decoys to throw him off track.

127. Prison guards will have their own cantina featuring a wide variety of tasty treats that will deliver snacks to the guards while on duty. The guards will also be informed that accepting food or drink from any other source will result in execution.

128. I will not employ robots as agents of destruction if there is any possible way that they can be re-programmed or if their battery packs are externally mounted and easily removable.

129. Despite the delicious irony, I will not force two heroes to fight each other in the arena.

130. All members of my Legions of Terror will have professionally tailored uniforms. If the hero knocks a soldier unconscious and steals the uniform, the poor fit will give him away.

131. I will never place the key to a cell just out of a prisoner's reach.

132. Before appointing someone as my trusted lieutenant, I will conduct a thorough background investigation and security clearance.

133. If I find my beautiful consort with access to my fortress has been associating with the hero, I'll have her executed. It's regrettable, but new consorts are easier to get than new fortresses, and maybe the next one will pay attention at the orientation meeting.

134. If I am escaping in a large truck and the hero is pursuing me in a small Italian sports car, I will not wait for him to pull up alongside me, then try to force him off the road while he tries to climb aboard. Instead I will slam on the brakes when he's directly behind me. (A rudimentary knowledge of physics is useful.)

135. My doomsday machine will have a highly-advanced technological device called a capacitor in case someone inconveniently pulls the plug at the last second. (If I have access to REALLY advanced technology, I will include a back-up device known as a battery.)

136. If I build a bomb, I will simply remember which wire to cut if it has to be deactivated and make every wire red.

137. Before spending available funds on giant gargoyles, gothic arches, or other cosmetically intimidating pieces of architecture, I will see if there are any valid military expenditures that could use the extra budget.

138. The passageways of my domain will be well-lit with fluorescent lighting. Regrettably, the spooky atmosphere will be lost, but my security patrols will be more effective.

139. If I'm sitting in my camp, hear a twig snap, start to investigate, then encounter a small woodland creature, I will send out some scouts anyway just to be on the safe side. (If they disappear into the foliage, I will not send out another patrol; I will break out the napalm.)

140. I will instruct my guards to look for the chamber pot when checking a cell that appears empty. If it's still there, the prisoner has escaped, and they may enter and search for clues. If the chamber pot is not there, then either the prisoner is perched above the lintel waiting to strike them with it, or he decided to take it as a souvenir (in which case he is deeply disturbed and poses no threat). Either way, there's no point in entering.

141. As an alternative to not having children, I will have lots of children. My sons will be too busy jockeying for position to ever be a real threat, and the daughters will all sabotage each other's attempts to win the hero.

142. If I have children and subsequently grandchildren, I will keep a three-year-old grandchild near me at all times. When the hero enters to kill me, I will ask him to first explain to her why it's necessary to kill her beloved grandpa. When the hero launches into an explanation that's way over her head, that will be her cue to pull the lever and send him into the pit of crocodiles. After all, small children like crocodiles almost as much as Evil Overlords, and it's important to spend quality time with the grandkids.

143. If one of my daughters actually manages to win the hero and openly defies me, I will congratulate her on her choice, declare a national holiday to celebrate the wedding, and proclaim the hero my heir. This will probably be enough to break up the relationship. If not, at least I am assured that no hero will attack my Legions of Terror when they are holding a parade in his honor.

144. I will teach my guards to stand in reasonable formation when they fire at the hero so he cannot duck between them and cause them to accidentally shoot each other.

145. My dungeon cell decor will not feature exposed pipes. While they add to the gloomy atmosphere, they are good conductors of vibrations and a lot of prisoners know Morse code.

146. If my surveillance reports any unmanned or seemingly innocent ships found where they are not supposed to be, they will be immediately vaporized instead of brought in for salvage.

147. I will classify my lieutenants in three categories: untrusted, trusted, and completely trusted. Promotion to the third category will be awarded posthumously.

148. Before ridiculing my enemies for wasting time on a device to stop me that couldn't possibly work, I will first acquire a copy of the schematics and make sure that in fact it couldn't possibly work.

149. Ropes supporting various fixtures will not be tied next to open windows or staircases, and chandeliers will be hung way at the top of the ceiling.

150. I will provide funding and research to develop tactical and strategic weapons covering a full range of needs so my choices are not limited to "hand to hand combat with swords" and "blow up the planet".

151. I will not set myself up as a god. That perilous position is reserved for my trusted lieutenant.

152. I will instruct my fashion designer that when it comes to accessorizing, second-chance body armor goes well with every outfit.

153. My Legions of Terror will be an equal-opportunity employer. Conversely, when it is prophesied that no man can defeat me, I will keep in mind the increasing number of non-traditional gender roles.

154. I will instruct my Legions of Terror in proper search techniques. In particular, if they are searching for escapees and someone shouts, "Quick! They went that way!", they must first ascertain the identity of this helpful informant before dashing off in hot pursuit.

155. If I know of any heroes in the land, I will not under any circumstance kill their mentors, teachers, and/or best friends.

156. If I have the hero and his party trapped, I will not wait until my Superweapon charges to finish them off if more conventional means are available.

157. When plans are drawn up that include a time-table, I'll post-date the completion three days after it's scheduled to occur and not worry too much if they get stolen.

158. I will exchange the labels on my folder of top-secret plans and my folder of family recipes. Imagine the hero's surprise when he decodes the stolen plans and finds instructions for Grandma's Potato Salad.

159. If I burst into rebel headquarters and find it deserted except for an odd, blinking device, I will not walk up and investigate; I'll run like hell.

160. Before being accepted into my Legions of Terror, potential recruits will have to pass peripheral vision and hearing tests, and be able to recognize the sound of a pebble thrown to distract them.

161. I will occasionally vary my daily routine and not fall into a rut. For example, I will not always take a swig of wine or ring a gong before finishing off my enemy.

162. If I steal something very important to the hero, I will not put it on public display.

163. When planning an expedition, I will choose a route for my forces that does not go through thick, leafy terrain conveniently located near the rebel camp.

164. I will hire one hopelessly stupid and incompetent lieutenant, but make sure that he is full of misinformation when I send him to capture the hero.

165. As an equal-opportunity employer, I will have several hearing-impaired body-guards. That way if I wish to speak confidentially with someone, I'll just turn my back so the guards can't read my lips instead of sending all of them out of the room.

166. If the rebels manage to trick me, I will make a note of what they did so that I do not keep falling for the same trick over and over again.

167. If I am recruiting to find someone to run my computer systems, and my choice is between the brilliant programmer who's head of the world's largest international technology conglomerate and an obnoxious 15-year-old dork who's trying to impress his dream girl, I'll take the brat and let the hero get stuck with the genius.

168. I will plan in advance what to do with each of my enemies if they are captured. That way, I will never have to order someone to be tied up while I decide his fate.

169. If I have massive computer systems, I will take at least as many precautions as a small business and include things such as virus-scans and firewalls.

170. I will be an equal-opportunity despot and make sure that terror and oppression is distributed fairly, not just against one particular group that will form the core of a rebellion.

171. I will not locate a base in a volcano, cave, or any other location where it would be ridiculously easy to bypass security by rappelling down from above.

172. Mythical guardians will be instructed to ask visitors' name, purpose of visit, and whether they have an appointment, instead of ancient riddles.

173. Although it would provide amusement, I will not confess to the hero's rival that I was the one who committed the heinous act for which he blames the hero.

174. If I am dangling over a precipice and the hero reaches his hand down to me, I will not attempt to pull him down with me. I will allow him to rescue me, thank him properly, then return to the safety of my fortress and order his execution.

175. I will have my fortress exorcised regularly. Although ghosts in the dungeon provide an appropriate atmosphere, they tend to provide valuable information once placated.

176. I will add indelible dye to the moat. It won't stop anyone from swimming across, but even dim-witted guards should be able to figure out when someone has entered in this fashion.

177. If a scientist with a beautiful and unmarried daughter refuses to work for me, I will not hold her hostage. Instead, I will offer to pay for her future wedding and her children's college tuition.

178. If I have the hero cornered and am about to finish him off and he says "Look out behind you!!" I will not laugh and say "You don't expect me to fall for that old trick, do you?" Instead I will take a step to the side and half turn. That way I can still keep my weapon trained on the hero and scan the area behind me. If anything was heading for me, it will now be heading for him.

179. I will not outsource core functions.

180. If I ever build a device to transfer the hero's energy into me, I will make sure it cannot operate in reverse.

181. I will decree that all hay be shipped in tightly-packed bales. Any wagonload of loose hay attempting to pass through a checkpoint will be set on fire.

182. I will not hold any sort of public celebration within my castle walls. Any event open to members of the public will be held down the road in the festival pavilion.

183. Before using any device which transfers energy directly into my body, I will install a surge suppressor.

184. I will hire a drama coach. The hero will think it must be a case of mistaken identity when confronted by my Minnesotan accent (if everyone sounds American) or my Cornish accent (if everyone sounds British).

185. If I capture an enemy known for escaping via ingenious and fantastic little gadgets, I will order a full cavity search and confiscate all personal items before throwing him in my dungeon.

186. I will not devise any scheme in which Part A consists of tricking the hero into unwittingly helping me and Part B consists of laughing at him then leaving him to his own devices.

187. I will not hold lavish banquets in the middle of a famine. The good PR among the guests doesn't make up for the bad PR among the masses.

188. I will funnel some of my ill-gotten gains into urban renewal projects. Although slums add a quaint and picturesque quality to any city, they too often contain unexpected allies for heroes.

189. I will never tell the hero "Yes I was the one who did it, but you'll never be able to prove it to that incompetent old fool." Chances are, that incompetent old fool is standing behind the curtain.

190. If my mad scientist/wizard tells me he has almost perfected my Superweapon but it still needs more testing, I will wait for him to complete the tests. No one ever conquered the world using a beta version.

191. I will not appoint a relative to my staff of advisors. Not only is nepotism the cause of most breakdowns in policy, but it also causes trouble with the EEOC.

192. If I appoint someone as my consort, I will not subsequently inform her that she is being replaced by a younger, more attractive woman.

193. If I am using the hero's girlfriend as a hostage and am holding her at the point of imminent death when confronting the hero, I will focus on her and not him. He won't try anything with his true love held hostage. The fact that she has been weak, slow-witted, naive and generally useless up to this point has no bearing on her actions at the moment of dramatic climax.

194. I will make several ludicrously erroneous maps to secret passages in my fortress and hire travelers to entrust them to aged hermits.

195. I will not use hostages as bait in a trap. Unless you're going to use them for negotiation or as human shields, there's no point in taking them.

196. I will hire an expert marksman to stand by the entrance to my fortress. His job will be to shoot anyone who rides up to challenge me.

197. I will explain to my Legions of Terror that guns are ranged weapons and swords are not. Anyone who attempts to throw a sword at the hero or club him with a gun will be summarily executed.

198. I will remember that any vulnerabilities I have are to be revealed strictly on a need-to-know basis. I will also remember that no one needs to know.

199. I will not make alliances with those more powerful than myself. Such a person would only double-cross me in my moment of glory. I will make alliances with those less powerful than myself. I will then double-cross them in their moment of glory.

200. During times of peace, my Legions of Terror will not be permitted to lie around drinking mead and eating roast boar. Instead they will be required to obey my dietician and my aerobics instructor.

201. All giant serpents acting as guardians in underground lakes will be fitted with sports goggles to prevent eye injuries.

202. All crones with the ability to prophesy will be given free facelifts, permanents, manicures, and Donna Karan wardrobes. That should pretty well destroy their credibility.

203. I will not employ an evil wizard if he has a sleazy mustache.

204. I will hire an entire squad of blind guards. Not only is this in keeping with my status as an equal opportunity employer, but it will come in handy when the hero becomes invisible or douses my only light source.

205. All repair work will be done by an in-house maintenance staff. Any alleged "repairmen" who show up at the fortress will be escorted to the dungeon.

206. When my Legions of Terror park their vehicle to do reconnaissance on foot, they will be instructed to employ The Club.

207. Employees will have conjugal visit trailers which they may use provided they call in a replacement and sign out on the timesheet. Anyone caught making out in a closet and leaving their station unmanned will be shot.

208. Members of my Legion of Terror will attend seminars on Sensitivity Training. It's good PR for them to be kind and courteous to the general population when not actively engaged in sowing chaos and destruction.

209. I will not, under any circumstances, marry a woman I know to be a faithless, conniving, back-stabbing witch, simply because I am absolutely desperate to perpetuate my family line. Of course, we can still date.

210. All guest-quarters will be bugged and monitored so that I can keep track of what the visitors I have for some reason allowed to roam about my fortress are actually plotting.

211. If my chief engineer displeases me, he will be shot, not imprisoned in the dungeon or beyond the traps he helped design.

212. I will not send out battalions composed wholly of robots or skeletons against heroes who have qualms about killing living beings.

213. I will not wear long, heavy cloaks. While they make a bold fashion statement, they have an annoying tendency to get caught in doors or tripped over during an escape.

214. If a malignant being demands a sacrificial victim have a particular quality, I will check to make sure said victim has this quality immediately before the sacrifice and not rely on earlier results. (Especially if the quality is virginity and the victim is the hero's girlfriend.)

215. If I MUST put a digital timer on my doomsday device, I will buy one free from quantum mechanical anomalies. So many brands on the market keep perfectly good time while you're looking at them, but whenever you turn away for a couple minutes then turn back, you find that the countdown has progressed by only a few seconds.

216. If my Legions of Terror are defeated in a battle, I will quietly withdraw and regroup instead of launching a haphazard mission to assassinate the hero.

217. If I'm wearing the key to the hero's shackles around my neck and his former girlfriend now volunteers to be-come my mistress and we are all alone in my bedchamber on my bed and she offers me a goblet of wine, I will politely decline the offer.

218. I will not pick up a glowing ancient artifact and shout "Its power is now mine!!!" Instead I will grab some tongs, transfer it to a hazardous materials container, and transport it back to my lab for study.

219. I will be selective in the hiring of assassins. Anyone who attempts to strike down the hero the first instant his back is turned will not even be considered for the job.

220. If I have a single vulnerability, I will fake a different one -- for example, ordering all mirrors removed from the palace, screaming and flinching whenever someone accidentally holds up a mirror, etc. In the climax when the hero whips out a mirror and thrusts it at my face, my reaction will be "Hmm...I think I need a shave."

221. My force-field generators will be located inside the shield they generate.

222. I reserve the right to execute any henchmen who appear to be a little too intelligent, powerful, or devious. How-ever if I do so, I will not at some subsequent point shout "Why am I surrounded by these incompetent fools?!"

223. I will install a fire extinguisher in every room -- three, if the room contains vital equipment or volatile chemicals.

224. I will build machines which simply fail when over-loaded, rather than wiping out all nearby henchmen in an explosion or setting off a chain reaction. I will do this by using devices known as "surge protectors".

225. I will explain to my guards that most people have their eyes in the front of their heads and thus while searching for someone it makes little sense to draw a weapon and slowly back down the hallway.

226. I will have a staff of competent detectives handy. If I learn that someone in a certain village is plotting against me, I will have them find out who rather than wipe out the entire village in a preemptive strike.

227. I will never bait a trap with genuine bait.

228. If the hero claims he wishes to confess in public or to me personally, I will remind him that a notarized deposition will serve just as well.

229. If I have several diabolical schemes to destroy the hero, I will set all of them in motion at once rather than wait for them to fail and launch them successively.

230. I will not put off any ritual granting immortality.

Section B: The Good Guy

If I Am Ever the Hero...

1. I will maintain no association with sidekicks who employ prostitutes. While such entertainment doubtlessly relieves my comrade of the wearying burden of the Heroic Struggle, the women met in this fashion tend to filch artifacts needed to defeat the Evil Overlord, act as his spies and/or assassins, carry unpleasant diseases, and (worst of all) get me in trouble with my True Love.

2. I will ignore the Evil Overlord's arguments revolving around honor and/or morality. If he were really all that worked up about either, he would never have become an Evil Overlord in the first place.

3. When the Evil Overlord takes hostages, I will presume the hostages dead and hold a memorial service. Any promises made by the Evil Overlord regarding their safe return shall be summarily ignored. My loved ones will be warned to expect this.

4. I will not walk alone and undisguised into a bar in the Evil Overlord's territory in order to meet with an ex-associate who said a bunch of damaging things about me in one of the Evil Overlord's propaganda pieces.

5. When the Evil Overlord is hanging on the cliff by his fingers, I will not try to help him up. If time and means are available, I'll kill him then and there.

6. When I am advised to destroy a magical artifact taken from the Evil Overlord, I will do so.

7. Anyone inquiring after the secret of my strength will be fed a line of plausible baloney as to how this strength can be lost. If the bogus advice is followed, the leak shall be properly investigated.

8. If an associate begins to transform into something large and threatening, I will immediately act to neutralize the threat, and not wait until the transformation is complete. Likewise, if an enemy begins to metamorphose into something else, I will immediately start whacking away at it, instead of watching in fascination.

9. I will take no oath of unquestioning obedience, nor any oath of obedience to persons of unproved character.

10. I will reveal to each comrade a different clue for distinguishing me from an impostor, so that if one of them betrays me and an impostor is sent in my place, the others will still be able to catch on to the charade.

11. I will never assume that an enemy is dead unless the remains are available for examination, and will keep in mind the possibility of cloning technology or resurrection magic.

12. I will employ some manner of surveillance so that when I leave a room and a traitorous comrade gives me the Malicious Scowl or Wicked Leer to my back, I will have ample warning of his impending betrayal.

13. Self-appointed prophets who deliver elliptically-worded warnings will be politely asked to rephrase their utterances in plainer terms. If said prophet refuses the request, a five-year-old child will be asked to explain the meaning of the prophecy.

14. I will waste no time trying to get the rich to join in my rebellion. The only way to stay rich in the Evil Overlord's realm is to collaborate with him, and any rich people who truly feel guilty about this will serve the rebellion better by not openly joining.

15. If my Mentor tells me that I am not yet ready to confront the Evil Overlord, I will quietly accept his judgement and remain to complete my training.

16. If one of the Bad Guys manages to kill my Mentor, I'm clearly not prepared to immediately avenge him; I will retreat and develop my skills.

17. I shall arrange my personal affairs so that it doesn't matter if someone learns my secret identity.

18. If I am granted a vision of the future, I will not try to prevent anything that I see. It never works.

19. If I am forced to make a choice between saving a friend or lover and fulfilling my mission, I will remind myself that failing to accomplish the mission will probably result in their death anyway, and go on with the mission.

20. If I am captured by the Evil Overlord and escape, I will assume that he is tracking me in some manner. If I am going to the hidden rebel base, I'll first go to an alternate location, change clothing, equipment, and means of transportation, and then go to the hidden rebel base.

21. If any of my associates mysteriously disappears, and then returns behaving in an uncharacteristic manner, I will immediately presume that their loyalty has been compromised by the Evil Overlord.

22. Old flames that join the rebellion will be assigned duties that preclude contact with me. This not only protects me from any attempt by the Evil Overlord to use them as agents, but also keeps my True Love from leaving me in a fit of misplaced jealousy.

23. I will presume that the Evil Overlord is working to nullify my secret powers. I shall therefore obtain the means to fight that do not rely on these secret powers.

24. If I enter into alliances with the Evil Overlord, I will bear in mind that the rationale he has given for the alliance is not the Unvarnished Truth, and that he will betray me at the moment most advantageous to him.

25. I will never travel back into the past in order to prevent the current situation. It never works.

26. No matter how sincere he looks, I will never shake the Evil Overlord's hand.

27. When my powerful wizard friend fails to return at the appointed time, I won't wait until after my birthday to start my Perilous Journey. I will set out immediately.

28. Anything that appears to have been too easy--escaping the Evil Overlord's fortress, defeating the Eldritch Horror, etc.--probably was too easy.

29. If the Evil Overlord invites me to go on a hunt with him, I will decline the invitation.

30. If I have a copy of the Evil Overlord's plans and my capture is imminent, I will not send the only copy of those plans away with a cute little sidekick. I will make many copies of the plans and send them away with many cute little sidekicks.

31. If I maintain a secret identity, I will keep my transformation ritual as simple and quick as possible so that I cannot be interrupted during it.

32. I will not keep information secret in order to prevent widespread hysteria; it never works.

33. My fortress will include a holding room for any annoying kids, nerds, would-be love interests and other wannabe-types who follow me there and insist on joining my group. They will be kept in this room until the Evil Overlord is defeated. If there are holodecks available, I will throw the wannabe into it while he/she is asleep and activate the Epic Adventure program.

34. When the Evil Overlord's Seductive Daughter tries to subvert me through her womanly wiles, I will keep in mind the diseases she is likely to have caught from all the netherwordly creatures with whom she is probably also consorting, as well as the possibility that the Evil Overlord has a hidden camera/crystal ball trained on me and is forcing my True Love to watch.

35. I will not needlessly expose myself to enemy gunfire, hand-to-hand combat, or dogfights.

36. There are three dimensions in space. I do not have to attack in the same plane as the opponent.

37. I will not count on other rebels being as self-sacrificing as I.

38. I do not need to give the Overlord a fair chance. Shooting him in the back works for me.

39. I will never say "This one is mine!" and engage in a one-on-one struggle with the Evil Overlord or any of his henchmen; however, I might say "This one is mine!" and stand back while my comrades, by prior arrangement, pump all available firepower into the now-distracted target.

40. If my village allies defeat the elite forces of the Evil Overlord, I will take a few minutes to learn how they did it and incorporate the information gained into my strategies.

41. If my True Love is captured and forced into marriage with the Evil Overlord, I will not attempt to rescue her until after the ceremony, unless said ceremony will irrevocably harm or alter her in some way.

42. If she doesn't already know, I shall train my True Love in the art of unarmed combat, so that when the Evil Overlord uses her as a human shield she can slam her heel between his legs.

43. Likewise, if she doesn't already know, I shall train my True love in the art of armed combat, to the extent that her natural talents allow.

44. If through skill or luck I defeat a better-armed opponent, I will at least try to get his/her/its weapons.

45. When I and my companions sneak into the Evil Overlord's stronghold through some unorthodox route such as the main drain, and it appears to be completely unguarded, we will stop and discuss possible explanations for that observation, rather than simply praising our good luck and pressing blithely on.

46. After killing a few dozen faceless, anonymous grunts in the Legion of Doom without a second thought, I will not suddenly take a merciful attitude with the Evil Overlord, his family, his lieutenants, or anyone else with a speaking part.

47. When I kill one of the Evil Overlord's deer, I will not lug it to his castle and wave it in his face just to make some obscure point, only to wind up having to fight my way out of his castle. I'll just take it home and enjoy some venison.

48. I will remember that if the Bad Guy tries to kill enough people, no one will mind too much if I kill him instead of merely disarming him. Especially if it looks like an accident.

49. If I am offered two explanations for a phenomenon, one logical and scientific and the other a load of New Age claptrap, I will accept the scientific explanation.

50. My robots will be programmed to speak only when they have something useful to say. That way I will not be tempted to ignore them when they have critical information.

51. When I state my intention to do something and one of my robots interrupts me, I will at least hear it out.

52. I will wear different outfits from day to day, so that the Evil Overlord's henchmen will not be able to spot me at a glance.

53. If I lose a hand and have it replaced with a prosthesis, the prosthesis will have a functional weapon built in to it. I can use it to surprise Bad Guys and open canned goods.

54. I will not have sex with anyone before a battle. They will either die or betray me during the battle.

55. High-sounding directives notwithstanding, I will never value culture above sentient life.

56. If I get incriminating evidence about an enemy or a superior, I will make several copies, and store each in a different location. I will not surrender the sole copy to anyone. If ordered to destroy the copies, I will do so, after first making more copies.

57. I will not try to make comrades run faster by yanking on their arms. I will instead advise them to stop turning around to look at the pursuing danger (rats, lava, etc.).

58. I will not make the sidekick wait somewhere while I go on ahead. He'll only get into worse trouble than he otherwise would.

59. Every member of the rebellion will have DNA tests to bring any existing blood relationships to light.

60. When five seconds can mean the difference between the survival and destruction of the galaxy, I will keep my wistful expressions of undying fealty, love, or regret to a minimum.

61. After knocking out a bad guy, I will kill him silently if I can, cripple him silently if I can't kill him, or disarm him if I can neither kill nor cripple him. If I fail to do any of these, he will come to and jump me from behind.

62. My loyal, trusted and heavily armed bodyguards will always be on hand.

63. I will never leave my True Love and/or family unguarded unless they can defend themselves.

64. I will always pack as much firepower as I can.

65. I will never allow my people to speak to prisoners alone, but I will sometimes appear to do so.

66. I will maintain constant surveillance on all prisoners in case one of my people tries something behind my back.

67. If I discover a mysterious pod in my home, barn, spaceship, or alien territory, I will not stick my face into it or pick it up to see if it is alive. Instead I will have it examined via remote-controlled robot.

68. I will not trust a being with an inordinate number of tentacles.

69. I will always read the fine print.

70. Being captured by the Evil Overlord is one way to learn his secret plans, but there are innumerable other ways that are better, and they will be tried first.

71. My weapon of choice will be the one that allows the greatest distance between me and my target.

72. When I am forced to decide which of two identical people is the Trusted Ally and which is the Evil Doppelganger, I will stun them both and sort things out in the brig.

73. When I make my escape from the Evil Overlord's encampment, I will sabotage as much of the enemy's pursuit capacity (horses, jeeps, rocket bikes, etc) as opportunity permits, sparing only enough for the use of my companions and me.

74. If my trusty sidekick always blurts out the fact that I am carrying the most powerful magic object in the world, then I will get a sidekick who is less of a blabbermouth.

75. No robots serving with me will be permitted to have emotion chips.

76. I will be courteous to all, whether friend, foe, or neutral. Especially neutral.

77. I will wear a utility belt. Not everything I need will be kept there, but I will pretend that I am helpless without it in order to fool the Evil Overlord.

78. I will treat law enforcement officials with respect, permit them to handle affairs that are within their capacity, and solicit their advice when circumstances allow. This will establish mutual respect and a good rapport.

79. If I have a weakness, I will look for a Sidekick who does not share it. Failing that, I will form a mutual-support association with a Hero not sharing this weakness.

80. When sneaking into the fortress of the Evil Overlord, I will disguise myself as someone whose normal behavior I can emulate.

81. If I am in dire straits due to a lack of the rare substance that fuels my ship, I will scan my environs for supplies of the substance, paying especial attention to the natives' jewelry and other decorative artifacts.

82. My guards will be instructed so that when a voice around the corner says "come here," they will assume the speaker to be an intruder and respond accordingly.

83. If I am forced to retreat after being ambushed by overwhelming forces, I will not run home where it's safe; whoever is behind the ambush probably has plans for me when I get there.

84. I almost certainly have an Evil Twin running around somewhere, if not by birth then as a creation of the Evil Overlord. I will keep an eye out for him, and plan accordingly.

85. I will never allow fashion sense to prevent me from carrying whatever is useful or needful for the Heroic Struggle.

86. When the Evil Overlord tries to guilt-trip me by claiming that I'll be responsible for something he plans to do if I don't cooperate with him, I'll mercilessly quote Ayn Rand to him.

87. If the Evil Overlord wears a mask hiding his features, it's either because he doesn't want to be recognized or because he's bodaciously ugly. I will psych myself up for the shock resulting from either cause when I rip the mask off of him.

88. When someone opens the Eldritch Portal to Hell, and I have the means to close it, I will employ said means immediately, and not stop to explain things to everyone.

89. People who whine about not being trusted are either (a.) Operatives for the Evil Overlord; (b.) Mind-controlled by the Evil Overlord; (c.) Totally clueless about concepts like OPSEC and need-to-know; or (d.) Dangerously neurotic and/or immature; and are consequently not to be trusted.

90. If a mystic proclaims that my destiny is to "defeat the darkness," "bring freedom to the downtrodden," or some such other glorious accomplishment, I will immediately begin preparations for the role. I will not wait for the mystic and several other innocents to get rubbed out by the Evil Overlord.

91. If my powers depend on a talisman in my possession, I will never openly display it, but keep it hidden in my codpiece/brassiere; a flashy, gaudy article of jewelry, having no mystical potency of any kind, will be brandished when I employ my super powers.

92. I will begin my lifelong fight against crime immediately upon discovery of my powers, instead of withholding my assistance from the police, thereby allowing a minor criminal to escape and murder one of my loved ones.

93. When I am about to enter the Evil Overlord's hideout, I will have it surrounded by friendly forces so that they can detain him if he sneaks out the back door while I kick down the front door.

94. If I discover that one of my comrades in the Heroic Struggle has a Dark Secret (i.e., is passing as the opposite gender, is a close relative of the Evil Overlord, etc.), I will not dismiss them without further justification.

95. The assistance of politicians will be obtained by appealing to their self-interest. Any politician who appears to be cooperating with me out of the kindness of his heart is actually plotting to betray me at some point.

96. If my Mentor is slain in combat with the Evil Overlord or his henchmen, I will withdraw quietly, instead of shouting "Noooooo!" at the top of my lungs.

97. Mountains and castles that are shaped like skulls, hideous faces, fists, etc., are the very Lairs of Evil. All visits will be planned accordingly.

98. Female sidekicks who are loyal and dependable make much better True Loves than do vain, pampered princesses who never give me the time of day.

99. I will ascertain the whereabouts of all relatives and possible progeny from past love affairs. It's a sure bet that the ones for whom I cannot account are now working for, or actually might be, the Evil Overlord.

100. I will not spurn the assistance of a hermit/scholar merely because my other associates claim he is insane.

101. If I find myself born or drafted into a universe wherein the laws of nature do not obey consistent principles, I will depart for an alternate universe created by a more reasonable author.

If I Am Ever a Starfleet Captain...

102. I will design my ship's tactical systems so that I do not have to personally direct every single shot fired.

103. I will put surge suppressors in the circuitry of my ship, so that a shot striking some distant portion does not cause a control panel on the bridge to explode.

104. I will design my ships so that command and control functions cannot be hot-wired from a wall panel in the recreation bay.

105. I will design redundancy into all ship systems, so that the loss of one component will not cripple the entire vessel.

106. When combat is imminent, my ship's computer will be programmed so that enemy troops beaming aboard will be immediately beamed into empty space, or the originating ship's reactor core if possible. It will also deliver a kilo of antimatter to the bridge of the ship in question.

107. When the enemy ship decloaks and is arming weapons, I will immediately open fire on it, instead of waiting for it to fire three or four times.

108. When a comrade defects to the enemy, I will have all passwords changed, and as soon as it is practical I will have the computer disconnected, its memory flushed, and the approved software reloaded from the original secured CD-ROMs.

109. Anyone who cannot be entertained by books, music, a good game of cards and a well-stocked bar will not be allowed to crew my ship. Hence there will be no need for a holodeck on my ship.

110. After capturing a space station from an enemy, I will have the enemy's computer systems removed, melted down into slag, and dumped into the nearest stellar object. A new computer will then be installed.

111. If a crew member is a sanctimonious coward who continually gets us all into trouble through his greed, I shall, after the third or fourth episode of this behavior, act to preserve myself and other comrades only, and let him be destroyed by the mess he made for himself.

112. Under no circumstance will I agree to not develop or employ any particular technology.

113. If I have a technologically superior foe who is intent on eliminating my whole civilization, and I am offered a means of utterly annihilating this foe for all time, I will use it.

114. I will install seatbelts in my space vessels, and have pressure suits and pressure locks at regular intervals.

115. Technology that chronically malfunctions will be removed from my ship.

116. To prevent the computer from being reprogrammed by every Tom, Dick and Harry that sneaks on board, its software will be stored in ROM chips that are soldered to the motherboard; RAM will be reserved for data only.

117. I will design the greatest possible degree of manual back-up into my space vessels, so that when my on-board computer begins to act strangely, I can power it down via a switch located next to my seat on the bridge, and yet not be left totally helpless.

118. I will not allow anyone to read the technical manuals and blueprints of my ship unless they work in Ops or Engineering and therefore have a need-to-know. All personnel will be properly cleared prior to assignment to Ops or Engineering. The technical manuals and blueprints of a totally fictitious craft will be freely available.

119. If my ship's drive or weapons systems require lengthy charge times between uses, I shall research and develop equipment that can handle a heavier duty cycle.

120. My ship's computer will have a clock rate of at least one megahertz and be programmed in C or assembler so that important calculations take a few milliseconds instead of an hour or so.

121. If a member of my crew can perfectly mimic my voice giving the commands to take control of my ship, additional security measures they cannot mimic will be added, such as palmprints or retinal scans.

122. If my ship is constantly being bugged, robbed, invaded, or taken over, I will replace my security officer, no matter how cool a character he is.

123. If knowledge of the operating frequency of a ship's system aids in efforts to disable that system, I will employ an arcane development known as "frequency-hopping."

124. Before letting crewmembers take leave on a planet, I will ensure that they are welcome and that its government recognizes concepts like Rule of Law, Trial by Jury, Presumption of Innocence, and so forth. I will also check out the local laws so that none of my crew ends up on death row for scratching his nose in public or some other stupid thing.

125. If one of my crewmembers is unjustly imprisoned and/or condemned, and the officials with whom I speak express a marked disinterest in his actual guilt or innocence, I will not waste time trying to gather exonerating evidence. Instead, I will immediately mount a rescue mission.

126. When beaming into hostile territory I will instruct my transporter chief to beam me into a defensible position, with the landing party facing outwards in a circle. I will have my weapon in my hand (not my pocket) before I beam down.

127. If I beam off of a vessel that is still hostile, I will arrange to leave behind as large an explosive device as I can obtain.

128. I will not have both rotating and non-rotating sections on a ship. If I need rotational gravity, I will spin the whole ship. Any navigational computer that cannot deal with this will be replaced with one that can.

129. I will follow the advice of my Chief Medical Officer. If I am not at 100% of my usual level of physical fitness, I will stick to desk duty unless the fate of something genuinely important hangs in the balance.

130. I will assume that all super-weapons are operational until proven otherwise, especially if they appear to be unguarded.

131. All critical data and software will be backed up in off-line storage.

132. A random alien's claims about his/her/its race's cultural values and attitudes will be given no more credence than a random human's claims about human cultural values and attitudes.

133. My crew shall be trained in the fine arts of tactical combat, such as dispersing assets, walking point, advance, flank and rear guards, etc.

134. I will not throw infantry into close-quarter combat with creatures of leviathan stature, but shall turn such affairs over to the artillery crew.

135. If my ship is whisked to the far side of the galaxy, leaving us with a seventy-year journey home, and a super-being offers to take us home instantly in exchange for having his baby, I'll agree and ask what we can get for two babies.

136. If anyone beams down and their personal communicator drops carrier, all life forms within ten meters of the last known location shall be beamed directly to the brig. A large well-armed security detail will be waiting.

137. The people in charge of Sick Bay, Engineering, and R&D will not be the only people staffing those functions, nor shall they accompany away teams.

138. I will not ask "What does God need with a space ship?" and then order a torpedo strike. I will order the torpedo strike first, and ponder theology on the trip home.

139. My people will be assigned duties commensurate with their skills. I will not task pilots with leading a ground assault, infiltrating enemy camps, etc.

140. If I board a derelict ship, and it appears that the former crew and passengers all died in some horrible fashion, I will immediately leave the ship, destroy it, and toss the wreckage into the nearest stellar object.

141. If I am in red alert status and discover that it was a false alarm, I will stay in red alert for a while before standing down.

142. Anyone I imprison will be stripped, scanned, and given a prison uniform. This will prevent them from assembling weapons from pieces hidden in their regular clothes.

143. Any crew member who begins to act strangely will be immediately relieved of duty and confined to the sick bay, pending a complete screening to determine if their personality has been subverted.

144. I will not let the Whiz Kid conduct research aboard my ship. If he's got a theory that he's itching to test, I will deposit him on an uninhabited planet in friendly space, and make sure that I'm out of the system before he's done unpacking.

145. I will not depart the starbase unless my complement of Marines are on board.

146. I will hold repel-boarders drills on my ship. These drills will be held at random hours so that everyone learns what in Klotho's name they're supposed to be doing, no matter what the circumstances.

147. My junior officers will be notified that Academy cadets cannot be field-commissioned, and should they come upon a ship crewed entirely by such, they will immediately take command and return them to where they can receive adult supervision.

148. I will never send the infantry down on missions that are better suited for orbital bombardment.

149. If the issued zap guns have "stun" and "kill" modes, they will be set to the former only when the user is about to fire at something that is wanted alive.

150. If my opponent can adapt to various forms of attack, rendering them useless, I will use some imagination and start attacking in as many different ways as possible.

Section C: Auxiliary Characters (Evil)

Tips for the Evil Henchman:

1. Avoid getting sent to rough up the Hero. Ransacking hotel rooms is probably safe, but going 'round to beat up the good guys is a sure ticket to the bottom of the Thames. Remember, however, that all Heroes get roughed up at least once, so if this has never happened to the Hero, go for it!

2. Avoid killing people not actively involved in the rebellion; the Evil Overlord has enough enemies as it is. Especially don't kill relatives, significant others, or best friends of the Hero. Normally after the Evil Overlord is overthrown, henchmen can get off with a few hundred hours of community service, but if you off the Hero's loved ones, he'll make lasagna out of you.

3. Unless the Evil Overlord pays extra for indiscriminate slaughter, avoid it. Why should you give your services away for free?

4. As tempting as it may be, never try to ravish the Evil Overlord's beautiful-but-wicked daughter. She can probably mop the floor with you. Daddy will not try to stop her.

5. Learn where the trap door is in Evil Overlord's audience chamber. Avoid standing there, especially when bad news is brought to the Evil Overlord.

6. As soon as the evil lord has the Hero in his power, seek the nearest available escape route. The fewmets are about to hit the windmill.

7. Learn to distinguish Heroes from Sidekicks. Heroes are usually taller and more somber, while Sidekicks dress with more flair and tell more jokes. Taking on the Hero when you only have enough manpower/firepower to take on the Sidekick will earn you an all-expenses-paid trip on Stygian Cruise Lines.

8. Never allow yourself to be provoked into doing anything stupid by insults from the Hero or Sidekicks.

9. No matter how attractive the captured heroine is or how seductively she bats her eyes, she really does not want to sleep with you. Do not unlock the cell door.

10. If the hero gives you a chance to surrender or flee, take it.

11. If you surrender to the Hero, don't try to stab him when his back is turned; the Sidekick will get you first.

12. If the seemingly helpless person you have just cornered is confident and unafraid despite being outnumbered and surrounded, you have encountered a Hero in disguise. Run while you still can.

13. If the Hero you are sent after dresses entirely in black, he is even more dangerous than the Evil Overlord suspects; double all requisitions for men and firepower.

14. Practice your "accidental" sword/gun dropping technique. It's the only thing that can save you when the Hero is winning.

15. When you have someone at gunpoint and that person says "you haven't got the guts to kill me," disprove his/her hypothesis.

16. The Evil Overlord will not risk his life to save yours. Why risk yours for his?

17. If the Hero is using you as a human shield and the Evil Overlord asks you if the Doomsday Weapon is prepared, say "no."

18. If the Evil Overlord orders you to kill some prisoners and then departs for business elsewhere, leave as quickly as possible; there is about to be a successful rescue attempt.

19. Never allow yourself to be turned into a vicious, ravening beast to defeat the Hero. It never works, and you girlfriend will not understand. She will dump you for one of the Good Guys.

20. Never hold hostages at point-blank range. Anyone quick enough to even back into the role of Hero can punch you out faster than you can pull the trigger.

21. When disposing of bodies, dump them in the Evil Overlord's territory, and not in neighboring lands presently outside of his control.

22. Find out where the Evil Overlord has installed the self-destruct switch for his secret base (the real switch, not the decoy), and disable it at the first opportunity. The base will get blown up anyway, but this way your chances of escaping are better.

23. Don't let the Evil Overlord use you as a lab animal.

24. If you can't avoid being used as a guinea pig by the Evil Overlord, any powers you gain from the experiment will make it needful for the Hero to kill you at some point during the Heroic Struggle. Change sides and take your just revenge.

25. There is no need to yell when you are attacking the Hero. Especially when you're doing it from behind.

26. The recommended method for checking to see if the Hero is still alive is to shoot him in the head.

Guidelines for Legion of Doom Troops:

27. Before performing guard duty, familiarize yourself with the sound of a tossed pebble, and learn to avoid being distracted by it.

28. When performing guard duty, do not stare continually in one direction, but take a moment now and then to look around.

29. And while you're pulling guard duty, if anyone shows up with a prisoner transfer or maintenance job, and you don't know about it, arrest them on the spot.

30. When you are fighting intruders, do not fight them quietly, but yell "Intruder!" while you still have breath.

31. When issued armor or uniforms that contrast with the service environment, respectfully inquire after more sensibly-colored attire.

32. Get plenty of firearms practice, and shoot at the Hero, not at the ground around him; kicking up lots of dirt looks cool, but it won't stop the Hero.

33. Don't attack the hero alone or in pairs. The Evil Overlord hired a million of you for a reason.

34. Learn how to lead from the rear and command from afar, just like the Evil Overlord does.

35. Exercise care in the abuse of oppressed peoples. Farm implements can be effective weapons in the hands of a skilled opponent, and some of those little old men can teach you a thing or two about hand-to-hand combat. It would be just your luck for the villager you pick on to actually be the Hero masquerading as one of the villagers.

36. Test your armor's ability to stop a minimum of one sword thrust or laser blast, and if it does not give at least this much protection, respectfully inquire after something better.

37. Make sure that your headgear allows for a useful field of vision.

38. Remember that if the Hero and/or his comrades are being purposely allowed to escape, there is no need for you to get killed in your effort to "prevent" the escape.

39. If a prisoner suddenly takes ill, notify the Evil Overlord and await his instructions. Do not go into the cell to examine him/her yourself.

40. If you're on patrol and your partner mysteriously disappears, call for backup before you go look for him.

41. If your unit's name contains words like "Imperial", "Elite", "Supreme", "Tactical", "Storm" or "Special", request a transfer as soon as possible. These guys always get clobbered first when the Heroes attack.

Tips for the Trusted Lieutenant:

42. When the hero or his sidekicks are at your mercy, don't stop to gloat.

43. If you can't resist gloating, don't boast about the reward you expect to receive from your master for bringing them in or killing them off.

44. If you gloat and boast, don't be surprised if a comrade of the person you have at your mercy jumps you from behind while you're distracted with your boasting.

45. If you fail to complete your mission, skip town. Returning to the Evil Overlord to report on your failure will usually get you killed.

46. While the Evil Overlord is gloating over his anticipated success in the venture he is about to launch, it is considered impolite to ask "And if you fail?" You probably won't be flogged, maimed, or killed for your temerity, but why risk it?

47. Never wear gender-inappropriate underwear in a sword-rich environment. The Hero will slice your suspenders or cut off your trouser buttons, exposing you to ridicule.

48. If you find the Evil Overlord's beautiful daughter consorting with the hero, take her bribes but turn her in.

49. If you follow orders and fail, the Evil Overlord will claim he told you to do something different, and you will be blamed. If you disobey orders and succeed, the EO will act as if what you did was his idea, and you will be commended. The Moral: Do what works.

50. Find out what happened to your predecessor. Learn from it.

51. Always arrange to have a scapegoat.

52. Never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, accept responsibility for failure.

Tips for the Evil Overlord's Wicked but Beautiful Daughter:

53. Make a point of finding out all those lovely little family secrets so that the Hero can never spring them on you.

54. Do not fall in love with the Hero.

55. If you fall in love with the Hero, and decide to help him, do not declare your intentions to Daddy. He'll just clap you in irons pending execution. Of course the Hero will rescue you, but it's demeaning.

56. If the Hero takes you to his secret base, and once there tells all about his plans, smile sweetly, leave, and find another man. This Hero is obviously so stupid he will not be around for very long.

57. If any of Daddy's Evil Henchmen try to make a move on you, maim them at least. While the encounter might be interesting, it would set a bad precedent.

58. If you fall in love with the Hero, and want him to return your affection, don't use a drug concocted by a wizened old lady living on the top of a mountain. If the hero is not blind, your natural charms will be sufficient to win him over. If he prefers some tramp of a princess, then he obviously has rotten taste; find someone better.

59. If you fall in love with the Hero, and learn that he has a True Love, investigate the relationship. If she has never returned his affection, the position is still open to competition (but you will first have to work as the Hero's Sidekick for a while).

60. Don't wear dresses with high, fan-like collars. Stick with close-fitting, simple little numbers that let you turn your head to see behind you. If for some reason you have to wear a dress with a high collar, there's an arcane device called a "mirror" that will help you watch your back.

61. Have some engineers install a hidden exit from the room where Daddy imprisoned Mommy for the rest of her days after she displeased him.

62. Do not mistreat the populace. Let Daddy be the one to make enemies of all the Heroes in the land.

63. If you have siblings, do not trust them. They'll only use you shamelessly. Of course if they're stupid enough to trust you, use them shamelessly.

64. If any of your sibs try to enlist your help to overthrow Daddy, smile, agree, and then turn them in. They're either stupid (in which case their plot will fail and you'll get caught), or setting you up (in which case not turning them in is a very bad idea), or they've turned Good (in which case life under the new regime would be boring).

65. Laugh at all of the Sidekick's jokes, no matter how lame they are. That way when you pretend to fall for him he will be more easily fooled.

66. Don't just be an attractive stage prop. Make sure you know every detail of the running of the Evil Empire, so that if anything unpleasant happens to Daddy, the transition of power will go smoothly. Then make sure that something unpleasant happens to Daddy.

67. Make up your mind now whether you want to marry the Hero or slowly cut him into little pieces. Do not attempt the latter until you have given up on the former.

68. Daddy's Trusted Lieutenant works for Daddy. If he catches you cavorting with the Hero, he will gleefully take whatever you offer for his silence, and then turn you in anyway.

Tips for the Evil Overlord's Accountant:

69. Keep a set of books listing those activities of the Evil Overlord that would be a credit to Gandhi. Show these records to anyone who cares to see them.

70. Keep a second set of books that lists the activities in the first set of books, plus those activities that look fishy at a cursory glance, but on closer examination are perfectly within the letter of the law, or maybe just bend it a little. Show these books to auditors who aren't fooled by the first set of books, and then only when the Evil Overlord has no choice but to allow examination. Keep them a bit untidy so that anyone looking at them will think you were caught with your pants down.

71. Keep a third set of books, listing everything the Evil Overlord is up to. Show these books to the Evil Overlord when he wants to see them. Show them to nobody else. Store them in thermite-packed cabinets so that they can be destroyed with extreme speed.

72. Keep a fourth set of books, listing the locations and passwords for the bulk of the Evil Overlord's loot, including the Plundered Crown Jewels. Use this information to bargain for your miserable cowardly life when the Hero defeats the Evil Overlord.

73. Keep a fifth set of books, listing the locations and passwords for a small portion of the Evil Overlord's loot, in the form of unmarked and untraceable cash. Use this information to set yourself up for retirement after the Evil Overlord is overthrown.

74. When the Hero and his allies storm the Evil Overlord's castle, hide under the Sturdy Oak Table with the other Sly Advisors until the fighting stops. If the Evil Overlord wins, it's back to business as usual; your sniveling cowardice will only stoke the Evil Overlord's feelings of superiority over you, so you will not be punished. If the Hero wins, thank the Hero for freeing you from the Evil Overlord's mind control, then show him where the Plundered Crown Jewels are kept. When nobody's looking, get the portion of the Evil Overlord's loot that you have earmarked for your retirement fund and retire.

75. Do not bother the Evil Overlord with the details of finances; math bores him. Simply remember his net worth at any given moment and be prepared to supply that figure on demand.

76. Do not embezzle from the Evil Overlord, unless you are able to cover the discrepancy by exaggerating the losses incurred by the bumbling of the Evil Overlord's other henchmen, and then only when said henchmen are dead.

Tips for Evil Geniuses:

77. I will not experiment on myself.

78. I will not transplant my mind into the Hero's brain when my test monkey is still in the laboratory.

79. None of my super-weapons will have a "reverse" switch.

80. My secret lab/lair will have excellent ventilation, automatic sprinklers, and halon extinguishers handy at every bench.

81. My glass flask holders, test tube racks, and bunsen-burner-heated apparati will be anchored to the floor or wall, not balanced precariously on a wobbly table.

82. Any ability-enhancing formula that has potential degenerative or addictive effects may be suitable to use on the Controlled Masses, but not on myself.

83. My high-energy sealed test chamber will only be operable from the outside by the combination of my hand and retinal print. If someone has relieved me of my hand and eye to get them, I'd rather be dead anyway.

84. If I can splice genes to create a 60-meter-long killer cockroach, I can also insert in said creation a susceptibility to my custom formula of Raid, which I can carry in a convenient key chain mace canister.

85. Experimental monster creations will not only have one immediately lethal vulnerability only I can exploit, but until my Diabolical Plan is ready to implement, they will also have an addiction to a material only I can supply, without which they will die in a day or two.

86. I will always have an open airplane ticket to New Zealand on hand in case my current project escapes my laboratory, starts mutating beyond control, or starts talking back to me in a belligerent fashion.

87. I will personally select the brain to be used in my life-creation experiment.

88. If I need one liter of my secret formula to implement my Diabolical Plan, I will produce ten liters and store the other nine safely in different caches.

89. I will always carry the antidote on my person. But it will be in a vial marked 'poison reserve.' The poison reserve will be in the vial marked 'antidote.'

90. If I am working on an optical mind control device, I will remove all extraneous mirrors from the lab and wear polarized contact lenses at all times.

91. I will test the strength, power, and weaknesses of all monsters I create. Better to pull back and send two monsters next time than lose one due to simple poor planning.

92. Experiments requiring a human test subject shall be performed on kidnapped anti-social bums who live alone in large cities, not someone whose disappearance will be noticed, like a coed at the local high school.

93. If I really must experiment on a teenage girl, I will not choose the buxom cheerleader whose courageous and handsome boyfriend is captain of the football team. Instead, I will choose the mousy quiet girl whose only boyfriend is the nervous head of the Dungeons and Dragons club, whom I can probably co-opt if I need to.

94. I will remember that any robot/device/mental power that can be remotely controlled from ten feet can, with sufficient preparation, effort, and/or energy, be remotely controlled from 100 miles or more.

95. Feeding of Ravenous Caged Beasts will be taken care of my redundant, automatic Beast Feeders or, if the compound is well sealed by me, extraneous underlings. No underling (especially one with a girlfriend to impress) will ever be given the keys to the cages.

96. My Android Armies will be capable of independent action, and will not rely on a central brain for coordination. Further, they will have logic-loop rejection procedures to prevent paralysis by "Everything I say is a lie" type statements.

Tips for Evil Cult Members:

97. Pick one faith and stay with it. Dilettantism is the mark of an amateur.

98. Familiarize yourself with the specs for sacrificial victims, and make sure that unacceptable substitutes aren't introduced into the ceremony. If the penalty for not-to-spec work is death and/or mutilation, consider working for a more fault-tolerant deity.

99. Avoid needless embarrassment. Practice the correct pronunciation of your deity's name in private before chanting it in public. Flash cards are helpful. Be very careful to pronounce only one syllable at a time; some deities pop up at every mention of their name, and expect to have an acceptable sacrifice waiting for them.

100. Before agreeing to impregnation by a supernatural being, investigate the survival rate of the other women who have undergone the procedure.

101. Never invoke anything bigger than your head.

102. Eschew deities whose followers are all young; such faith groups usually employ an unpleasant retirement procedure.

103. Avoid all cabalistic jewelry over ten pounds in weight--it attracts unwelcome attention from tourists, policemen, and supernatural creatures, and it can be downright dangerous during thunderstorms. Its jingling also tends to warn the hero of your approach.

104. Citronella candles may not be used in rituals. I cannot stress this enough. And pastel-colored candles in the shape of cute animals are like direct sunlight to the Powers of Darkness.

105. If the spirit contacted during a seance begins offering financial advice, you're dealing with a con artist, and not a genuine medium.

106. Always keep your kit with you: candles, chalk, incense, silver knife, Thuggee cord, service revolver, garlic, Yellow Sign, cab fare, and change.

107. Fluorescent lighting is very annoying to most netherworldly creatures.

108. If a Black Mass goes awry, stay away from the Evil Priest. Enraged demons always go for the pompous.

109. Followers who have a speech impediment should be excused from speaking parts in any and all ceremonies. The mispronunciation of the deity's name can have catastrophic effects.

110. Plan ahead by selecting ceremonial robes that are easy to run in while still affording ample concealment.

111. If the ritual site has some strange powder sprinkled around that wasn't there the last time, postpone all ceremonies until the site is verified.

112. When a religious artifact begins emitting light, CLOSE YOUR EYES. Thousands of cult members could be saved every year if they followed this simple safety tip.

113. When mutilating cattle, avoid the ones with testicles.

114. During ritual sacrifices, it's considered bad form to take bits home "for later".

115. Blood tests are now required for all sacrificial victims before the ritual. The effects of HIV+ offerings on the average malefic deity have never been witnessed by anyone living, or even intact.

116. Contrary to historical belief, drugs and invocations do not mix. When the ritual goes awry, it is vitally necessary to be able to discern between the gibbering monstrosity to pump full of silver bullets and the gibbering monstrosity that will fade away after a few hours, some B complex, and a good hot bath.

117. Never play strip Tarot.

118. Piety and belief are powerful things, and few forces in nature, can stand against one who is true to his faith, his god/goddess, and the deal made in exchange for the soul. However, it is also true that gods tend to side with the heaviest artillery, so be prepared to change sides at the drop of a hat.

119. For those situations where a fresh, living, sacrifice is not available, the lower ranks of demons can be fooled by microwaving a previously frozen chunk of ex-victim and cleverly jiggling it. However, a mock victim sculpted from Spam is right out.

120. Instead of picking human victims who are young, virginal and innocent (and tend to turn out to be the Hero's girlfriend), see if you can substitute mass murderers, lawyers, school board members, and other people who won't be missed.

121. Register the copyrights on your chants, so you'll have a leg up when some long-haired, dope-smoking, maggot-infested rock group plagiarizes them for a fast buck.

122. Do not allow your mental condition to degrade any further than the obligations of your deity require. A good psychiatrist helps.

Advice for Aliens and Monsters on the Rampage

123. Inoculate before invasion.

124. Don't terrorize around nuclear power stations.

125. No matter how pretty the girl is, leave her alone. It's almost guaranteed that your anatomies (not to mention your biologies) are incompatible.

126. If your planet desperately needs women, chances are you can get them without invasion by simply offering job and pay equity.

127. Don't route all power through the Mothership.

128. Don't climb tall buildings to evade capture unless you can fly from the top.

129. Always pretend to be immune to gunfire. People will only shoot at you if they think it'll do some good.

130. Don't lay your eggs in a major metropolitan subway system. Find a nice secluded cave.

131. If you can outbreed your enemies, don't go for the brute force takeover.

Section D: Auxiliary Characters (Good)

If I Am Ever the Sidekick...

1. If the hero tells me to stay put while he goes on ahead, I will do so instead of sneaking around and getting captured.

2. When selecting a love interest, I will keep an eye out for the spunky, moderately attractive tomboy type who is about my height. The stunningly beautiful ones are probably spies from the Evil Overlord, and are only trying to sweet-talk valuable information out of me or tempt me over to the other side.

3. Optimism and survival appear to correlate negatively. If I find myself hopeful at all times about human nature, I will verify the status of my insurance policies.

4. I will strive to complement the Hero's skills instead of duplicating them. If I am the most inventive person ever born, I will cultivate those talents instead of trying to become another swashbuckler.

5. I will coordinate all Heroic Struggle-related activities with the Hero. If I can't tell him what I'm doing, I probably shouldn't be doing it.

6. I will not go to town for information if I am routinely beaten to a pulp for doing so.

7. I will exercise caution during the Heroic Struggle. Neither the depth of the Hero's anguish over my death nor the heat of his fury to avenge me will bring me back from the dead.

8. I will try to stay quiet and sober most of the time. If I get drunk and sing bawdy songs at the top of my lungs, I will attract prostitutes who are really working for the Evil Overlord.

9. If I am tasked to carry a very important message, I will make copies and use FedEx to get them to their destination.

10. When the beautiful captured spy offers me sexual favors, I'll decline; it's only a trick to kill me and escape.

11. If I take up the profession of arms, I will not necessarily ape the Hero's fashion sense. Specifically, I will have sleeves on my shirt, and the shirt will be buttoned.

12. If my partner is named Dirty Harry, I should realize that there is a reason for that and ask for a transfer.

13. Before accepting the role of Sidekick, I will learn how the position became vacant.

14. If the Hero sends me out on some errand, I will go, perform the task, and return. I will not drop by the tavern for a tankard of ale.

15. If the Hero does something that hurts my feelings, I shall presume that it was an honest mistake. I will not go wandering off by myself in a fit of self-pity, only to be captured by the Evil Overlord.

16. I will inform the Hero and his associates of any embarrassing secrets, so that the Evil Overlord cannot use them to blackmail me.

17. If I am flying a one-man craft which is critically damaged, I will eject. Only if the ejector seat fails will I belt out a long, despairing, agonized scream as I fly the craft into an enemy structure.

18. If the Hero has any extra-nifty weapons or armor, I will try to obtain like items for myself.

19. I will not wear a red shirt when beaming down to a planet.

20. I will not tell the Hero about my plans to settle down after the Evil Overlord is overthrown.

21. I will never open a package addressed to the Hero, or pick up his laundry, or perform other personal tasks on his behalf.

22. When the Hero tosses me his car keys, I will toss them back, and take the bus. Let the car bomb blow him up for a change.

23. I will not die and be brought back to life by the Hero with such frequency that the fans say I have a revolving door in the afterlife.

24. I will make plans for disposal of my body after I have died, so the Evil Overlord cannot use it for insidious reasons of his own.

25. Someone involved in the Heroic Struggle has an identical twin out there. I'll plan accordingly.

26. If I find a pit, I will not throw a rock into it to see how deep it is, unless this information is actually needed for some reason.

27. If I fall in love with the Hero's True Love, I will inform the Hero first, and then the True Love, so that they can help me get over it and find someone else.

28. If I fall in love with someone else, I will tell him/her now, and not shyly procrastinate, thereby dooming the object of my affection to perish just as I was getting up the courage to make my feelings known.

29. If the Hero calls for me from some dark place I did not expect him to be, I'll hit the place with some manner of illumination, ask for the password, and proceed with the utmost caution.

30. If the Hero wants me to go get something, I'll arrange for delivery. If this is not available, I'll take along a few faithful comrades. At no time will these services be performed at night.

31. If the Hero is fated to slay certain entities, the Evil Overlord in particular, this means that I will not slay them, and I should avoid trying.

32. If the Hero warns me that my girlfriend is a Servant of Evil, I am in a perverse quandary. If I believe him and terminate the relationship, he will turn out to have been dead wrong, and the resulting alienation of affection will drive her to the Dark Side. If I don't believe him, he will turn out to be right, and I will be used as a pawn by my scheming paramour. I guess the only solution is to take my sweetie on a long vacation and not return until after the Heroic Struggle is completed.

33. I will not goad bad guys with statements like "over my dead body."

If I Am Ever the Hero's Own True Love...

34. I will never take a vow to marry only someone who can defeat me. I will learn of any laws which limit my marriage options and work towards their repeal. I will decided when and who I marry, thank you very much.

35. I will not freeze in terror in the presence of monsters or servants of the Evil Overlord.

36. If I have a friend who never seems to be around when the Hero shows up and clobbers the Bad Guys, I will draw the appropriate conclusions.

37. If I am captured by the Evil Overlord and escape, I will assume that he is tracking me in some manner. If I am going to the hidden rebel base, I'll first go to an alternate location, change clothing, equipment and means of transportation, and then go to the hidden rebel base.

38. If I have a copy of the Evil Overlord's plans and my capture is imminent, I will not send the only copy of those plans away with a cute little sidekick. I will make many copies of the plans and send them away with many cute little sidekicks.

39. I will learn unarmed combat, so that I can kick Bad Guys between the legs, and put my elbow into the Evil Overlord's solar plexus when he uses me as a human shield. I will not, however, attempt to tackle a Bad Guy bare-handed as long as more practical alternatives exist.

40. I will learn armed combat, so that when the Evil Overlord and the Hero are engaged in mortal combat, I can grab some dead henchman's weapons and help tilt the odds in the Hero's favor.

41. I will practice broken-field running so that I can actually run from one place to another without tripping over every shadow, crack, and pebble along my path.

42. If the Evil Overlord tries to force me into marriage, I will insist on a ceremony so expensive that it will debilitate his industrial capacity. I will be picky about the tiniest details of the ceremony and change my mind frequently so that the resulting delay will give the Hero more time to rescue me.

43. My own sidekicks will be picked for brains, not looks.

44. Since liberated women are still allowed to have it both ways, I will not rule out using my womanly wiles to defeat the Evil Overlord. Even if it only works on Stupid Bad Guys, it never hurts to try.

45. After being forced into a compromising situation, I will not grab a weapon from the Bad Guy and toss it to the Hero when he walks in; I will instead grab a weapon from the Bad Guy and use it on him myself, before the Hero walks in.

46. Likewise, if I catch the Hero in a compromising situation with another woman, I will give the Hero the benefit of whatever doubt might reasonably exist.

47. When the Evil Overlord forces me to help betray the Hero, I will make a show of resistance and then feign capitulation. I will then use whatever resources are placed at my disposal to screw the Evil Overlord (in a metaphorical sense, of course).

48. My clothing and footwear will always be appropriate for the occasion. It will enable me to run, climb, and fight, and will hide as large an assortment of personal weaponry as is practical. It will also protect me from frostbite and hypothermia. If my clothing becomes torn in a manner which threatens to kill me from exposure or transform me into cheesecake, I'll steal a jacket from some bad guy. As I am confident that my charm, loyalty and wit are enough to maintain the Hero's love, the harem girl outfit is reserved for private moments when we are living happily ever after.

49. I will not hesitate to lie about the Secret Location of the Rebel Base.

50. If I have phobias about spiders, snakes, lightning, etc., I'll get therapy and overcome them, so that when lives depend on my ability to behave intelligently, I can do it. Since liberated women can still have it both ways, I will feign phobias in order to deceive or distract Bad Guys.

51. If I am offered a bribe, I will accept it, and inform the Hero by a pre-arranged means. The happily-ever-after will be happier if we have a good nest egg to start on.

52. The Hero and I will have a pre-arranged signal so that if one of us is held at gunpoint and the other is ordered to drop his/her weapon, the hostage will know when to duck while the other one plugs the Bad Guy.

53. Knowing that creatures with tentacles have a preference for True Loves, I will keep an eye out for them.

54. I will learn basic mountaineering skills so that when I'm dangling off a cliff the Hero can finish off the Evil Overlord instead of letting him escape in order to rescue me.

55. If I am presented with a reasonable opportunity to save the day myself, I will at least try, and not wait for the Hero to do it.

56. I will never buy an apple from peddlers plying their trade in remote places where the customer base could not possibly support them.

57. I will not give sloppy, wet kisses to the Hero until I verify that he isn't related to me.

58. I will not jump out of a lifeboat as it's being lowered over the side of a sinking ship. I'll either give my spot to a mother with a baby and join the Hero in a noble death, or sensibly stay on the lifeboat and treasure my memories of him forever.

59. I will not steal confidential information from the Hero in an attempt to further my career, thus causing the Hero's dismissal from the team assembled to save the earth and severely damaging his efforts to succeed.

60. If the Hero tells me he wants to break up with me or quit his dangerous job for my protection, it's already too late; a kidnapping is already in the planning, and I will take all reasonable precautions against it.

61. I will obtain a device that the hero can use to locate me when I, despite my best efforts, am kidnapped.

62. I will refrain from converting the Captain of the Guard to our side, as it means he will be killed while helping me to escape.

63. I will not accept gifts from the Evil Overlord. They probably contain mind-control devices that would make me giddily happy to marry him. It's demeaning enough to be head-over-heels for the Hero, let alone a creep like the EO.

64. When the Sidekick rescues me, I will dump any gifts received from the Evil Overlord. They probably contain tracking devices, which would result in the Sidekick getting killed; then I'd have to listen to his confession of undying love while he croaks, and feel obligated to say some comforting baloney before his eyes close for the last time, and then after telling the Hero about his friend's courageous sacrifice, wind up naming our first child after him.

65. There is a fifty-fifty chance that the Hero's Sidekick is in love with me. I'll find him a spunky, moderately attractive tomboy type about his height, and steer them towards each other. If they quarrel, they're in love; if they hit it off, she loves him, but he's secretly unhappy with her and still loves me, and the Hero will need to send them off on a mission together.

66. If I absolutely must scream, I'll use actual words with useful information. "I'M BEING EATEN BY A SHUGGOTH!" better enables the Hero to rescue me than does a simple ear-splitting "AAARRRGGHH!"

67. When the Evil Overlord says that he was driven to his evil by my radiant beauty, I'll just kill him.

68. I will never vow to slay the killer of my brother or other near relative; there is a fair-to-middling chance that the Hero did it, that it was an accident, and that I won't learn he did it until after I fall in love with him.

69. If someone capable of feeling pain covers my mouth with their hand, I will make use of my pearly whites at the moment when my captor can least afford to be distracted.

70. I will save my ethical dilemmas for times when I don't have an enemy at gunpoint.

Tips for the Innocent Bystander:

71. Never take on someone that has just beaten the Hero, unless it is to distract him just before the Hero delivers the killing blow.

72. If the Evil Overlord announces to the world that he has reformed and wants only to help people, throw a party, and give away money, don't go, especially if he's playing Prince's music. If he's lying, you'll be a hostage or a statistic. If he's telling the truth, catch the next one.

73. Watching the Evil Overlord's interview on TV will no doubt be interesting, but don't be in the studio audience when he/she/it hosts "Saturday Night Live." Tape it, and wait a week or so to see if any other viewers had any seizures or mind-control problems before you watch the tape.

74. If you're riding on public transport and the Magnificent Seven board your train or bus, get out immediately and wait for the next one. Especially if they're in their street clothes.

75. If you are exceptionally attractive, stay away from banks. It's always the buxom redhead who gets taken hostage by the bankrobbers.

76. Do not run back to get your teddy bear or puppy.

77. If you have small children, keep them on one of those kid leashes when in public, so that they won't go running back after their teddy bear or puppy.

78. When a Bad Guy uses you for a human shield, certain delicate areas of his body are in striking range of your heel. Go for it.

79. If an acquaintance of yours seems to disappear every time the Hero puts in an appearance, rub some of those brain cells together and see what comes up.

80. If your child has an adult friend who frequently urges your child to clear his/her mind, or tells you that your child has "a rare gift," set your affairs in order. Your days are numbered.

81. If you are a news reporter, find a happy medium between the people's right to know and your right to not get kidnapped/held hostage/etc.

82. Likewise, if you are a policeman, bank guard, or night watchman, and your first shot bounces off of the intruder's chest, try shooting other areas of the intruder's body, like their face, groin, etc. If this also fails, do not waste the rest of your ammo on him/her/it, or risk your neck in hand-to-hand combat; instead, fall back and observe.

83. Do not attempt to duplicate the means by which the Hero gained his/her powers. You will either fail and die a lingering, agonizing death, or succeed, lose control of your powers, wreck half of the city, and make it necessary for the Hero to kill you to neutralize the threat you pose to everyone else.

84. If you associate with the Hero, you run the risk of becoming a True Love or a Sidekick, depending on your availability and mutual gender preferences. The former will involve hostage situations on a semi-regular basis, but chances of survival are optimal. The latter can be quite hazardous to your health, so avoid it.

85. If the Hero and the Evil Overlord are engaged in mortal battle, go somewhere else as quickly as possible, before you are squished by a car, the statue of the city's founder, or a collapsing skyscraper.

86. If you notice that your fellow reporter can type 1,024 words per minute, you should be able to tell that something's up.

87. If the Evil Overlord offers you immortality, superpowers, or infinite wealth, and all you have to do is something that seems terribly trivial, don't. It's a trick. You will be used as a pawn in a larger game, and then crushed like a bug.

88. Don't try to impress your significant other by emulating something that a Hero once did. Doing so usually results in said Hero having to come and save your butt. And you look like a complete loser, too.

89. When you hear reports that the Hero has been involved in some illicit activity, remain skeptical; it's probably a frame-up.

90. Never purposely investigate the Hero in order to learn his true identity. Success will get you kidnapped by the Evil Overlord.

91. If a Superhero takes up residence in your city, a nice spacious estate in the country will help you to actualize your potential lifespan.

92. If you are a security guard for a vast, powerful corporation, try to get assigned to the Marketing or Personnel departments, rather than R&D.

93. If there's a shy, quiet kid in your class that everyone picks on, treat him with respect and kindness. When his psychic powers are made manifest, you may actually survive.

94. If you are spending the night in a spooky old house on a dare, don't sneak away to another part of the house for romantic interludes with your Significant Other. Wait until you can get a nice, clean, safe motel room.

95. If you come across a body, do not walk slowly in the direction of a suspicious noise, or stand over the body in a stunned state of shock. Instead, call the police on your cell phone.

96. If your Mom or Dad is an eccentric researcher, insist on living close to civilization so that you can socialize with your peers and date. That way you'll be able to judge the Hero and the Evil Overlord on their own merits.

97. If your Mom or Dad is an eccentric researcher, insist that they teach you their specialty so you can duplicate their research if the need arises, and exercise some restraint on their schemes should they become mad.

98. If the Hero says "wait here," it really doesn't matter whether you obey him or not. If you stay, you'll be captured by the Evil Overlord's henchmen as soon as the Hero is out of earshot. If you tag along, you will be caught by the EO's henchmen as you stumble along.

99. Evil Overlords' friendly overtures are never sincere. If he is suddenly friendly to you, answer him courteously, then skip town at the first opportunity. If he has always been friendly to you, answer him courteously and feign utter uselessness in his designs.

100. Learn to control sneezing, coughing, and other bodily noises so that you won't give yourself away when you're trying to hide from tyrannosaurs, henchmen, etc.

101. If you enter a house, fortress, cave, temple, tomb, graveyard, etc., especially one with a malevolent aura or history of macabre events, and an eerie, disembodied voice orders you to depart the premises, go.

102. If the mere presence of your new sweetheart provokes a hostile or fearful reaction in cats or dogs, terminate the relationship immediately.

103. If someone chasing after someone else asks you to catch the latter, feign incomprehension. If you comply, you'll either catch the hero (and thereby play into the villain's hands), or catch the villain (who will waste you or use you as a hostage).

104. If you are a police officer, bank guard, or night watchman, and somebody breaches the concrete walls of your facility, it is generally a waste of time trying to ask them about their business.

105. If a new hero shows up who take business away from the old one, keep your distance; they're either a Bad Guy pretending to be Good, or their powers are not fully developed and will soon go out of control.

106. Do not attempt to observe the Hero's fights in person, but rather, content yourself with watching it on the nightly news.

107. If mysterious strangers appear at the birth or adoption of your child and make epic proclamations about him/her, listen.

108. Don't make friends with the Hero's True Love. You'll buy it when she gets kidnapped.

109. Do not take a shortcut through the woods.

110. Don't make the snack run alone. Bring someone else with you.

111. Do not actively try to become a Sidekick or True Love. If you really have what it takes, you'll wind up with the role no matter what you do.

112. If your corporation conducts research, don't volunteer to work after hours. That's when experiments go awry.

113. If you run a corporation that conducts research, do not fire one of your researchers without first dismantling every bit of their laboratory equipment.

114. Do not attempt to chase custom-built vehicles, even if you are a policeman.

115. If you're singled out as the Chosen One, politely ask what it entails. If the job description involves "Defeating the Darkness," and involves long years of danger and struggle, you've just been made a Hero, and the person naming you the Chosen One is your Mentor (or can direct you to your Mentor). If the job of being the Chosen One involves being pampered by half-naked temple virgins, it will end with you being sacrificed to the volcano, and the person calling you the Chosen One is the Evil High Priest(ess) who intends to perform the ceremony.

116. Any artifact named as if it were a part of somebody, especially if it really was once a part of somebody, is a Talisman of Purest Evil, and should only be dealt with in a manner pursuant to its destruction.

117. Stay away from all buildings or natural features of the landscape that resemble skulls, fists, fanged mouths, etc.

118. Before going off the beaten path for your vacation, check the police archives, and with the old people who live in the region, taking note of any mysterious deaths or disappearances.

119. No matter how hooked you are on phonics, don't try to pronounce things you find inscribed in ancient artifacts.

120. Artifacts that are found in pieces should be left in pieces. Most importantly, if the pieces of an artifact stick together during assembly without any sort of adhesive, stop!

121. When the scholar in the expedition says that the carving promises wrath on him who breaks the seal, it's time to go back to the camp.

122. When the medical examiner announces that the victim was bitten or eaten by "something weird that I've never seen before, probably some kind of animal", avoid the area where the biting/eating took place. If the victim is still alive, avoid the victim except under broad daylight.

123. Do not split up to search for the monster.

Section E: Further Evil

Guidelines for Evil Empresses:

1. Beauty is fleeting, power is vulnerable. I will not risk the latter for the former.

2. I will not fret over the comparative beauty of the Hero's True Love or any Beautiful Yet Innocent kinfolk. They may be attractive enough, as peasant wenches or quivering maidens go; but I am The Evil Empress, and there is no comparison.

3. I will use my magic mirror for spying on my enemies rather than for vain attempts at preserving my position as fairest in the land.

4. I will not bed the Hunky Hero before my plan is executed, unless having him believe I am carrying his child gives me a decisive advantage.

5. While seduction has its place in my arsenal, I realize that "evil" and "skanky" are not mutually inclusive. Royal Dressmakers unable to realize this fact will be flayed alive in the presence of their replacements.

6. I will wear flats, or better yet, running shoes when executing crucial plans.

7. My slinky sorceress' robe will have a chain mail foundation garment, at minimum.

8. I will not be put off by the Hero's rebuffs of my sexual advances. If he doesn't succumb, I won't fly into a jealous rage. Instead, I'll shrug my shoulders, send him on his way, and have him picked off as he exits the fortress.

9. Where winks, suggestive remarks, and body language won't get me what I want, a well aimed semi-automatic will.

10. Sex is certainly a weapon at my disposal, but then so is a blaster. If it is not clear which weapon I should be using, I will opt for the blaster.

11. I, and my elite guards, will never assume that we have managed to confiscate all weapons or escape aids from the captured Hero. Interrogations in my private chambers will only be conducted if the Hero is completely nude. This will satisfy a number of objectives at once.

12. I will promote chivalry and urge my minions to exhibit proper behavior at all times when it is not counterproductive to my schemes. This increases the chance of running up against only chivalric Heroes, as well as increasing the surprise factor when I ditch the pretenses and get really vicious.

13. I will not seize power for my beloved son or husband or other close individual, especially since they may not, in the end, be grateful that I was so ruthless and treacherous on their behalf. I will seize power for myself and grant my loved ones small fiefdoms they can call their own, if they want.

14. If the Hero is an old lover of mine (and they almost always are), I will remember just why he is a former lover, and keep it in mind as I destroy him.

15. If I know the Hero is an old lover of mine and he isn't aware of it, I will keep it to myself. I can better exploit his weaknesses and my other intimate knowledge about him if I don't allow my identity to be revealed.

16. If the Hero says he is willing to betray his cause and accept my offer of ruling the world at my side, he will only be believed once that betrayal results in his cause's total destruction, at which point his demonstrable lack of principle will lead to his immediate execution.

17. My poison-fanged or -clawed beast minions will not be spiders, snakes and ravens, but kittens, goldfish, and canaries.

18. I will wear breakaway clothing whenever risking capture. It will facilitate escape if I am grabbed, and it will distract the captor (but not me) for those crucial seconds it will take me to either escape or steal his weapon.

19. I will wear form-fitting clothes rather than flowing gowns: they're just as, if not more, flattering and are less likely to snag on something or catch fire at the moment of triumph or escape.

20. If I require my Hag or Crone to poison someone, I will require the poison be quick and deadly rather than a mere sleep aid.

21. My Amazon Hordes will either be dyed-in-the-wool lesbians or have a nice pool of suitable comely men of their liking at home.

22. My Amazon Hordes will wear full body armor, rather than three small triangles of chain mail, which are reserved for dress occasions.

23. The infantry of my Amazon Hordes will use advanced tactics such as the phalanx and employ sophisticated weapons such as the 10' pike when closing with the enemy, but only after their archers have emptied their quivers from 200 yards away.

24. I will reevaluate any job that requires manipulating a man in my thrall. Chances are one of my Amazons could do the job with less risk.

25. Male Sidekicks are almost always corruptible with a wink and a nod, or charmable by a simple spell or potion, at least until the crucial encounter with the Hero, at which time they should be safely entombed somewhere far from the action.

26. The effort of turning female or gay sidekicks generally makes killing them the least bothersome tactic.

27. If I married into the title of Evil Empress, I will let my Overlord take the flak for the Empire's evil actions and ingratiate myself to the people with my kindness.

28. If I married into the title of Evil Empress under duress then my very first order of business must be the disposal of the Evil Overlord, since he must already know he can't possibly trust me as far as he can throw me.

29. If I married into the title of Evil Empress under duress, then using the Hero to free me of the Overlord does not obligate me to abdicate my throne.

30. If I am competing with other Overlords, Empresses and High Priests for ultimate domination, I will assume they have access to this and other lists and the brains to listen to them.

31. I will not try to turn a son (even mine) against his father, no matter how estranged they are. Blood relatives can be annoyingly sentimental.

32. I will neither repress my Beautiful but Wicked Daughter nor smother my Handsome but Evil Son. It's hard enough raising a ruling family these days without extra dysfunctional baggage. No one wants disgruntled offspring suddenly seeing the light and turning Good just because Mummy gave them an unhappy childhood.

33. Unless immortality comes with Absolute Power, I'd better be grooming my Evil Offspring to take the reins someday. It's better to carefully feed their growing lust for power by gradually increasing Imperial responsibilities than have them plotting my untimely demise.

34. If I am unfortunate enough to have a Beautiful but Innocent Daughter, as opposed to a Beautiful but Wicked Daughter, I will unconditionally love and nurture her, and be as supportive as possible of any budding romantic relationship with potential young Heroes. This will a) delay Heroic action while I study his strengths and weaknesses, b) cause emotional conflicts within the Hero that will encourage fatal hesitations or mistakes, c) provide another chance for my daughter to see things my way before I'm forced to eliminate her.

35. I will not mistreat, abuse, or plot elaborately to kill my Beautiful Yet Innocent Stepdaughter -- she's destined for something, count on it. Instead I will treat her with all the kindness and love possible while slowly reshaping her in my image.

36. However insatiable my appetites are, it is virtually guaranteed that at least one of my millions of subjects is both far more gifted at satisfying them and far more loyal to me than the Hero who seeks my destruction, no matter his reputation with the ladies.

37. My personal servants will be professional bodyguards and assassins, but will dress and behave as eunuchs and maidservants. Even if I dismiss my regular guards for a "private audience" with the Hero, these personal servants (just so much furniture after all, right?) will remain in my chambers.

38. Any bodyguard who cannot maintain concentration and discipline in my boudoir will be eliminated immediately by the others.

39. I will learn the various arts of self defense and not rely solely on muscular minions to protect me.

40. The appearance of weakness can be as useful as the appearance of strength. I will exploit the double standard for all it's worth.

41. If I must enlist the powers of the netherworlds I will first bone up on contract law. My own soul, mind, and/or (especially) body will never be negotiable.

42. If I get the bright idea to seduce a powerful yet malevolent being into becoming an ally, the actual seduction can be handled by my body double. Exotic anatomies are not to become a factor.

43. My Radiant Amulet of Power will not be worn around my neck on a thin gold chain, or on a ring that is two sizes too big for my finger. If a line of sight is required for operation, then a good strong locking watchband will do. If the amulet need not be exposed, as Empress I have far more secure hiding places at my immediate disposal -- and to hell with the glow.

44. Men already enthralled by my Feminine Wiles will just as easily take my orders when radioed from my fortress as in person on the front lines.

45. I will keep my hair under control and my fingernails trimmed. Long, loose hair is much too convenient a handle for the Hero, Sidekick or Backstabbing Evil Ally. Trimmed fingernails let me press The Button myself.

46. I will identify any phobias or nervous habits I have and undergo therapy until I can overcome them. It would be Just Too Vexing to be chased from the scene of my Ultimate Triumph because someone dropped a snake from the air vent.

47. If the seeds of discontent look ready to bloom into open rebellion, I will hire a top PR firm to create the public image that I am 1) only a figurehead and that all power really resides in the Prime Minister; 2) misunderstood; or 3) only a woman who's getting bad advice from her Council. Choices 1) and 3) give me the option to keep my head if my side is defeated by the Hero -- and leave the possibility of a sequel.

48. The internet is my friend. Using body doubles, I can inspire loyalty with www.EvilEmpress.boudoir. live.com, fear with www.EvilEmpress.pit-of-despair.live.com, and utter slavish obedience with www.EvilEmpress.strict-discipline.live.com. I can also sell t-shirts and other Evil Empress [tm] merchandise.

49. If there is any conceivable thing the sight of which can melt me into mawkish sentimentality, I will wear sunglasses designed to make it look like a Chia Pet.

50. If the Hero has an evil twin, the twin will probably make a far more suitable Love-Happy Stooge. Keeping this in mind, I will beware of advisors who might have a Non-Evil twin.

51. Magic Girls, no matter how frilly their dresses, high their screams, or incompetent their sidekicks, will be treated as the credible and dire threats they are, and I will direct as many, if not more resources to their destruction as I would for a more classical Hero.

Notes on Fortress Construction:

52. Start with a sound building. Broken windows and decrepit construction may be picturesque, but a computerized operation can't tolerate the inevitable dust, bugs, and rain; and besides, they're hell on your heating and cooling bills.

53. Instead of building a huge flashy Fortress of Evil, consider renting an anonymous warehouse, an empty office block, or a strip mall or industrial park that's fallen on hard times. It'll save money, be harder to spot, and will already have utility hookups.

54. Also consider filling unneeded space in your lab with incomprehensible but powerful-looking surplus computer equipment -- superannuated vaxen and the like, bought cheap -- to keep your minions properly cowed.

55. A stock of mysterious old equipment is also useful for chasing off intruders. Studies have shown that most secret agents will flee as soon as a few large and imposing items begin to emit sparks and smoke. An additional "it's about to blow" warning siren will cause more than 90% of international counterintelligence agents to run out the nearest exit without checking to see whether the smoking equipment is part of the evil plot they were trying to foil.

56. Self-destruct mechanisms should only be triggerable from the heart of your device/ship/fortress, and should implode from the outside rather than explode from the inside.

57. Your Command Center should have a heavily guarded room at the bottom of a 100-story subterranean shaft that contains a sophisticated bus-sized computer with a fake encoded plan, no external links, and no real function whatsoever. The real command center will be a satellite-linked laptop on a card-table with a folding chair, near the top of the elevator shaft, behind a door marked 'standpipe valves' that's accessible through the unlocked janitor's closet.

58. In an unobtrusive spot outside your fortress, plant a remotely-controlled boom box with a tape recording of a sports car speeding away. If the hero breaks in, just step into a broom closet, cue the boom box, and wait calmly while he goes off on a wild goose chase. Then come out and get back to work.

59. If possible, no exhaust ports should lead directly to the heart of the reactor core. If that is unavoidable, all such exhaust ports should have closeable reinforced blast doors at every other level, and alternate routes of venting in case of emergency.

60. Your computer systems should have uninterruptable power supplies, and your circuitry should use breakers or fuses with the appropriate tolerances.

61. Make a careful study of whatever documentation comes with your decorative old computer junk. Learn to imitate its style. That way, even if you foolishly succumb to the temptation to tell the hero the details of your plan, he won't understand a word of it.

62. It should never be necessary to store explosive materials and/or fuel anywhere near your central control or commuter complex. If for some reason this happens anyway, they should not be in the same room as your central computer. They should be in a concrete bunker protected by blast doors and fire prevention systems. The same goes for the vats of toxic waste, acids, and super-cold liquids.

63. All non-instantaneous deathtraps (drowning pools, trash compactors, gas chambers, etc.) should be isolated from the communications and power grids.

64. It's wise to assume that deathtrap manufacturers' brochures base their Estimated Time to Kill (ETK) on tests using non-heroes, and test only the minimum ETK. Therefore, Heroes trapped in a non-instantaneous deathtrap should remain there a minimum of several times longer than its ETK, and even then should be treated as potentially dangerous until any remains are incinerated.

65. All deathtraps will have only one way in or out. Any way out should lead to an even more cunning and fast-working deathtrap.

66. Remember: No amount of decorating finesse makes up for the lack of an overwhelming aura of evil.

Notes Regarding Ultimate Weapons/Spells

67. I will never attend an auction of an Ultimate Weapon. If it's truly as good as advertised, the auctioneer would already be the Evil Overlord.

68. Any Ultimate Weapon that requires assembly of five components scattered to the four corners of the earth can be made in my private laboratory with three times the security in probably half the time.

69. Any Ultimate Weapon that was disassembled in the distant past and its components scattered to nearly inaccessible niches across the globe could not have been that great in the first place, or else it would never have been disassembled.

70. If my Ultimate Incantation or Supreme Summoning leaves me weak and vulnerable from the expenditure of energy, I will only undertake it deep in the center of my fortress, and get plenty of sleep before applying the results.

71. There is a reason why the spell book of the last Evil Empress is available to me. If I came into possession of it through any means that involved defeat of its power, I will use it as a doorstop only.

72. Instead of going to the trouble and risk of stealing a 200 MT nuclear device and ransoming a city for the billions of dollars I'll need for my Ultimate Diabolical Plan, I'll simply open a evangelical teleministry. That way I also get a bonus Fanatic Legion that will obey my every command, should I ever need such a thing.

73. If I come into possession of, or manage to assemble the Ultimate Weapon, I will immediately use it at full power in direct pursuit of my goal of world domination. No warning shots across the bow, No "This is only a fraction of my weapon's potential!" grandstanding.

74. I will also refrain from using the Ultimate Weapon for simply offing the Hero. If it's really the UW, the Hero's efforts will come to naught anyway.

75. No Ultimate Incantation that requires sacrifice of a Virgin is worth the trouble of a) securing such a rarity and b) relying on a quality so easily cured by an amorous Hero or Heroine in a few minutes' stolen time.

76. If my superweapon can be controlled by computers or other electronic/electrical means, then there is no need for there to be only one set of controls right next to the main power source. A fake set, directly connected to a multi-amp circuit, will occupy this location.

77. While it may be tempting to use an Ultimate Weapon or Spell with a rare, almost impossible to exploit, Tiny Flaw to accomplish my goals, if many Penultimate Weapons or Spells with no such flaw can achieve the same effect, I will employ them instead.

78. I will not use area-effect, mind-altering spells as a long-term solution to civil unrest, because (a.) They wear off, or the subjects gain or breed immunity, and the population I made to love me will inevitably hate me; and (b.) Outsiders not susceptible to the initial spell will quickly become suspicious, and try to Do Something about my subjects' mindless happiness.

Miscellaneous Evil Resolutions

79. My planned assault on the rebel base will take place after my assault on the rebel base.

80. If my objective is world domination, I will not be tempted by tantalizing opportunities for absolute power, which invariably backfire. If my objective is absolute power, I will consider settling for world domination.

81. I will never enter into an alliance if I am not sure I can betray it if necessary. I will always assume my new allies observe this same condition.

82. When it is time to unite all the diverse underworld organizations into a single cohesive crime syndicate, the meeting with all my fellow under-bosses will not feature the elimination of the vociferous objectors and intimidation of the rest. It will feature the deputization of the most powerful that I can control easily and the elimination of the rest.

83. If I can't execute the Hero immediately, I can take the time to completely -- and I mean no finger, toe, or tongue wiggling -- immobilize him. A couple of rolls of Saran-Wrap plus some judicious cordage will do fine.

84. One of my close advisors will be a prolific hack novelist. If my plan matches or mimics any of his plots, it will be summarily rejected.

85. I've murdered tens of thousands in cold blood. If I can't ice the sad-eyed puppy too, I don't deserve the job.

86. If I must fight hand to hand, no matter how I outclass my opponent in skill and finesse, I will fight dirty and get the job done as quickly as possible.

87. Total commitment is essential. If I discover that I have not truly and completely gone over to the Dark Side, I will immediately suspend all world-domination efforts until that last morsel of Goodness can be expunged.

88. Planting a tracking device on the Hero doesn't mean I shouldn't also use other means to track him.

89. The "safety" switch on my personal blaster and laser sword will in fact be a "reverse" or "overload" switch.

90. If I cannot take the time to create and remember a nonsensical 12 digit password with numbers, symbols, and alternate cases, I might well keep my Ultimate Plan in an ASCII file on my desktop.

91. If my Evil Offspring is corrupted by the forces of Good, I will not try to attempt to bring him back to the Dark Side. I will give him up as a lost cause, eliminate him if he goes against me, and find a suitable Evil protege somewhere else.

92. I will always keep a few Useless but Loyal Advisors on the payroll and in proximity, both to help my enemies underestimate me, and to provide a few extra bodies between the enemy and myself should my defenses be penetrated.

93. I will exploit my subjects, but not to the point of destitution, decrepitude, or desperation. I'm Evil, not Stupid.

94. If reputable prophecy dictates that I will be defeated or killed by a certain person or event, I will not waste time trying to eliminate him or prevent it. I will enjoy my power for all it's worth, as long as I can, and meanwhile devote reasonable energy to a search for new prophecy that will get me out of the first one.

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