30 September, 2004

bull's balls joke

A guy goes to Spain for business trip and goes to watch the famous bullfight and afterwards was recommended restaurant right next to the arena. He saw someone served a plate of two large juicy meatballs and asked the waiter, what are those? the waiter says, That's the balls of the main event at the arena today, only 1 dish of it each day. So he goes back to the restaurant the next day, trying to get it, but it was ordered by someone else again, and it repeated until the last day of his business trip, when he thought he's GOTTA have those balls! so he went to the restaurant as it opened, and sat down and had the waiter notify him when the bullfight ends. And when he was notified, he orders it right away. But when he was served the meatballs, they were tiny...He was furious!!! What the heck is this customer service!!!! The waiter says, "The matador doesn't always win...."

Thanks to TestDummy for it

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