10 April, 2004

Live Long and Prosper, Gunbuster

[22:17] <@Gunbuster> Stardate 056.4
[22:17] <@GluLm> hehehe
[22:17] > no way lol
[22:17] <@Gunbuster> Acting Captain Lt. Cmdr. Gunbuster
[22:17] <%Chiiiii> what stardate
[22:17] <@Gunbuster> His voyage
[22:17] <@Gunbuster> Through the land of Hentai
[22:17] <@Gunbuster> Where no man
[22:17] <@Gunbuster> Or woman
[22:17] <@Gunbuster> Has gone before
[22:17] * Gunbuster cue's intergalatic space music
[22:17] <@GluLm> lmao
[22:17] > hahaha
[22:17] > you are blogged my man

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