06 November, 2006

Men, food, and winter gloves

I was starting to write notes for my first manga blog review of Paradise Kiss (which is a shoujo, and oddly enough, my favourite thus far) when a member of the opposite sex approached me and claimed I was "fun on a bun." (Don't ask me the context of this conversation- it wasn't dirty, it just was). This got me riled up. Men and food... it is something I will never understand! Never! It pisses me off so much! My boyfriend, the great lover of food that he is, stayed up the whole fucking night with me once, and the whole time we could've been having steamy phone sex, we spent it talking about food, different kinds of food, how to serve this kind of food, where to get it, how hard it is to find the ingredients... shit, I could do go on forever! We talked for 4 fucking hours about food!!! After that, he had to leave to get something to eat... something about talking about food makes him hungry. *sighs*

What is it about food that make the male species abandon their libido? Everytime he starts to talk about food, I want to shove something long, hard and coarse up his ass. To be fair though, food on your partner while they're naked is hot. Yummy. However, just straight talk about food and so on, is worse than taking World Religions with my History teacher (I barely passed it). I think if he had to REALLY choose, it'd be the stupid ("It's not stupid! It's HAM! Black forest ham!") sandwich over me. *mumbles*

And now how does winter gloves tie into this? Well, it doesn't. I just hate gloves. You can't do ANYTHING when you have them on. You can't button/zip up your coat, you can't get out your keys, you can't FEEL anything, so you don't realize if you've dropped your keys out of your pocket or anything like that. I'm especially paranoid of losing things, since I have in the past and don't intend on losing things so easily anymore. I especially hate how POINTLESS they are. They DON'T keep me warm at all. You see, one day on my way to work, it was raining and VERY windy. I had sworn to myself I would buy gloves so my fingers would have to never experience that again while holding an umbrella on a windy, rainy day. They were black, very cute, with a faux-fur trim on the edges and real leather and they cost me $20.52 (so much for a store discount!). I wore it on a cold night and when I went home, my fingers were barely alive. I hate gloves more than ever now.

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