30 September, 2004

Top Ten Best things about sex with the dead (not sorted by gender).

[02:25] <@DaemonFae9> 10. The dead never have a headache
[02:25] <@DaemonFae9> 9. A dead chick always swallows
[02:25] <@DaemonFae9> 8. A dead chick doesn't mind sleeping in the wet spot
[02:25] <@DaemonFae9> 7. After a few days, a dead dude never gets soft
[02:25] <@DaemonFae9> 6. A dead chick is never on the rag. (Or maybe they always are, I'm not sure)
[02:25] <@DaemonFae9> 5. The dead never finish first
[02:25] <@DaemonFae9> 4. The dead never say "Is it in yet?" "You mean that's it?" or "Watch the teeth!"
[02:25] <@DaemonFae9> 3. The dead don't mind a golden shower, cameras or bondage
[02:25] <@DaemonFae9> 2. After a coupla weeks, you can ditch the lubricant
[02:25] <@DaemonFae9> ...and the number one thing about sex with the dead (not sorted by gender)...
[02:25] <@DaemonFae9> 1. Sometimes after sex you get the munchies

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