21 August, 2007

Simpsons and Gun Control

Homer is looking at the guns. He picks up an unloaded handgun, points it at the clerk, and pulls the trigger several times.
CLERK: Whoa! Careful there, Annie Oakley.
HOMER: I don't have to be careful, I got a gun.
The clerk takes the gun, then holds up several items in succession.
CLERK: Well, you'll probably want the accessory kit. Holster...
HOMER: Oh, yeah.
CLERK: Bandoleer.
HOMER: Baby.
CLERK: Silencer.
HOMER: Mm-hmm.
CLERK: Loudener.
HOMER: Oh...
CLERK: Speed-cocker.
HOMER: Ooh, I like the sound of that!
CLERK: (holding up a huge weapon) And this is for shooting down police helicopters.
HOMER: Oh, I don't need anything like that... yet

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