25 August, 2004

N00b's Guide to IRC

Words to use

l33t - someone who is "cool" elite (IRC geek)
1337 - as above
n00b - anyone who is not you, just a person who doesnt know this stuff
lam0r - same as above
ph33r - fear
meh - me
j00 - you
pr0n - porn
cnut - cunt

Abbreviation type things

wtf - what the fuck
jk - just kidding
stfu - shut the fuck up
lol - laugh out loud
rofl - rolling on the floor laughing
roflmao - rolling on the floor laughing my ass off
afaik - as far as i know
afk - away from keyboard
pld - played
fs - fuck sake
ffs - for fuck sake
brb - be right back
bbl - be back later
bbias - be back in a second
:) - smile
:-) - another smile
=) - another smile
;) - winky face
;-) - another one
:D - a bigger smile
:-D - another bigger smile
=D - and another one
:P - tongue sticking out
:-P - and again
=P - and yet again
fubar - fucked up beyond all recognition
rl - real life
lo - hello
ppl - people
atm - at the moment
imho - in my honest/humble opinion
np - no problem
omg - oh my god
nn - night night

Misc stuff

Ok now that we have all that taken care of you hate micro$oft and all its products. Its okay that you have the operating system coz all your games etc work on it but you still hate it and must complain about this on a weekly basis. Start sentences with fs this os sux! and god damn shitty microshite. Pretty soon you'll be thinking of your own sentences to use ;-)

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